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  1. Love
    Lurchzy reacted to GazzaGarratt for an article, FG Save The World? Nah...but actually maybe? Why not, eh?   
    Where to start? In fact, that's a good point in itself because I have no idea where the starting point is for 2024 now we're already in February! 😅 Life has seriously flown by from what I've experienced, even when it has certainly been busy (Yes, 'busy'. The common phrase we all fall into using most days...I have also been one of those victims 💀). With 2024 already well on its way and started it would be awesome to see the energy pumping back up again across the board.
    As you get older I've realised that my purpose in life is really to make others feel happy and that they have meaning too. Seems cheesy, like, really cheesy doesn't it. 🧀 But sod it, I don't care. And it matches what FG does and already has been doing for years and years.
    Depression, Loneliness, Illness, Loss, Sadness...I could go on. Think of all of the things you can you think of that aren't a great feeling to have in life, FG has been there in some way to help people with this. We should do more of it. We need to do more of it. Someone said to me recently you can't change the world...yeah, yeah, I know that. But I woke up today thinking, well is there any problem if we did give it a go? 😎
    So, rather than go on and on as I know you all love it when I do 😘 lets be far briefer than previous articles. All I ask is we make one promise together here at FG in 2024 - to put in as much effort as humanly possible making our FG Home alive and kicking more than it ever has been. No metrics, just pure effort.
    You'll quickly find you'll be helping more FGers than you realise just by sticking around, getting involved and thinking of others.
    GGFG ❤️🖤
  2. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to GazzaGarratt for an article, FG in 2023   
    Can I get away with Happy New Year still? 😅 We're still in January aren't we? (just!) HAPPY NEW YEAR FGERS! I sincerely hope you all had a wonderful Christmas time and had some well earned breaks from working to spend with the people you wantd to - or even just catching up on some much needed gametime.
    As you may have seen from the logo, we now enter our 100th year...sorry, 10th year of FG. Yes, TEN. In August this year we'd have had 10 amazing years of this place and I'm grateful we can celebrate with so many of here, new and old.
    So with that in mind, we've been busy doing a little refresh to FG that I hope you may like. I've listed what this article involves upfront so you can skip to the ones more interesting if you CBA to read this entire lovely epilogue 😉
    New Homepage Refresh
    New Ideas Feature
    New FGers Group
    New monthly FGFGF Raffle
    Steam Game Keys for FGers
    Display my Medals
    Embed Google Documents
    Created FG WhatsApp Community feature.
    Changed Default view of Forums to Table
    ReWrite URLs
    Removed Events/LFG from Forums
    RSVP Auto-Enabled for Events
    Cleaned up Members
    Cleaned up Pinned Topics
    Fixed Unread Content
    So lets get into whats new and updated!
    New Homepage Refresh
    A lick of paint is always handy, and what better way to do it with some snazzy moving Infographics. It also shows off how much stuff that we do together and thats not even all of it! I'd encourage you to go and search stuff across all those areas on the Homepage and join in the fun where possible.
    We also have a fantastic updated logo for this year, special thanks goes to @Greboth for his awesome skills in helping create what you can see at the top of our Home.

    Finally, there's a quick way to see what's the new and latest information on FG. The tabular format reminds everyone what's not only new on the FG Forums, but also whats new in Videos, and loads more. Underneath you can also find some historic viewed FG Content and it will be good to see what breaks into these Top 10s across 2023!
    New Ideas Feature
    Just because we've been going for so long doesn't mean we can't have new and fresh thoughts from everyone! If you have anything in mind for us to do, across any of the sections across FG, please shout it up here. From as little as a new forum section, to maybe something bigger like a tournament, a game server or some merch ideas - we just want to hear them all. Others can then like an idea and comment to help it gain traction too. >> IDEAS SECTION
    New FGers Group
    In order to support some new features, it was time we gave everyone that is in FG a lovely new group name so they can advantage of these features, including making you all look fancy with a new title. When you are a new Member of FG now, you start as a 'Member' and once you hit Apprentice Rank (Rank 3), you will be promoted automatically into the 'FGers' Group. As we all know you can increase your rank in multiple ways and not just by commenting on forum posts.
