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Everything posted by FallenDark200

  1. The grind is seriously not even that bad though. You'll have 7 months in this season to have hit that power level which isn't even that bad imo. That's over half a year to do 21 levels over light level. The grind isn't the issue.
  2. No not really dids it's more for the pure enjoyment of it and being a more skill based player is all. Numbers don't matter just something that not everyone can achieve or do so it's just a nice feeling knowing you can do it
  3. So my opinion might be one sided on this but I agree with clive on this one. I'm not saying anyone is bad at the game but if your interested in this kinda of thing or always wanted to try out a low man raid or any activity really. Let's get you in there and practice it. Let you do rolls your not comfortable with until your confidence is up and boosted knowing you can easily do anything in the game as well. I'd love to help people with it but I'll put as much effort in as the next but you have to be willing to be able to learn and try even if you fail don't get discouraged or quit. Sure some pick things up quicker then others but once your confidence is up on each thing your in there. Then you'll be able to even teach someone else if it came down to it which is an awesome feeling as well. I know a lot people don't play destiny anymore because it's either a grind for them or they are not interested in doing things like this which is totally fine but I do know a handful of people might be curious on attempting something like this. So if anyone wants help let me know don't be afraid to reach out speak up please. I get some people like playing solo as well but hear me out and Lee will agree playing with friends is always better then being alone. So give us a shout with no fear of us not responding always down to help and teach much love.
  4. I'm only available Saturdays and Sundays depending on times Saturdays should be from 2 or 3pm est until late and Sunday should be 9 to 10 am est until about 4 or 5pm est.
  5. We have enough people now to do a full 6 team vog to get vex catalyst putting up an event early if we need to adjust times we can.
  6. Let's see where to start ill try awnsering this to the best without going down a rabbit hole. Yes Destiny 2 is a great game for someone to start or to get into. There are so many reasons I could list on why you should play but im sure you have heard. The game has come a long way and I think starting out is easier then ever before but if you have small guidance because the game can feel overwhelming without even any paid content. So let's get into the nitty gritty of it. There will always be options and choices for new players to jump into activities or different game modes in this game, people say the game is dying or its dead but its not. I have been gone since after beyond light and ill go into the after effects of why but as a new player if you have people to play with then life will be so much easier in the game. Understanding the classes the weapons the perks the loadouts and stuff will come in time so don't worry about that stuff just enjoy the strikes the campaign that's free then have someone take you on a strike and show you what the characters and weapons are really like and you'll be sucked in. Now for the part that I think is super toxic about this game. Bungie bungie bungie is very poor at listening to there community also very slow at adding in new content or fixing certain issues the game contains. What I have learned if it gets to point where your not feeling it dont force it let it go destiny 2 can be very very very addicting especially with friends chasing the loot the weapons the hole 9 yards doing harder activities like raids and hard missions like grandmasters. So down to why I left and came back. I started what over a year ago if not longer now I don't remember I put almost a year into the game of grind love sweat and tears into it and it got stale they were not doing anything to my liking and having stale droughts of no new content that I didn't feel was like in the right direction. Now 3 seasons latter in the game its still not perfect its still the same game just made new changes of life bonus and just making the game less of what I call toxic or more community friendly. I switched to pc and wasn't able to play with my friends anymore on there so I used it as an excuse to step away and play other things but now crossplay is enabled I have actually spoke to friends I have talked to in months and it's so nice. So here's the thing if you wanna play destiny and you enjoy what your seeing in the first 4 to 8 hours of gameplay give it a chance play with friends go on mission earn rewards and ask questions cuz im sure there are multiple lifers here that will be able to give you the knowledge the know how and the techniques you need to keep going. So flat out awnser is yes play the game only thing I can say is don't let it consume you or let it ruin your mental health because of the bad toxic ways of bungies at times if you want anymore info or why you should play the game I'd be more down to be actually going into full blown details of what the game is all about.
  7. I ran through today on the devastator and honestly thought it was a blast. Game isn't showing us all the goodies and for a demo it's quite short just to give you a taste. I like the game so far but it's not everyones cup of tea. Reminds me of the days of playing gears just going in balls deep mutilating everything and everyone. Here was my first clip of the game. I think the mods and the endless builds your going to be able to do are going to be great for someone who really enjoys customizing builds and trying certain things out in a shooter game.
  8. Look I got an extra msi x570 mobo sitting around and a ryzen 5 2600 sure the cpu might not help you but If your in the U.K. I might be able to cut ya a deal on atleast a high end board and throw in some cable extensions as well if that's your thing im wanting to do an apu mini itx build for my misses so let me know and when I say a deal way better then most boards lol hardly was even used long story into that but that's beside the point
  9. @RenFengge he had to have eye surgery because he has to much extra skin around his eye lids and they were rolling back and his eyelashes were stabbing his eyes causing small cuts on his eyes leading to alcers in his eyes so to correct it he basically had plastic surgery and had the extra skin removed around his eyelids and now instead of rolling in they roll out like there suppose to. He goes gets his stitches out in about 10 days. That was Tuesday when he had surgery.
