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Everything posted by crispymorgan

  1. Needs petrol. You can get it from cars (using a wrench) or you can dig and find oil shale. Now we have an Auger (massive drill) we can go nuts underground. We have loads of fuel no, and keep it in a snazzy petrol pump (in the kitchen). I'll get some pics and do a tour of our underground lair.
  2. Got a couple of hours in last night. We now all have a chainsaw. Carry this with you at all times people, there are a greater number of feral zombies, and this is a super effective way of killing them. There are 2 augers, although 1 is a bit naff, it'll need upgrading at some point. Damn these things are fun! Did a few treasure maps last night so plenty of funds. I've placed a pink box on the ceiling, place in that anything we can sell (tools tnt etc) I'll do regular runs to the 3 traders. Need to start building up and out!
  3. I'm currently using origin story. I've played 2 games in crucible, and won both, so by those statistics, its the best gun EVER.
  4. ooh I've been waiting for this.
  5. Had a multiple screemer incident in the pit. I can see that thin concrete bar getting taken out pretty quickly without some serious reinforcement. Also got clobbered by a zombie inside the base. What are the rules on zombie spawning? is it light based like minecraft?
  6. Had fun with my new crossbow and steel bolts. Took down a massive walking horde. I did do a bit of digging the other night, but it seems to have reverted. Possibly due to the server having a wobble, nevermind. We need to finish off the pit that surrounds us so we can start spending evenings shooting zombies, instead of hiding. I'm also keen to finish off my tunnel to the building. Looks like the zombies have wrecked the lower floor, but it will be fun to put high walkways that they fall off.
  7. I left a few things back at the old house so went back to pick them up and spend the night. Jesus H. Christ. There is a hole. I got the shock of my life when I went in the house and had to kill a boat load of zombies. Thought I'd cleared them out, but then got set on by another. With my last breath I managed to unload full sniper clip and bandage myself up. Crispy 5 - Zombies 0. I found a treasure chest, managed tog get some gold and silver nuggets. Sold a few and bought a good stash of bullets. Done a fair bit of digging underground, mostly just to level up my mining so I can get my Miner 69er full. Would be great to see more people on! There's lots to do Will probably have another session tonight. Nice to have a game that is basically chill, but with the odd high tensions nights thrown in for good measure.
  8. It's a standard controller. I have 2, and both do it.
  9. Mildly amusing! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/technology-41336424/hidden-golf-game-found-on-nintendo-switch
  10. Ohh nice. going to pick mine up early so I can at least try the raid. Well done guys, have a cookie.
  11. So for the past few weeks I've had issues with my controller. It first started when it randomly disconnected about 3 times in a row. Since then I was using the headset plugged into the controller and the audio/chat was cutting out. Also I get delayed response from inputs and then it takes longer than it should to release the direction/button press. A quick google suggests this is quite a common issue. I'm going to do a bit more investigation, just wondering if anyone else has had issues. I'm blaming all my overwatch losses on this issue by the way.
  12. awesome sauce. well done.
  13. until

    @Diddums make it happen bro
  14. I heard that if you finish a public event quickly, fast travel to the location you are at there is a chance you can catch the tail end of another instance of the same public event.
  15. I will collect a list of names yet to run the raid. Ideally all first timers. Then will set about getting us all raid ready. Via the FG App
  16. I want the same drugs you have Lee. 8pm raid finishing for 10pm having literally no clue how to doe it! Awesome. Wish I could join in, but I'm not raid ready, might try a nightfall.
  17. I had so much fun on the last of Rich's maps before moving to the server. This server has been a grind. Death after death limping from one meal to the next. I think we should send out a scouting party.
  18. The reason I *do* do digital is because they are effectively half priced because Alex and I can play the same game at the same time.
  19. Fuck you with your logic! Via the FG App
  20. I'm thinking I could go to the tower and take 5 people, line them up on the steps to take the picture, at this point, NOBODY MOVES! Next get 2-3 to leave form the left hand side, leaving the next set of people to line up against and give me an easy stitch point. This method relies on everyone being available at the same time.
  21. I want to do a group picture. I'm thinking of starting a fireteam, and have people join then leave in turn, keeping screen shots and merge them together.
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