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slamminbones last won the day on July 29

slamminbones had the most liked content!



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  • First Console
    Commodore 64

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    south wales

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  1. Gran Turismo Tuesday Night Races

    Getting this up early. I'll populate with tracks and races but I'll try think of something we haven't done before to change it up a bit.


    As always watch out for Lee.

  2. Gran Turismo 7 race night

    Vroom vroom

  3. Gran Turismo 7

    Will probably do a race with the free Toyota van that came with today's update.

  4. Gran Turismo 7 - racing night

    Any track requests say so here. 


    I might do Daytona but there's room for a couple more.


    Think we'll stick to Gr.3 again as that went well last week. But, as ever, we can decide on the fly if we want to change it up.

  5. Who is hiding among us?

    There seemed to be a fair bit of interest for this one. It is not a game I have ever played but I would love to give it a try with you lot.


    I can see it being full of shennanigans and I am prepared to go and get myself a case of beer in anticipation.


    Do you think you can kill everyone off? Are your smarter than the average FG gamer and think you can get away with it? Is there someone you just dont like and want to show them? 

    Then Among us is the game to play.


    Would be great to get a fair few on for this and really make it interesting ^_^

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