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  1. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to GazzaGarratt in Magazines   
    I remember those days too mate 🤣
    I used to read Gamesmaster back in the day and would love to get into them again, however I think its been pointed out the adverts take up most space but more importantly I suppose I went there for new insightful bits and bobs e.g. Guides, new games, new bits, etc which is now on big t'internet these days. I actually think places like ours here does a better job of getting things across too because it feels more real whereas places like IGN sometimes feel way too forced, which then you lose that originality on why you loved it in the first place.
    Are there any Magazines in the gaming world still worth a punt? I think I'd go for physical copies if there is one worthwhile.
  2. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Magazines   
    I used to buy "Total Guitar" magazine all the time when I was younger and enjoyed some of the articles,tabs and gear and rigs to swoon over.
    As time went on I played a lot less and was better off keeping the 5 quid. I could Google tabs and images of dreamy setups and save the money instead.
    Did like the playstation mags when I was even younger (PS1 Days) things like Total Gamer as well. 
    Also the odd FHM and Nuts mag not gonna lie 😂
    Haven't bought a magazine in over 10 years of any sort at least.
    If you are into specific hobbies like fishing or science, railways etc I can imagine they are good still. A dying art I think for the most part.
  3. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in *FG'ers Screenshots Thread*   
    Looks great James, like I said before you really capture the essence of these games with these screenies.
    You should be doing them for games magazines and the likes of the back of game boxes. Really good talent for making them look superb.
  4. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in Magazines   
    I used to buy "Total Guitar" magazine all the time when I was younger and enjoyed some of the articles,tabs and gear and rigs to swoon over.
    As time went on I played a lot less and was better off keeping the 5 quid. I could Google tabs and images of dreamy setups and save the money instead.
    Did like the playstation mags when I was even younger (PS1 Days) things like Total Gamer as well. 
    Also the odd FHM and Nuts mag not gonna lie 😂
    Haven't bought a magazine in over 10 years of any sort at least.
    If you are into specific hobbies like fishing or science, railways etc I can imagine they are good still. A dying art I think for the most part.
  5. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in *FG'ers Screenshots Thread*   
    Looks great James, like I said before you really capture the essence of these games with these screenies.
    You should be doing them for games magazines and the likes of the back of game boxes. Really good talent for making them look superb.
  6. Love
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in *FG'ers Screenshots Thread*   
    Looks great James, like I said before you really capture the essence of these games with these screenies.
    You should be doing them for games magazines and the likes of the back of game boxes. Really good talent for making them look superb.
  7. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in SBMM and the Current COD Meta   
    I know right! Wish it was real, I swear some of the games recently have been sweatier than ever.
    I had a daily challenge to finish, play and complete 3 Hardpoint matches. Now I had 2/3 from naturally coming up on Raid 24/7 in my selected playlists.
    Today I thought I would finish the last one for the 2500xp. 
    So I put on pure Hardpoint only and turned on crossplay for a laugh and my eyes were shocked. 2 German guys in a clan rank 950 and 999 master prestige. The 999 guy went to level 1000 after the game. We won the game 250-243 just and I went like 24-24 and got demolished most of the game it felt like I was the Christmas Noob! 😥
  8. Haha
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in SBMM and the Current COD Meta   
    Key Treyarch dev got hacked Christmas Day on Twitter 

    Pity it’s not real😂
  9. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to J4MES OX4D in *FG'ers Screenshots Thread*   
    Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