  10. Chad were you playing it on console or pc? It seems console is having more issues then pc. I have a couple of bugs like the motion blur is horrible at times gives you that wonky feeling at times but I have had the cutscene bug where voices don't line up to what's on screen and also the walking thing is kinda weird as well I had an issue flying past people as well it didn't feel as bad as I'm playing a trickster using the teleport thing but I have the issue so yes needs some love but it's good feed back I think. Story seems good which Is hard to find but I can let you all know more on April 1st I already pre-ordered it months ago.
  11. @TurboR56Mini you man are a pure creative genius lol I can think of amazing ideas like that but never execute them probably! Hopefully I can make it on sometime soon as well @RenFengge been really busy this week. My puppy just had eye surgery on both of his eyes so it's been kinda of hectic kind of a week and then throw my work on top of it just makes it a mess but hopefully I can play with ya both here soon.
  12. @GazzaGarratt @J4MES OX4D I have a hole forum page up on this game. Would love to see more involved in it. Think it would be a great add to the page. Think the game will be a good game
  13. Oh my gosh you guys have been going nuts 😳 I haven't been on since Sunday @TurboR56Mini @RenFengge and the both of you have outdone yourselves again awesome work you two! Can't wait to jump on and see what you have accomplished 😌 must say enjoy playing with the both of ya good times.
  14. Honestly coming from someone who just finished a pc build, the market for gpu's is rough. You can get maybe a 5700xt and still play 1440p but higher resolutions might be a problem. 60fps at 1440p or higher at around 1k is do able just gotta know where to look. I'd say if you can find a ryzen 5 5600 for mrsp but it's litterally like finding needles in a haystack. Also depends on the games your trying to play as well. Like nothing fancy the mobo and storage psu won't be a huge deal. I wanted a system to play anything at high res. At 1440 so I went with a ryzen 5900x and a rtx 3080 so most things will be fine at 1440p but that combo right now your looking at paying around 2k alone. Best thing to do is your research and maybe actually look at forums and maybe join a couple pc groups on Facebook as well. If you want any other help let me know.
  15. @RenFengge mannnn no judgey🤣 just wish my steps would lead to somewhere nice eventually 🤣🤣🤣
  16. Lmfaooo mannnn them steps were freaking beautiful lol 😆
  17. I need to get back on that healthy quick just can't seem to do it but I won't be on until mid afternoon definitely want to get some gaming in with you two and maybe others if they decide to jump on. Was also thinking I won't make it to the event at noon tomorrow I might have to kill the stag on my own in my own world 😅 I have a hair cut appointment at eleven and the woman is getting her hair done as well so I won't be home until probably 1 or 2. Hopefully today we can get some exploration and decent loot pulled out.
  18. @TurboR56Mini yeah I didn't have much time to be on so I went exploring and found a decent amount of those cores was going to build a smelter and stuff at that base but im not sure where to place them quite yet maybe if you and LA are on tomorrow we can figure it out and go exploring and maybe setup up smelters and stuff at each base to prepare for sunday?
  19. I think people are going to be surprised when they hop on Sunday. Litterally when we take them to all the bases and outpost and get them the items they need. I don't think we have takin over I think we have made ease of use for others who can't play as much so they can come in and experience a good time and maybe influence more to jump on by seeing a lot of @TurboR56Mini @RenFengge hard work. I have been more of get on run and collect materials build a little and get off with my schedule. Also Carl did you end up seeing what I did to the merchant base today?
  20. Not every game is for everyone but it's so much more fun with friends watching them getting fucked by little gobos of chopping trees down on them and killing them. The world is fun but definitely not the best graphics but the lighting is top notch imo but I agree with Lee return it when you have a chance
  21. LMFAO you met the sea monster wonder how many there are or what it gives you as loot would be awesome to find out!
  22. @RenFengge @TurboR56Mini thanks to both of you for helping us out today and especially me with my goofy server issues if anyone else in the U.S. has issues let us 3 know we have figured out a way to join the server because it's gated off ping for the U.K. guys and gals. So I say we are definitely getting somewhere for sure and I think if we are all on Sunday @GazzaGarratt @phil bottle maybe we try and take down the Elder as well since we have made it so far in our adventures. It will allow us to open up more things and allow us to keep pushing our skills to make our bases and homes homes much better but thank you again for all the hard work game is really great!
  23. @RenFengge love the fact that you and Carl are going hard at this! It was fun playing with you both this morning! It's crazy how fast we are getting stuff done and it might not feel like it to you but I'd say you two got a lot of accomplishment done in 2 days. So I say after our we beat our first boss we definitely we be good to go then! You two keep up the amazing work and can't wait to play more with you two!
  24. Yesssss that means we don't get to deal with any dildos coming in and fucking all are hard work up love it! Nicely done👌
  25. I got about an hour half in to be attacked by bees trying to build my first crap hut. Got a little valley im gonna build a nice house on but definitely need more time in game to get it where I want it. Vision is there but execution is far from 🤣 I want see what the co op is like because right now I'm still running around with the bare rags you get to wear so going out at night is like going outside right now butt ass naked and jumping in some snow🤣 I wish I wasn't working these hours or I'd be on with all of you.
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