    New monthly FGFGF Raffle
    The Forever Gaming Feel Good Fund is going to continue its good work with everyone's donations through a monthly raffle for all FGers. Some months may differ in prizes but hopefully a nice way to give something back to everyone here. We'll be utilising the FGers Group new feature so no worries about anyone signing up and just being able to enter these ones. Keep a look out for when they go up 🙂  >> RAFFLES SECTION
    Steam Game Keys for FGers!
    A brand new feature to FG and yet another way to give something back to FGers. Once you have been promoted into the FGers Group, you will see under the Merch Store section a new area called Games. This is where we will add a bunch of steam keys whenever we buy and obtain them. Some games will just be one available, whereas others there could be multiple so more than one FGer can enjoy. You'll only be able to grab one code per person. This is a thank you to all FGers so grab a code when you genuinely want to give the game a go. We hope to add more each month, yet again all through the amazing support we all give to the FGFGF. The more donations we receive, the hope is we can add more and more as time goes by.  >> MERCH SECTION

    Display my Medals
    This next little addition is a nice shiny addition to all your profiles. If you're reading through the FG forums, you can show off 3 of your own medals and also see other people's medals too. Whilst set to show the latest 3 medals achieved you can update this to choose whatever 3 medals you want to show off! You can do this either via your profile on the Medals section or just clicking the medals when reading on the forums. It may even tempt others to grab a specific medal they haven't unlocked so far!

    Embed Google Documents
    A technical update which will hopefully help showing any stats in teh future if kept via Google Documents - or any other Google document for that matter! You need to ensure you select the 'XXXX to Web' link as per teh picture below for the link to work effectively.

    Created FG WhatsApp Community feature.
    Recently found a new feature on WhatsApp called Communities...so we now have one! Given it is still used to grab people to come online, just like the FG Discord, it brings together all the random groups i'm aware of with an Announcement channel at the top. This way, one message to update everyone in the Announcement channel can be done rather than multiplying updates to check something out on FG. As always, anyone is welcome and it will always be said that this place is the Home of FG, so we need to keep using this as much as possible rather than being the lazy ones sticking to separate groups.
    Changed Default view of Forums to Table
    Updated to show forums in more of a traditional way. You can still change the view to suit your needs via the option at the top of the Forums page.

    ReWrite URLs
    A technical update to help allow us to have better and quicker redirects if we share content from FG to other places.
    Removed Events/LFG from Forums
    Sub-forum no longer needed as we now are fully adopting the Events section to create online and IRL gatherings.
    RSVP Auto-Enabled for Events
    RSVP system will be set to 'ON' when anyone creates an event. This will help avoid Events getting accidentally created without the user selecting RSVP every time.
    Cleaned up Members
    We had years (and years!) of old bot members inflating the numbers so corrected all of this. Won't stop new bots but we'll try and keep on top of it moving forward.
    Cleaned up Pinned Topics
    Probably way overdue but finally done now. Had far too many Pinned topics in most sub-forums. Now we only have a handful to keep upto date info and activity right at the top.
    Fixed Unread Content
    A problem occurred at the start of 2022 where the 'Unread Content' stream which some of us use to read all of FG was broken and not showing any 2023 FG activity. This is now fixed so normal service resumed.
    And More TBC...
    Well we can't just stop there for 2023 can we? Theres lots more I think we can get ourselves motivated for, especially as its 10 years in August for us. Some stuff on the roadmap we know we'd already like to get over the line this year...
    10 Year Anniversary Plans
    Game Hubs Rework
    Releases / Game Patches
    Achievements and Medals 2.0
    Community Goals Relaunch
    Servers 2.0
    Pick Scores
    And much much more!
