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Everything posted by FallenDark200

  1. @ChaosGladiator 🤣 poor @Diddums atleast we know what makes him happy 😊
  2. @Teenwolf25 a lot lol
  3. @GazzaGarratt so like the ones she does with the alcohol ink will look similar but never one will be completely identical. The ones she does just the normal epoxy on and the glitter will be close but she can damn near do any design you want.
  4. Here are some beautiful photos from today's live event. I know to a lot of hard-core players it was a huge let down but once everything happened it was freaking awesome to watch. Thank you @Teenwolf25 for letting me steal one of your photos and thank you guys today in the chat that made the wait some good laughs. @GazzaGarratt @Riff Machine @Forty6_N_two @Bluebear . To a lot of the old school players I know the game is dry or you have been burnt out but let's keep the good spirit of bringing in the newer gamers in or even some of the old ones back!
  5. Lmfao yes that is my safe word but @GazzaGarratt already knows kinda who you are and so does @Teenwolf25 as well as @Forty6_N_two . I know we got some shenigans going on in that only a few of us know about but her name is Dawn and she isn't to much into the fps or anything the last game she really played was the newest god of war. I just bought her own ps4 and kingdom of hearts 3 as well so she should be on here shortly to have shot at all of us!
  6. Thank you alright shall do!
  7. So i have been looking at getting a monitor for my ps4. I have a couple monitors in mind but I was curious what your guys opinion or options for choosing a decent montior. My budget is around the 200 or 300 dollar range or a little higher.
  8. Welcome to the group bud hopefully we can jam out some destiny sessions!
  9. So I have been talking to some of our fellow FGers and we were wanting to start doing comp games and harder challenges including raids and other fun activities. Myself @Teenwolf25 @Forty6_N_two are probably going to start doing more comp together. We also would love to have people drop the best days and hours we could all get together and maybe we can even invite the older and newer players in to bring them back into the game. For the next season a lot of things will be starting to change so I would love to help and people out with the meta and what to use or the best weapons to use in pvp or pve. I'd like to start doing guides or tips for players who might want that upper edge on certain game types ranging from gambit to pvp to raids. Myself and others are getting excited to maybe start getting used to doing some of these harder content. But we need more support and love for the game. If people are burnt out on the game should maybe stay away until more content fills out the gaps but I think bungie is heading in the right direction by getting us all away from the normal mountain top recluse setup in pve. Also I don't want people feeling pressured into having to do anything I would just love to see more people come over and hang with us who still actually enjoy the game and maybe hopefully share better experiences in the near future. I hope to hear from you all and if you have any questions don't be afraid to message me on here on my psn messagner or discord I always try to stay active and connect with most people I come into contact thanks for the read and the positive vibes stay safe love you all!
  10. So I just posted in the destiny ps4 discord the TWAB for this week and its very interesting. I honestly have come to grips on liking the idea of sunsetting weapons it kinda low blow to me being a new player and grinded out all these hard to get weapons but at the same time its not like they are taking those guns away from you? They are just not going to be viable in the new content and any pvp match that allows light level. So on that note you can still use all those favorite weapons you have grinded for hours. They just said they are changing up most of the perk bases allowing new or older weapons to actually be good in pve they are adding two new perks and then two new weapons with two new iron banner perks on them next season. Yes they might reskin some of the weapons like they did in the past but the big hype is right now is once the fall dlc hits a lot of people think they are going to bring in all of d3 weapons that they had already did 🤔 but that is just speculation. Also with the perk changes that actually allows a hole new diversity of weapons to be used and if everyone is worried about the sunsetting of weapons you have a hole year to replace those weapons from season 11 which is kinda crazy. Thats 4 seasons away and a dlc drop between the first sunset soooo in reality the panic about it is kinda bs. I also agree with godspeed though the content is a little dry and thats why I quit playing d1 but all games get dry when you spend hours and hours on stuff even if your doing raids. I couldn't imagine doing raids over 100 times like thats gotta get boring and pvp gets old after awhile to. So I say this to anyone who feels burnt out put the game down dont touch it let it get juicy content. Do not and I mean do not let the bungie fomo fool you. Name one weapon you have actually never gotten because you missed out and they haven't brought out down the road ill wait...... the only thing you honestly miss out on is the events and cosmetics. So am I'm finally on board with it yes 👍
  11. I'm down to run all challenges in this game or to help out where its needed. As the grandmaster nightfalls go there the toughest challenges yet. So patience and teamwork in a group is well needed. Patience is the biggest thing I have to help in these nightfalls but I'm willing to jump in and grind away if needed
  12. Lmfao no I haven't owned gta in awhile i thought about buying it again to play it to just screw around on it I'm sure being off all this time i think i can con the old lady in letting me get it:)
  13. I sure will bud! I'll add you! Yeah we are on a 2 week quarantine at the moment so I have been grinding destiny 2 I got burnt out on borderlands3 fast so I put it down to play this. I haven't touched a cod game since the newest world war one came out.
  14. Hey what's going on guys? I'm new to the clan you guys can call me Justin or Fallen doesn't matter. I only game on ps4 at the moment I'm from the U.S. so I'll start it there. I have been jamming Destiny 2 here latley just getting back into since Destiny1. I also play several other games borderlands3 and a couple of RPGs. I'm always out to help those in need of help or wanting to bs about some fun stuff. So if you wanna get ahold of me the easiest way is to pm on psn or discord and let's go get them! Thank you again for letting me join and oh I'm normally on 330pm Eastern standard time in the U.S. I also just wanna give a small shout out to the fellas you know who you are that helped me starting out get the whisper the outbreak and a couple other items last week you guys are the best!
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