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  1. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to techno in One For The Woken   
    Have to say I agree about the name calling, I hate the terms woke and snowflake and as I use Twitter a fair bit you see it all the time and "debates " go nowhere the better conversations, when they come are the ones where we maybe on opposite sides of the argument but end amicably. 
    Now we all want to live in a better world have a nicer future now wether that is even possible maybe a better question but it certainly won't happen if all we do is argue and fight and stick our heals in the ground, too much these days seems to be this side or that, binary thinking nobody is allowed to consider the grey areas in-between.
    One could almost call it common sense or a compromise🤔
  2. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to GazzaGarratt in One For The Woken   
    Understandable. Even though I would say we're still small, we are a large tight-knit group and no one wants to fall out, conflict is a real waste of energy these days.
    However, good debates and discussions should always be had, thats what places like this are for. Its just extremely difficult if any person at any moment takes something personally when all/most here don't say stuff to antagonise anyone. Speakers Corner worked once in the past, and possibly could again, but the main issue for me is Moderation. We very rarely do that here and lucky not to. However, even when you politely get threads back to OP discussions, you'll still find someone immediately gets angered, which shouldn't be the case. Also not sure I have the energy to help stick my head in when something gets out of hand in that 😅
    Sorry, slightly derailed the convo above! But thought as we haven't mentioned much about politics type threads in ages, I thought I'd let you know where I stand. I'd love to learn more from you all and be educated by good debates here. At the same time it could prove more trouble than its worth. I've still not been stopping them as they come up every so often though.
    Lastly, I wish everyone could type as eloquently and debate like @phil bottle and @Plumbers Crack  above. Would make everything so much easier! After all, we do have Didds...😅
  3. Haha
    Lurchzy got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in One For The Woken   
    *User has changed their name to KayneLover69* 😂
  4. Thanks
    Lurchzy reacted to LordBaguette in One For The Woken   
    I follow and listen to this guy and Triggernometry, but I am not getting involved in any politicial discussions on here. We are all too different and from very different walks of life itll only end in tears and arguing
  5. Like
    Lurchzy got a reaction from LordBaguette in One For The Woken   
    Thought this was a gaming forum 😂
  6. Love
    Lurchzy got a reaction from jordie1892 in One For The Woken   
    Thought this was a gaming forum 😂
  7. Haha
    Lurchzy got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in One For The Woken   
    *User has changed their name to KayneLover69* 😂
  8. Haha
    Lurchzy got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in One For The Woken   
    Thought this was a gaming forum 😂
  9. Haha
    Lurchzy got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in One For The Woken   
    *User has changed their name to KayneLover69* 😂
  10. Haha
    Lurchzy got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in One For The Woken   
    Thought this was a gaming forum 😂
  11. Haha
    Lurchzy got a reaction from phil bottle in One For The Woken   
    *User has changed their name to KayneLover69* 😂
  12. Haha
    Lurchzy got a reaction from phil bottle in One For The Woken   
    Thought this was a gaming forum 😂
  13. Love
    Lurchzy reacted to GazzaGarratt in Another FG Raffle!:January 2023 FGFGF Giveaway   
    View this giveaway January 2023 FGFGF Giveaway
    A £10/$10 Game voucher of your choice!
    Choose either:
    Playstation Voucher Xbox Voucher Steam Voucher  
    Good Luck FGers!
    Submitter GazzaGarratt Expiration Date 14 days and 3 minutes Submitted 01/14/2023 Category Monthly FG Giveaways  
  14. Sad
    Lurchzy reacted to Tove in DMZ   
    So it looks like the bad spawns affect DMZ alongside MP
    Just looted a safe in shed in the quarry and had taken out all of the enemies nearby was collecting the loot replenishing my ammo and plates, then all of a sudden 3 Armoured AI spawned in the same room as me taking me without me even having a chance to barely get a shot off
  15. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to cyberninja2601 in DMZ   
    If you want lots of cash do the radioactive material ones which is around 10K per rod and the safes which are about $42. Safe can be tricky solo but there's a crap load of money in them.  Once contract is to get 3 safes and extract with $100K, another with $200k. 
  16. Like
    Lurchzy got a reaction from Riff Machine in DMZ   
    Sound fucking wicked mate! Nice one!
  17. Like
    Lurchzy got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Picture and Movie editing help   
    My best advice... Don't take photos on an angle or using default phone filters, and use a light box for pictures of products. (Try not to get your reflection in them either)
    If you need help with you website there are thousands of YouTube tutorials for WIX or whoever your using. That's what I tend to do!
    Good luck pal.
  18. Like
    Lurchzy got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in DMZ   
    Sound fucking wicked mate! Nice one!
  19. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to cyberninja2601 in DMZ   
    Went in today with a good squad which is rare and we Friended  another good squad which made us basically godly. We had a number of squads trying to hunt us because we were carrying something like 300K in cash.  It didn't work out for them. 3 vs 6 will get you wrecked. 
    We extracted by saving the hostage. Even the AI didn't stand a chance for change 🙂
  20. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to cyberninja2601 in Modern Warfare 2(022)   
    Why RPK? I know the gun is everywhere in DMZ, just curious as to why one over the other depending on game mode
    I tend to go in with the TAq-56 or AK-762 and pick up an RPK. Is your insured gun the RPK?
  21. Haha
    Lurchzy reacted to Luseth in Modern Warfare 2(022)   
    K/D is EVERYTHING!!!
    W/L is just for people who can't shoot straight so they feel better about themselves 😜
  22. Thanks
    Lurchzy reacted to GazzaGarratt in Modern Warfare 2(022)   
    Just quickly grabbing the screenshot so its easier for everyone to grab the attachments you need to make it a monster as per the video.
  23. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to IRaMPaGe in Modern Warfare 2(022)   
    Yeah the Raal is demonic for sure. Sounds brilliant as well, can hear it miles away it's that barbaric. 🙂
  24. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to Tove in Modern Warfare 2(022)   
    I love TheXclusiveAce's builds they are usually spot on. I haven't actually tried the RAAL MG yet though, my goto MG is the Icarus in MP or the RPK in DMZ, 
  25. Like
    Lurchzy got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Modern Warfare 2(022)   
    I will definitely give this a try!
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