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Middle Class Caveman

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  1. Love
    Middle Class Caveman reacted to RenFengge in RenFengge's 2021 Fitness PPR   
    3/15/2021 Workout
    3 Rounds:
    30 Hang Cleans (55lbs) 15 Ring Rows 30 Heavy KB American Swings (44lbs) Then
    TABATA Push Ups for 8 rounds.
    Thoughts: This is where we're at, I guess. I need to focus on my food for better recovery now. I cannot still be this sore 2 days after a workout, and I cannot be this hungry all the time like I have been lately. Plus, allergy season is coming. Now, the question is... how can I mentally shift gears and cycle off of Intermittent Fasting without upsetting the balance I have recently fought for? Or, do I keep to it and just do a fat bomb in the morning, shake for lunch with all the goodies, then a solid dinner? My former routine used to be a shake in the morning, normal lunch, amazing dinner (or shake dependent on when we would finally get home from work).
    Walked into the gym this morning and joked, "So, is the goal of today's workout to make sure we have no shoulder strength for the rest of the day?"
    Coach Liz laughed.
    I mean, I guess perfectly fine considering my lower body is sore from Saturday's fun. And, I really need to work on upper body anyway.
    I went to my box and said. "Soooo... there's a 53lb kettle bell and a 44lb kettle bell... Mind if I get a 35lb?"
    Stares... Just stares. Lol.
    When it comes to kettlebells, I have a fear of losing grip and it crashing on my head if we do overhead swings. It's why I prefer Russian swings if we're going heavy. Not that I would actually choose a 44lb kettlebell either way, but still lol.
    This workout was... tough. Because I didn't want it to hit 25 minutes. I was still the last to finish, but not by too much. I think it was a minute more than everyone else. The swings were the toughest. I have no clue what the thinking was in the development of this workout. I was scaled to ring rows instead of pull-ups. Like, it's just a lot on grip and upper body... for a long time!
    Obviously, there's some core and glute work in the cleans and swings... it's all still terrible lol.
    However, nothing like pushing through the last 10 reps on the swings while people are cheering you on. Semi-shameful, but a good push.
    Tabata push ups were next... and hahaha... no one did them proper. Everyone scaled to knees. No one had the strength left to do them.
    All in all. Good times!
  2. Like
    Middle Class Caveman reacted to RenFengge in RenFengge's 2021 Fitness PPR   
    3/13/2021 Workout (Part 2? Active Rest?)
    Cinco Teros Eskrima (90 Minute Session)
    Those curious --> 
    Cinco Teros - FMA Pulse
    FMAPULSE.COM Cinco Teros ("Five Strikes") refers to the five most basic strikes in eskrima, which is a class of Filipino martial arts that emphasizes staff and sword fighting. The art is composed of the four basic cuts and...  
    What I'm trained in --> 
    FMAPULSE.COM The Chronicles of Balintawak At about the start of the American regime, the Cañete siblings began their training in Eskrima. Brothers Florentino and Eulogio Cañete (later to become the principal organizer and...  
    Thoughts: I wasn't fully intending to participate in the session. I really just wanted to ask questions and see the style. I ended up participating.
    Cinco Teros may be my third style of eskrima to learn. It is not my favorite.
    There is a practicality and method of learning in Balintawak that jives better with me. In Balintawak, we do not care what "Strike" is happening. We only care about ending the fight as quickly as possible. If that means disarming, that's preferred. If that means doing a finishing blow to make sure you never get up, okie doke. If that means maiming you because you don't know when to stay down, fine. If that means doing a killing blow (neck breaking, stabbing with gash and/or twisting, slicing an artery, etc), well, it had to be done. There is no memorization in learning. Yes, we have drills, but it's not really "memorizing". It's creating reactions.
    So, anyway, I went to the park to go check it out. Cinco Teros is a style from Bagio. Bagio is in the northern area of the Philippines. This particular style is very much a family style that isn't advertised or really taught. You have to have permission from the family to teach it. The one thing I really like about Cinco Teros is that after you learn the basics, you're expected to evolve the style into what works for you. This is also more sword and knife based. All Eskrima/Arnis is meant to transition from sticks to knives to hands, but various styles will lend more to sticks or knives or hands. The overall thinking of this type of combat martial arts is that you are to be able to defend yourself using anything or nothing. This is why we do not have "uniforms". This is why I specifically trained with no padding or gear. You need to know how to take a hit if you're going to survive a real fight. The sooner you get used to that pain and learn how to avoid it, the better your chances on the street.
    For 90 minutes in the park yesterday, I did some drills. Clumsily. But I did them. The teaching is not where I want it to be. But, my thinking is that at least I would be learning and keeping up with something. Plus, knowing another Filipino in the area would be nice. Just because I want home food! Also, the other students... I'm merely curious on who they are. As terrible as it sounds, I want to know who are these non-Filipinos learning my country's combat systems. I hate Katas. I hate memorization. But, I will end up doing them with this teacher.
    I have loved seeing Filipino Martial Arts used more and more in TV (Arrow and the Arrowverse heavily use FMA) and movies (Christopher Nolan's Batman for hand-to-hand, Star Wars Yoda/Dooku). Learning any aspect of it, whether or not I really enjoy it, is still a bonus in my book.
  3. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 13th March 2021
    SESSION: Week 5 Day 
    CALORIES: 2890kcals
    Atlas stone 3x3@65/75/85kg
    Paused Bench Press 3x6@112.5kg
    Wow this week has kicked my arse. Going back to school was real difficult and by Friday I was wiped. I actually went out to my gym, sorted out the atlas stone stuff and nearly fainted on the first set.