    I think I'll leave it there for all the info. Thanks for reading this far as its more than I realised when looking back! I really hope we can make this year an extra special one. Don't ever be a stranger. Being around FG, checking out cool stuff and checking in with people, even if you don't know them as much, is something all of us can at least do once this year, and you really could be making someone's day, month, year by doing just that. Lets help others understand why FG is the best place to be on the World Wide Webz.
    Would love to hear all your thoughts below! What do you think is the best update?

  3. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to GazzaGarratt for an article, Monday Night Football Match Report - 27th February 2023 - FGFC   
    What a ding dong of a FIFA evening last week was! An evenings of no draws on the menu, and games swinging either way to the end, a fantastic showing of FGFC skills to keep the team in Division 1. Luckily @Luseth and @James5497 had their shooting boots on which dragged us through the first 4 games with 2 wins and 8 goals. Even the Rodman MoneyShot from the regular corners we take was enough to make Never One quit the game early doors. It was also a welcome back to Connor @JamaicanSteve after missing a few MNFs and he made the perfect comeback with a sublime strike against the same team.
    Going from the sublime one game to the down right awful luck and football the next, where We Like to Fist 😅 comfortable performed said action against us, scoring 4 to no return. The highlight of the match coming more so from Tom's @LordBaguette antic's on the last IRL FG meet up than the lack of any fine football skills on the pitch. The battle was real through the night, after securting another 4-2 win against Tetaball FC, it was probably expected that the outside chance of Division 1 was on the cards until a swift 8 goals were put past the weakened FGFC defence across 2 losses.
    A resilient battling display kept FGFC in Division 1 though for yet another season with 2 wins coming against FC Mvtnga and Internazionade; the former of the two being pegged back from a 3-2 lead for FGFC to win grab 2 quick goals in 2 minutes in the last phase of the game to break the opposition hearts. As usual, a final game always seems to end up on a loss most weeks as fatigue hits in...with @James5497 having a very early bath trying to be too eager to get to sleep the ball, receiing a red card in the first half.
    Another hard fought evening with some great highlights as always! GGFG
    FGFC Squad players across the evening: @LordBaguette @Antpool84 @GazzaGarratt @Luseth @Ally  @JamaicanSteve @James5497 @Macca89 @Findmartin


  4. Thanks
    Lurchzy reacted to GazzaGarratt for an article, Monday Night Football Match Report - 13th February 2023 - FGFC   
    Another successful evening had with FGFC last Monday, even with harder opposition we seem to have coped well with the regular experience of Monday Night Football and the odd Super Sundays we've had across the past few years.
    An easy quit gave us an early winning start, followed by a tough 2-1 win against FC Yeazerr. We probably spent too much time talking when Macca realised that Madtekz was one of the previous number one teams in the Pro Clubs on a previous FIFA. In all honesty we seemed to play well but concede every time that had a shot so 4-1 was a tough loss to take but it spurred us on to bounce back immediately with another close win.
    Some battling performances breaking up the play by @Findmartin and @Antpool84 allowed FGFC to keep an unbeaten streak going that eventually reached 6 games; most needed when we were down to 10 men due to @LordBaguette losing ahead early doors to Phoenix Esports and they dug out a draw for FG. @jordie1892 became a resilient pivot-point for the team as we pushed on to gain 3 wins in a row near the end of the night whilst @James5497 @Luseth and @LordBaguette were having success up top.
    The 'FG money shot' was probably used way more than this night than previous; @Macca89 assisting once again from multiple corners to the pinpoint heading stats man @James5497, leaving them with 6 assists and 8 goals respectively.
    Final 2 games of the night happened off stream which was a shame as @Findmartin found his shooting boots, collecting a hat-trick for his efforts upfront. A very tidy win percentage of 58% to finish the night in Division 1 is something not be grumbled at.
    Mini highlights below as usual along with the stats.
  5. Love
    Lurchzy reacted to GazzaGarratt for an article, Monday Night Football Match Report - 6th February 2023 - FGFC   
    Another solid evening last week where FGFC had reached the dizzy heights of Division 3 earlier than expected, we now faced tough battles against opponents that would be pushing our current ProClubs players to their limits given most of us are still in the early levels looking for more Skill points along the way.
