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Harrison last won the day on October 20 2013

Harrison had the most liked content!

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  1. Yep, same reason I ban Lee, don't want my team mates on him and he' annoying to play against
  2. Clearing a wave from cross map was so annoying to play against D:
  3. Harrison

    Far Cry 4

    I was excited for this game then I remembered uPlay, tempted to not get it now,
  4. From gameplay I've been watching he looks incredibly fun to play.. cant' wait!
  5. It was a stupidly broken CD, needed a nerf, gj riot
  6. Vayne buffs are nice :^)
  7. Shits incredible, really well done!
  8. Harrison

    Planetside 2

    Just downloaded, gonna give it a whirl
  9. I've had a little go on some servers, seems pretty fun
  10. I still watch a lot of DayZ streams but I haven't had a proper session of it in like 4 months, do want to pick it back up though.
  11. I'll have to check that out!
  12. gonna pick up Arma III tomorrow, hope it goes down once more!
  13. Might buy Arma III, not 100% sure yet
  14. As an investment, yes.
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