    So some sleep, good food and a friend to help me the next day and I was ready to rock and roll!
    IMG_1431.MP4 IMG_1432.MP4
  4. Like
    Middle Class Caveman reacted to RenFengge in RenFengge's 2021 Fitness PPR   
    3/13/2021 Workout
    Squat Workshop
     15-minute time under tension at 50% 1 rep max (115lbs)
    Thoughts: So, Coach Tim is on vacation... and he left Coach James in charge of the lifting stuff.
    I was not prepared for a semi-cardio workout. He allowed us 1-minute rests before we had to get back under the bar. We were to do a semi-slow squat until we started losing form. Not until failure. Until we were "uncomfortable."
    I joked and said, "soooo.. like 2 reps, right?"
    Knowing that we were going to be doing high-reps, I adjusted my depth to only slightly below parallel. Lost count after 55-ish reps.
    My legs are toast.
    But, I'm still gonna go check out some Eskrima/Arnis/Kali in about an hour. 😆
  5. Love
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    Yeh it's essentially a strongman competition but with stone based events! Very fun
  6. Like
    Middle Class Caveman reacted to RenFengge in RenFengge's 2021 Fitness PPR   
    3/10/2021 Workout
    Find 3 Rep Max Deadlift (225lbs)
    1000m row
    50 push ups
    Thoughts: I swear... if being out of breath doing basic sprints or jumps or sparring or living life wasn't something I cared about, I would probably just do strength training. 
    But, I do enjoy the idea of being physically capable at doing anything. So, hence the bonus.
    For the deadlifts, our coach gave us 2 options: 1) Hand release deadlifts with the ability to drop the bar at the last rep, or 2) No hand release, no dropping.
    I chose hand release. So did our elite athlete Shale. I couldn't tell if that meant I chose wisely or what. My thinking was to give my hands a quick breather when it got heavy. My grip strength is what I need to work on, so I knew my hands would be fatigued.
    What was fun about this morning's workout was watching Shale just lift an ungodly amount. I think he got up to 335lbs. Yes, I was a bit jealous when I saw him just keep adding 45lbs plates. I think I can get close to that.. one day. If I keep at it.
    Now, why the Bonus? Because I felt like it? I'm so used to being completely wiped after my gym session that I thought, "Why not do something more.. you had a lot of carbs this week anyway."
    I didn't go fast on the row. Just got it done at around 5 minutes... then did my push ups, which was more of the challenge. Especially after being a bit out of breath from the row. Good times!
  7. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 10th March 2021
    SESSION: Week 5 Day 2
    CALORIES: 2890kcals
    Bench Press 1x4@130kg
    Bench Press 2x6@120kg
    Deadlift 3x3@192.5kg
    Wednesdays are alway a bit of anti climax as I have to train in the morning (I start later on a Wednesday) and I just never feel as energised. Hard to get too many meals in before hand. 
    However, everything moved well today and I’m feeling strong overall. Need to think about how I’m going to program myself for the competition because it’s not powerlifting so movements like bench press and squats aren’t going to be super useful.
    IMG_1393.MP4 IMG_1394.MP4 IMG_1395.MP4
  8. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from RenFengge in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 10th March 2021
    SESSION: Week 5 Day 2
    CALORIES: 2890kcals
    Bench Press 1x4@130kg
    Bench Press 2x6@120kg
    Deadlift 3x3@192.5kg
    Wednesdays are alway a bit of anti climax as I have to train in the morning (I start later on a Wednesday) and I just never feel as energised. Hard to get too many meals in before hand. 
    However, everything moved well today and I’m feeling strong overall. Need to think about how I’m going to program myself for the competition because it’s not powerlifting so movements like bench press and squats aren’t going to be super useful.
    IMG_1393.MP4 IMG_1394.MP4 IMG_1395.MP4
  9. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 8th March 2021
    SESSION: Week 5 Day 1
    CALORIES: 2900kcals
    Squats 1x3@165kg
    Overhead Press 3x8@65kg
    2 things. 1, I’ve signed up for my first competition since Maddison was born. It’s a comp based around stones, so atlas stones, dinnie stones, shot put. Very cool! 2, My knee is proper fucked. I couldn’t even do my back off sets because of the pain. I might need to get some physio.
  10. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from RenFengge in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 8th March 2021
    SESSION: Week 5 Day 1
    CALORIES: 2900kcals
    Squats 1x3@165kg
    Overhead Press 3x8@65kg
    2 things. 1, I’ve signed up for my first competition since Maddison was born. It’s a comp based around stones, so atlas stones, dinnie stones, shot put. Very cool! 2, My knee is proper fucked. I couldn’t even do my back off sets because of the pain. I might need to get some physio.
  11. Love
    Middle Class Caveman reacted to Plumbers Crack in RenFengge's 2021 Fitness PPR   
    Murph has been explained to me. He can't honestly remember his best time as it was  6 or 7 years ago but it was sub 1 hour.
    His latest challenge with some friends is a 4 mile run every 4 hours for 48 hours and no cheating running 8 miles and having longer recovery...every run starts exactly 4 hours after the previous run started! Madness!
  12. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Bitcoins & Stocks   
    I have quite a bit of Bitcoin now, I usually buy when it dips. It’s going to continue to grow so it’s not a bad mid-long term bet. Still not as reliable as a decent trust fund etc.
    I can share my codes here if you’d like to hope in? We both get some free Bitcoin if you buy using my app link
  13. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 6th March 2021
    SESSION: Week 4 Day 4
    CALORIES: 2900kcals
    Bench Press 5x5@75kg+44kg Chains
    Had a lovely session today. Nice upper body pump, nothing crazy but was lovely to get the blood flowing and feel some weight in my hands.
  14. Love
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in MY LOGO BY GREBOTH IS A FLAG!   
    I had my logo that @Greboth made into a flag on Ali express and it’s now pride and place in my gym.
    thank you friend!