    FGFC's first game was clearing out the cobwebs from the week before, coming close with a few chances from the 3 up top @Luseth, @Ally  and @LordBaguette but somehow finding ourselves 4-0 down without playing that badly. Clearly taking chances was going to be something we needed to do to have any chance staying up or even pushing for another surprise promotion. It also doesn't help if @Macca89 forgets which player he is on the pitch...😅
    Whilst losing the first game, our shooting boots were back on for most of the night as we nicked 2 goals back in a 4-2 loss. What then followed was an unbeaten run of 8 games, including 5 wins; an incredible achievement with most of our Pros still in the low 80s. Some clean sheets had too, and it always helps when a team bossing us unfortunately had a bad connection at half time and couldn't carry on 😅😎
    Great to see @Ally  getting on the score and assist sheets this week as she's been close to getting some on previous weeks. A pearler of a volley on one of her crosses from 'Hamez Rodriguez @James5497 in an emphatic 4-0 win against I Cusentini. A bit of game management from Pat De Groyne @jordie1892 in the 91st minute against Unsrs FC would've meant 6 wins out of 8...but it was well worth the giggle seeing another epic FG fail.
    King Assistmaker @Macca89 had yet another fruitful night with 16 assists; only thing stopping him from 17 was some late trickery from Wacky Hair Queen Matty @Luseth, dazzling us with some fine red highlights this week. Promotion was eventually secured with a final game remaining to try and win Division 3 title. Fatigue had finally sunk in though in a 5-3 loss to Invictus CF.
    Can't argue with a 50% win loss ratio by the end of the evening. Some great highlights below captured once again.
    FGFC Squad players across the evening: @James5497 @LordBaguette @Ally  @Luseth @GazzaGarratt @Macca89 @jordie1892 @Antpool84 @Findmartin
    **Strange 4-5 second delay at 14secs but everything else is fine. Thats what you get sometimes with Twitch Highlights it seems!
  6. Love
    Lurchzy reacted to GazzaGarratt for an article, Monday Night Football Match Report - 30th January 2023 - FGFC   
    What a Monday Night Football. A huge night of games - 15 in total, which included many laughs and near misses, epic fails and glorious winning moments across the whole night. Not sure i've ever had to over 9 minutes of highlights but it was well worth it.
    An incredible start with free flowing football gave FGFC 3 wins on the bounce, with big Dennis Rodman @James5497 hitting the 'Money shots' or headers to be precise from @Macca89 Maccaroon's corners. Matty @Luseth was chipping in too from the right hand side, blinding the defence with his ridiculous fluorescent blue curly hair...and moustache. In fact, the scores could've been higher if some incredible flair shot went the other side of the post but where's the fun if you can't play some 'Overkick ball' with some sitters flying way over the bar.
    A little blip from some crazy games, one game somehow losing from a winning position, 6-4, the FIFA script was feeling like it was just around the corner waiting to inject some losses into the rest of the night. The team stayed resolute, especially after we found Martin @Findmartin later on at the back with Maccaroon playing a blinder at the Any role. @Ally was whipping dangerous balls in from the left and was unlucky not to get some assists as FGFC went on to rack up another 4 wins in a row. The last 2 games, scoring 14 goals across them. Teryiaki Sauce @Antpool84 put a killer display in CAM and Midfield alongside playermaker Pat De Groyne @jordie1892 with some incredible double X passes splitting the defences - and some Kung Fu Goals to add to the incredible scenes.
    Getting promoted on a subsequent Monday meant that FGFC starting to feel the skill level jump whilst the FIFA 23 Pros were still accumulating skill points and punching way above our weight. 4 end-to-end high scoring draws brought a super long evening of football to a close, not without a hilarious moment from Kilma Self @LordBaguette having an Eric Dier moment rushing to the toilet mid-game and forgetting he has 2 hands that can work independently at the critical moments (the highlights say it all below 😅).
