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SavageDavo last won the day on December 26 2021

SavageDavo had the most liked content!


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  1. Thanks dude 😊😊
  2. Thank you! 😊
  3. Im not sure if it is or not 😶😶
  4. I still need to play The Witcher. Iv heard so many good things about it! At the moment my go to games are Rocket League, Halo Infinite, Tetris Connected, Wreckfest, anything on Rare Replay, Battlefield and a few others on different consoles 😊 Whoa thats a long message.. whoooops lol
  5. Sounds fantastic! What are you playing at the moment? 😊😊
  6. Thanks! Hope your doing good man!
  7. Thanks dude, means alot. Cals my future brother in law so i have to be patient 😂😂 looking forward to some gaming soon!
  8. Hey! I play a bit of everything. I haven't played the souls games yet, only had the fortunate viewing of other people struggling to win and break several controllers too haha 😟😟 wana game sometime? 😊😊
  9. Thanks! I used to be PlayStation until Xbox brought out Gears and that instantly swung me the other way lol. Crossplay can be food especially with discord so people can communicate!
  10. Hey! Happy Christmas! What all do you play? 😊
  11. Hey! Thanks for your message 🙂 i also play fifa and other games too! Want to be friends and play sometime?
  12. Hey everyone, im new to this. I was recommended by my friend Cal to join this forum to find other players like me. I play xbox on multiple genres of games like Rocket League, Battlefield, Halo, etc. Looking forward to getting to know everyone and playing some serious games!
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