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Everything posted by PrivateParts_93

  1. I've fucking caved and pre ordered it ... Fuck my life hahaha
  2. I cannot wait for this , I've always stood by the battlefield franchise and after the last one bit me I am really hoping for a return to form
  3. Hello again! My beautiful FG family, I've gone through a bit of a tumultuous time and took a step back/break from gaming and subsequently FG . I am finally back in a good mental space so I've returned. For those who don't know me (or don't remember... 😅) I am Stephen from Ireland, I have 2 kids one of them with Autism and I play on PS5 . When I get the chance I play helldivers , COD , Fifa and Battlefield. I am looking to get into Hell let loose and Vigor if anyone is up for it .
  4. The news of this coming definitely gave me the warm fuzzies. I absolutely adored this game way back when . It's going to be beautiful
  5. It's heartbreaking when you already have the PS plus games 😢 they all seem to be complete garbage lately
  6. Is anyone looking forward to Blops 6 ? I'm well and truly on the fence haha . I'll definitely cave and get it but that's not what the topic is about Cal I have MW3 reinstalled if that helps 🤷‍♂️😂😂
  7. I never stopped playing 😂😂 It's still is a blast however i am looking forward to seeing the patch in action
  8. Is that the Directors cut ? 50 quid on the PS store
  9. I would absolutely say so 😂 What i need to know is why is the base game so expensive 😢
  10. I have been watching an old Nova stream of it and I have honestly not seen a better looking game . Definitely my next purchase whenever i get the funds up . I tried playing Legends but couldn't get a game 🤷‍♂️
  11. Oh an absolute chode
  12. Its one thing to be shit at Call Of Duty ... its another thing entirely to be a cheater and still shit ... 😂 Anyway Battlefield 2042 is still good
  13. Welcome 🙋‍♂️
    Its just how my grandpappy described
  14. 😂😂😂 cheers mate , I'm Ste (the other irish person) Cal is my cousin 😂 my poor PS4 suffered to capture those clips 😢 sounds like a jet engine I am hoping that people give it another chance but probably not until new content is out . I've nearly maxed out all the guns even the shite ones 🙄 but Battlefield moments keep me coming back for more
  15. Take what you need from it man ❤ 😂😂😂 Although if we are rebranding we may want to brainstorm for a different name 😂😂
  16. Howdy ! Welcome to the group, always great to see more parents who feel the time struggle 😅😅
  17. So anyone else play after the patch came through? It feels oddly better, more stable. I noticed no jitters when running or parachuting.. i think they are actually fixing the game lads 🥳
  18. Love it ! I will absolutely partake once i get my shit together 😅😅😅 GGFG
  19. Finally a faithful adaptation, Loved this dude as Hawk in titans so had an idea he'd fill the books version of Reacher Can't wait for season 2 already
  20. So has anyone (or how many of you) succumbed to rage yet ? 😂 I am interested in this one but I am willing to wait until its on sale 😁
    Clean 👏👏 Good game man, It almost made me want to get Cold war .... almost 😅
    Nice video man ❤ Keep them coming
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