    It really felt like MNF was back this week. Even @jordie1892 was falling for the top shelf Dad jokes.
  7. Love
    Lurchzy reacted to GazzaGarratt for an article, Monday Night Football Match Report - 4th April 2022 - FGFC   
    First match report for a while so here goes it!
    FGFC have managed to find our way back up the leagues to Division 3 after restarting to try and challenge ourselves to get all the trophies and medals. Luckily enough we don't disappoint and don't get anywhere near these accolades whilst we bemoan our FIFA Script luck. A night full liquorice allsorts, starting promising with a few quality displays @JamaicanSteve  Connor Chameleon doing his best to finish top goalscorer with 8 goals from his favoured CDMLWBLWCF position, the best one of the lot coming from his new 8ft 2" build that is a slow tank at Left Back, bursting through to score one of our winning goals.
    Early wins were followed by close losses, taking early leads only to be pegged back and concede goals out of nowhere (well, thats what the defence want you to think). At one stage @GazzaGarratt's pass completion rate for a single game was 3.4%. It was epitomised by a game dominated by FGFC, only to lose a goal on the break to 'Jareer Ball'. They soon went down to 10 men just after the hour and a barrage of shots came in; most notably by Torpedo Tony @TonyAE86  who was doing his best to recalibrate his goal compass and went close...eventually. A late run by No Pace James ended with a shot narrowly going wide but a penalty awarded as the player took him out just afterwards. After the penalty was converted, FG pushed hard for a winner, only for the ref to inexplicably blow up with Connor through and the keeper off his line by 40 yards. Script Life.
    One highlight was the incredible start against 'laddo FC', as they seemed to be mesmerised by the humungous long ball and the raw pace of Where's Martin @Findmartin  who then played a first time lobbed ball to Tom Cebious @LordBaguette , who quite frankly scored a goal to finally knock him out of his permanent depressive state for at least 2 minutes. FGFC then ended up losing the game 5-2 😄
    A few more yoyo-ing with good wins and devastating comebacks from the opposition gave us consolidation in Division 3 by the end of the night. Whilst we thought two bad defeats started the next season, FGFC ended up finishing on a high by destroying LGBTQ United (yes, that was their name) 7-1, a brace from both Tony and Connor.
    MNF Night Stats
    Top Goalscorer - 8 - @JamaicanSteve
    Top Assists - 6 - @Macca89
    Top Clean Sheets - 1 - @Findmartin  @GazzaGarratt
    Highlights below. Enjoy. 😄

  8. Like
    Lurchzy reacted to GazzaGarratt for an article, FG Achievements is finally Going Live!   
    Well, the day has finally come! 😅

    If you've wondered why i've been reasonably more quiet of late and not updating a few events, my PPR, etc its mainly because whilst my own work has been extremely manic since the back end of last year, kids schools and work on the house just needed to happen now rather than later unfortunately. Every moment i did have spare though, I've stuck it into this place and tried to create something that gives you all a nice fuzzy feeling when you come to FG moving foward (even though, you really should feel that way already 😎).
    So, enter the room, FG Achievements.
    As a reminder to all, the objective of Achievements (with Medals) is to help us all interact more and have fun with each other on FG, and on Games we all play - Resulting in all of us using more/all of the fun features that FG has that you might not have even explored yet.
    This FG Achievements system breaks down into the following parts; Ranks, Points and Medals.
    Shortly today/tomorrow, you will start to see that you will have an XP bar with your profile:

    The more you interact with FG, the better it is for your own personal FG Rank. You'll also be able to see all the ranks and how many you've got to unlock on your own profile.