  15. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in MY LOGO BY GREBOTH IS A FLAG!   
    I had my logo that @Greboth made into a flag on Ali express and it’s now pride and place in my gym.
    thank you friend!

  16. Confused
    Middle Class Caveman reacted to TurboR56Mini in RenFengge's 2021 Fitness PPR   
    I have some but since I'm married to her and she has sticks...look up arnis, I won't be sharing them...
  17. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from techno in MY LOGO BY GREBOTH IS A FLAG!   
    I had my logo that @Greboth made into a flag on Ali express and it’s now pride and place in my gym.
    thank you friend!

  18. Love
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from Greboth in MY LOGO BY GREBOTH IS A FLAG!   
    I had my logo that @Greboth made into a flag on Ali express and it’s now pride and place in my gym.
    thank you friend!

  19. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 5th March 2021
    SESSION: Week 4 Day 3
    CALORIES: 2900kcals
    Squats 4x6@145kg
    Stone to shoulder 3x3@70kg
    Much pain. Bad knee has gotten worse. Send help.
    IMG_1342.MP4 IMG_1343.MP4
  20. Love
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in MY LOGO BY GREBOTH IS A FLAG!   
    I had my logo that @Greboth made into a flag on Ali express and it’s now pride and place in my gym.
    thank you friend!

  21. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in Bitcoins & Stocks   
    I have quite a bit of Bitcoin now, I usually buy when it dips. It’s going to continue to grow so it’s not a bad mid-long term bet. Still not as reliable as a decent trust fund etc.
    I can share my codes here if you’d like to hope in? We both get some free Bitcoin if you buy using my app link
  22. Haha
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from RenFengge in RenFengge's 2021 Fitness PPR   
    or we could just see a picture/video of you!!!!
  23. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from RenFengge in RenFengge's 2021 Fitness PPR   
    That is not a fragile lady

  24. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in RenFengge's 2021 Fitness PPR   
    That is not a fragile lady

  25. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in RenFengge's 2021 Fitness PPR   
    Pictures! We need pictures dammit. Right now all I’ve got is an image of Lucy Lui in my brain!
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