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    7D2D, Dragon Quest Builders 2, Kingdom Rush, Minecraft, Ark, Stardew Valley, Plants VS Zombies, Nino Kuni, Dragon Quest XI, etc...

    Samurai X, Ghibli films, Berserk, Death Note, Baki, Naruto, Bleach, Bokura ga Ita, Devil May Cry, One Punch Man, Nana, Tokyo Ghoul, etc...

    FILMS and TV
    Superheroes, Marvel, DC, Disney, South Park, Family Guy, Big Mouth, K-drama, etc...

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  1. Happy Birthday Lee! Have a great one! 🎁🎂🎉
  2. I'm coming!
  3. I honestly thought I knew how to play Minecraft vanilla, until I saw these photos! LOL. Hi guys! It's been ages! Sorry I've been away, but life dragged me to something else. I'm now realising that I'm a bit of a drifter! Like a thing you've lost and pops up when you forgot about it already. LMAO. Have you got any more space to include me to your MOD looking Vanilla Minecraft world?
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 58/100 My Time 476 seconds  
  5. I've only seen this now but thanks Lee! Totally appreciate it. 😋
  6. Congratulations everyone! This is a nice roundup to Christmas with acknowledgments and awards! ðŸūâĪïļðŸŽ‰ðŸŽ„ Also wanted to say that everyone I've played with has been absolutely amazing! FG rocks! Also great job for arranging all of this @GazzaGarratt!
  7. Hello! Thanks for that @Greboth. Just wondering if I can just download it on twitch since it's on there? That should work the same way right?
  8. Hello guys! @tronic44is updating the 7D2D server to alpha 19.2 (most recent update). Make sure you update yours before joining the server again. 🙂
  9. @Greboth, sounds like a plan. I'll get my stuff done and be online sometime this PM. @tronic44, not going to lie, demolition zombies with any base doesn't mix well. lol. Thinking about the garage, I remember that if you use the steep part of the wedge tips, it creates a really steep ramp. Too steep that even zombies can't go up. Despite this, their AI still sees it as a viable way to get to humans. This was on the previous alpha but not sure if this is still the case on alpha 19. We can somehow take advantage of this feature if it works in creating our new base as a choke point if you want. We can see if we can do this as part of the base planning. Has anyone else tested this theory? If not, I can test it and find out.
  10. I'll be getting on at some point today and will see what I've unlocked to build stuff we need. To summarise, we need: - pocket mods - steel armour - more bikes @Greboth has unlocked making steel clubs. Can you make us some steel clubs please? I'm still using a level 6 wooden club with mods. 😂 not very effective at killing multiple zombies at a time. 😅 Were in a really good place with ammo since we have thousands of gun powder and bullet tips. Unfortunately, we are always lacking on brass which is always harder to get loads of. I've got the brass perk for sinks and plumbing. Grebo has the perk for doors. @Greboth we can spend all day looting houses for brass if you want. ðŸĪŠ
  11. Were on day 41 almost so horde night is upon us. We're looking good on ammo and still making more. Looking forward to playing with lots of people tonight. Should be on around 7pm ish. 🙂
  12. We are so going to want that perk especially during end game when it's harder to come by brass! Nice one. You're the door destroyer. 😂
  13. I've not checked the pathing for zombies for Alpha 19 yet unfortunately. Although the last time I made a base in Alpha 18, zombies can't climb up high ramps (made from wedge) as too steep. So I made a pyramid using wedge blocks and stayed at the top. Was standing on iron bars shooting down at them. Have you guys had any experiences with bases that worked for you?
  14. Catch up later at 8pm on discord. 👍😋
  15. Pros and cons on the game. I've tried a few bases where everything was in 1 place. It does have an element of risk for sure. Happy to play either way and whatever works for everyone. It's different when you have lots of people to play with as well. Looking forward to the new changes. 😝
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