    As a reminder of the FG Rank Badges shared on the previous article I did in January, are below. Each one will have a specific name with them that you can find out, when they're live:

    So, how do I get to rank up, Lee? Ah, thought you might ask that 😅. Pretty much nearly everything you do to interact with FG, will gain you points. Replied to someone's post? Rack up a point. Put up a video in the Video section? Grab 10 points. Vote on a Poll....or even someone voting on your Poll? Maybe even just logging in every day will get you something...👀
    Points totals aren't shown anywhere as the main objective with points is to see how you can get your next rank. You'll see from your XP Progress Bar how many points you have until your next FG Rank (see first picture above) so its a good way to know where you are in the world of FG!
    There is well over 200 different ways to grab points (and the following medals) so please do try and interact and get as much out of this system as you can!
    Every loves a shiny thing don't they? Well, to aid your task to reach the top of the hill at FG, I've created an absolute shed of Medals - in fact, there is the best part of 200 Medals for everyone to try and achieve. They are broken down into two parts - FG Website and FG Games.
    FG Website Medals will cover off all the following activity, and beyond:
    Posts Topics Events Videos Polls Visits Follows Reactions PPR Guides Merch Quizzes Articles Memberships 👀  
    FG Games Medals will initially cover 5 of our top games played in the community, however I want more added over time so will be asking for lots of feedback...and lots of help too!
    Destiny 2 FIFA 22 Gran Turismo 7 7 Days to Die Valheim  
    To help you understand what is available from a visual POV, I have created the following Infographics of all the medals so far. I will look to try and make a few more infographics along the way if people want to see what each medal gets you - I would encourage you all to take a look at people's profiles which may give you hints on how to obtain certain medals!! For Game specific ones, i'll create some form of Guide to help you all know what each one is, either in Guides or pinned in their forum section.
    Please remember, this is an initial launch - if we can hit the ground running and everyone is enjoying the fun out of obtaining Medals, then we will absolutely be creating more across the board for both FG and the specific games we all play
    Website Medals Infographics
    FG Games Medals Infographics
    Its a brand new, never done before FG System. We will have issues problems from time to time so please share your thoughts and help us make it better! When its first turned on, it may take upto a few days to register everything - it has to run through every single rule i've created for every single FGer. Hopefully you'll see your Medals grow over time! We may tweak the Ranks and their respective points targets after going live if we find they are imbalanced in some way. Most Rules for points will be retrospectively activated when Live. There may be rules we add at a later date that will only look forward (e.g some Quiz ones will be created soon but look forward, not backwards) unless I rebuild the system...which may mean you get 're-awarded' automatic points and medals you had. Games will not look backwards - this is to help give everyone a chance to focus on starting out how to get them all and create some buzz about bringing FGers together. Most Games Medals are manually awarded with the help of the FG Team here. I expect us all to start talking and sharing information about our escapades as FG online in all of our games. It helps bring to life what we're all achieving together and it speeds up the validation time to award Medals. I will NEED HELP with this. If you're interested in supporting the cause in helping, please let me know. Its about doing things here but also encouraging FGers to get involved across all aspects of what we do.  
    I really would love for you all to explore what we have available here. It's took me an absolute age to get it in a position to launch it as I wanted to give this the best chance of hitting the ground running. I'll set up a separate topic on the forums to capture any feedback and questions you may have about it all. We can then have separate topics where we can post up gaming updates to support the awarding of medals.
    Its a great thing to finally do something I've wanted for here for years. Its like our internal mini FG game, with lots of fun and interaction. Keep an eye out for when you start getting awarded points, medals and ranks - it may even be worth turning your browser notifications on (check your 'Bell' icon next to your profile and enable them!) so you can start seeing them pop up on your phone and other devices 😎
    The only thing left is for you all to enjoy!
  9. Love
    Lurchzy reacted to GazzaGarratt for an article, Monday Night Football Match Report - 1st Mar 2021   
    A night where the drum roll lasted longer than expected for FGFC to kick into a real gear this week. But once it did, it banged like never before.
    Season 56 was a real hard season to overcome, especially as we've noticed that it actually gets harder when we have a 10/11 players. However, it really adds to the excitement as is even more rewarding when the hard work pays off. For the first time that I can remember, FGFC got rolled over comfortably even the first 3 games. It wasn't just warm up nerves. The teams we came up against were on point and ripped our defence apart. At least we now know how Jurgen Klopp feels like when whatever he tries of late, it just wasn't working. Highlight though was Gary Goals @LordBaguette incredible skills in mini sparks of craziness which deserved a few goals after he beat 4-5 defenders in 2 separate occasions, but the goal just didn't want to come for Gary, much to the anger of @LordBaguette .
    Clearly alexobar felt sorry for us when they turned up against us after 3 losses in a row, so a quick quit gave us a lifeline whilst FGFC were struggling to pick the points up to remain in Division 3. Although h3ro team who also played with PSG, didn't feel pity and took a 1-0 lead early doors in our 5th game of the night. Trying to find inspiration, Sexual Chocolate @jordie1892  started shouting for throw-ins through his TV. It seemed to work, weirdly. In injury time a little inside ball to Maccanohairman @Macca89  from Rodman @Lurch  gave him the perfect opportunity for a trademark Macca curler into the far right corner.
    Riding our luck in the second half, a strange penalty given away by Sexual Chocolate was saved by AI Diddums kept us in it. Unfortunately the AI Diddums suicide-passed to @jordie1892  to give their forward a tap in. He then chipped a ball on 2 minutes later straight to their forward (again!) and could only parry his shot back to them who finished their second goal in 2 minutes to take a 3-1 lead. Dejected but not defeated the Forever Gaming passing started to flow. A lovely passing move so a rasping drive from Rodman get tipped over for a corner. We didn't let the momentum slip as the resulting corner was whipped over for our trademark FGFC corner with @Lurch  getting the header at the front post (2-3). Final balls were just getting dispossessed, tackles started to fly in as we could sense their nerves. An 87th minute attack saw the Assist King @Macca89  scoop the ball over the centre back's head for Gary Goals @LordBaguette  to belt the ball home for a 3-3 draw.
    Whilst the football juices were starting to flow, we just couldn't get the results we needed. That well fought 3-3 draw wasn't much reward and a 1-1 draw quickly followed. Long term absentee Henrik Larrson @Glen11  was back after injuring his left ball sack in a dog accident which left him missing numerous weeks. His return through the night meant we had 11 for the first time, so in good spirits Club Tropicana @GazzaGarratt took the job between the goalposts. It was a difficult job and some goals crept in which I was hoping wouldn't be the case but credit to the lads. A fantastic spirit saw FGFC fight back from 2-0 down to 2-2. After falling behind early in the second half, @Glen11  was back in form like he hadn't been away, with a quick equaliser and then @Macca89  started making the late goals a habit with an 88th minute winner. A valiant effort followed but we succumbed to a late winner which sentus down by the end of the night.
    We could've easily felt like the night got the better of us, but no one felt down and gave up. We were thirsty to keep the spirits high and really good football that started to show in the past few games. Division 4 started and everything clicked. 👊
    Early goals from Barlos @Findmartin , Larrson and Rodman gave FGFC a 3-1 lead at half time of the first game and the carnage continued into the second half with another 4 goals hammered in, with a beaty of a freekick nestled in the bunch of goals from no other than Maccanohairman himself. A few high score draws followed and as the night entered the final stages with people signing off for the night, Monday Night Football fireworks erupted, with an explosion of 17 goals across 3 games. The forward play was incredible, Sexual Chocolate getting 5 in one game and some direct teamplay as some usual defensive minded players switched up their positions to contribute towards the tally chart - most notably Stretch Armstong @Stretch616  notching a hattrick too. A little gutted that I didn't get any highlights from those games but I managed to get a highlight reel from with the goals from the 7-1 win that started off Division 4.
    Promotion back to Division 3 was secured, leaving a title game for another night. @jordie1892  finishing with 12 goals and the Assist King @Macca89  on top of the assists with 11. Great to see @Glen11  back and notching a trio of goals and assists in each column. A great night of football and laughs from the terrific twelve that turned up. GGFGFC
    @jordie1892  @Macca89  @Lurch  @JamaicanSteve  @Stretch616  @Glen11  @LordBaguette  @Findmartin  @GazzaGarratt @TonyAE86  @Antpool84  @tronic44

  10. Love
    Lurchzy reacted to GazzaGarratt for an article, Monday Night Football Match Report - 25th Jan 2021   
    Could we? I mean, how dare we? Try and stay in Division 2 and mount a challenge to the promised land? Nah, you're alright thanks 🤣
    An incredible start to the night had us thinking the impossible of keeping ourselves in the mighty Championship and then mounting a challenge to get up to Division 1 for the first time in our FGFC FIFA 21 existence. A mighty battle started with FG going 1-0 down after half an hour. The main contributing factor went to Torpedo Tony @TonyAE86  having lag, but not by the conventional issues we usually find. This time out it was the...Washing Machine. Yep, apparently all of the spins impact his WiFi speeds these days. Having said that though, we immediately sprung into life with a bullet from Gin Tronic @tronic44 at the near post.
    The positivity was growing, and with a goal from either side in a matter of minutes to make it 2-2, we found ourselves with a corner. Tony looking for our headshot king, Dennis Rodman @Lurch ...but we didn't expect the following at all.
    Mulletov @G_dub52  rounded off a 4-3 win in our first match and we were pumped for what was to come. Forgetting the unfortunate blip straight after where we went unfortunately down 3-1, even though we dominated the play througout, the momentum was took forward to the third game of the night where it was a near perfect performance. The assist king @Macca89  got his shooting boots on and rounded up the Man of the Match perfect 10 performance with a sublime hatrick from some amazing assists and team play throughout a 6-0 riot. Tom @LordBaguette  was notching the penalties early doors and the back 4 of Club Tropicana @GazzaGarratt, Sensual Choc @jordie1892 , Dennis Rodman @Lurch  and Torpedo Tony @TonyAE86  had a stormer. Unfortunately, previous days results alongside the second game blip left FGFC needing yet another win just to survive relegation to Division 3. A stellar performance with yet another @Macca89  goal set us up nicely but an equaliser shortly followed and for all the tea in Rich's house, we just couldn't push a winner past the keeper. It was worth mentioning though James yet again kept us in the game again with some fine defending. A quick highlight reel below was a delight to clip.
    So Season 44 was upon us and after a short break and a swap around of all our positions, we commenced another season in Division 3. When all the positions change up somewhat, we always struggle to find the momentum again and it hurt us badly at the start, going down heavily in a 3-0 loss. We dug deep to then take a 4-1 lead in the next game to nearly throw it away with two late goals...apparently something about James making a rare mistake had to to be noted down on the stats. I'm not that harsh though, so i'll just write about for everyone to see rather than stick on the infographic below 😎
    Inconsistency was definitely showing again though with another 2-0 defeat hitting us hard, we then tried to buck the trend of losing too many matches early doors. With the game poised at 2-2 and battling extremely hard into the closing stages, GD Pontevel broke forward after another chance for FGFC was saved. The rest was history. Can somebody lend us a spare FIFA script when they get chance please?
    A successful 3-1 win followed this stinging defeat, but we couldn't keep up the levels we had started out at the beginning of the night and aptly ended the evening in a goal crazy 5-4 defeat.
    Not a night we expected and I think the results were extremely harsh on us all, especially when there was some lovely football being played and a few belters that went in. @Macca89  showed his worth this week topping the Goals and Assists columns with Connor @JamaicanSteve  starting to slot in nicely after his loan deal was made permanent when Chill Ya Beans United accepted FGFC's bid of 2 baked beans tins and a packet of Uncle Ben's Golden Rice. We're still fortunate they didn't check the Use By Date in advance.
    Superb night of banter and laughs along the way as always. GGFG
    @Macca89  @LordBaguette  @JamaicanSteve  @tronic44 @jordie1892  @G_dub52  @Lurch  @GazzaGarratt @TonyAE86  @Findmartin

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