  10. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Cold War - Season One   
    Yeah there is always a lot of fluff to pad out the pass, definitely a few good emblems or calling cards usually some shitty stickers. The blueprints are always dogshit indeed agreed. The free weapons are nice. But I do agree the aim assist is wonky at times, no doubts about that. I won't say I never rage a bit at all, but it's just a game and the rage is short-lived. Not that a bloodthirsty is hard, but I swear the amount of times I've died on a 4 streak to some bullshit. Things like that get me annoyed because I like to finish challenges and gold guns. I'm stuck using whatever for ages and I keep mixing my guns and attachments until I get that perfect build. 
    On MW you can gold a gun in 500-700 kills easy. On CW we are talking 1000+ a gun. It's the slow leveling and unlocked challenges you would of done naturally before that time.
    Wasn't a fan of 100 mounted AR kills a gun on MW, attracts campy boring play.
    On CW you have to actively take on headglitching bastards for the "Science" camo. That's frustrating knowing you have to challenge sweats with M16's/Augs perched on the worst headglitches known to man.
    Gone are those good old days like MW2/MW3, BO1/BO2 when the game didn't feel as sweaty. Things were fun and you were desperate to hop on and binge for a few hours.
    After a bad run of games on CW you feel like a beat dog and have to find motivation to play and hope the next time will be better.
    The game is still new and can surely only get better. Miami is ass, Cartel with the bushes wind me up. If Cartel was smaller and less bushy it would be an alright map. 
  11. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Multiplayer Free Week   
    That's what I mean, the trial players that got shredded from my experiences were all lumped on my team the majority of the time. And sure like I said some are bound to be good players I'm not doubting that. But all the good ones were for the most part on the enemy team.
    Maybe the game thinks I'm better than i actually am. Or I'm not having a good run or that I can accept that. But some of the gun fights just didn't go down well. I might of been down on my luck, but some games I was getting my ass chewed.
    I will be the first to admit I'm no Demi God at the game, but I was getting torn a new one by guys with basic setups and perks with 2/3 attachment guns.
    I don't want to believe it, but I don't doubt it either. Some guy went 79-12 on Dom Raid with not a gunship or chopper in sight.
    I play on PS4 Exclusively with cross play disabled.
  12. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in New Quiz Available!The FG Xmas Video Game Quiz 2020   
    I just completed this quiz.

    My Score 41/100 My Time 128 seconds  
  13. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Did you win Cold War? Try hard pants? More like those metal bottoms those knights wear in a full suit of armour.
    Can imagine you asking the sales assistant in a shop. "I love these, any chance you have them in Titanium or Kevlar?"
  14. Haha
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Did you win Cold War? Try hard pants? More like those metal bottoms those knights wear in a full suit of armour.
    Can imagine you asking the sales assistant in a shop. "I love these, any chance you have them in Titanium or Kevlar?"
  15. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to GazzaGarratt in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    No worries everyone. I didn't think even I would struggle for time and other things around this Christmas week but here we are! Kind of helps the fact you guys could see who won what before me as it was automatically done by the system.
    Well done to @Spacedeck , @Plumbers Crack  and @Misneach_  getting the remaining presents from the Big FGFGF Xmas Giveaway. Hopefully, like @phil bottle says above, it gave many of you something to look at, get behind for a bit of fun and joy as that was the only intention because it was only for existing FGers. Sorry if you didn't win, if we can push through into 2021 to make it a better year (and our lives allow us to be generous in an unstable world to donate a few quid every so often) we can try and do some more throughout the year if this helps everybody?
    Also, if you have more ideas of things to link other giveaways too then you know i'm all ears to give it a bash if we can make it work. GGFG everybody ❤️
  16. Love
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Did you win Cold War? Try hard pants? More like those metal bottoms those knights wear in a full suit of armour.
    Can imagine you asking the sales assistant in a shop. "I love these, any chance you have them in Titanium or Kevlar?"
  17. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Plumbers Crack in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Well, Father Christmas turned up a day early for me.....thanks very much to Chief Elf Lee and all the other behind-the-scenes helpers in the FG workshop. PS version please Lee and now I need to find some Try Hard pants in the sales 🤣
  18. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Multiplayer Free Week   
    That's what I mean, the trial players that got shredded from my experiences were all lumped on my team the majority of the time. And sure like I said some are bound to be good players I'm not doubting that. But all the good ones were for the most part on the enemy team.
    Maybe the game thinks I'm better than i actually am. Or I'm not having a good run or that I can accept that. But some of the gun fights just didn't go down well. I might of been down on my luck, but some games I was getting my ass chewed.
    I will be the first to admit I'm no Demi God at the game, but I was getting torn a new one by guys with basic setups and perks with 2/3 attachment guns.
    I don't want to believe it, but I don't doubt it either. Some guy went 79-12 on Dom Raid with not a gunship or chopper in sight.
    I play on PS4 Exclusively with cross play disabled.
  19. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Multiplayer Free Week   
    One thing I did notice on MP, the guys playing on the free weekend were above average. I was getting beamed by rank 20/30 guys, they showed up as "Trial" members.
    Now I know not everyone has the money or wanted to buy Coldwar, also I do understand some of these people may be very experienced from previous cod's, but some of the situations I witnessed were straight up BS.
    The free players aim watching killcams and some of the 1v1 gun situations I got into with them were a bit iffy. I would take them down to 1 shot and they would win a lot of the time, not all of the time.
    And about 75% of them were as good if not better than me. 
    Maybe I'm paranoid or a bit salty, but it felt the game was against me at times skewing gun battles in their favour. Also peppered with SBMM and bad team balancing. If the players sucked they were on my team, if they were on the enemy team they were straight up beasts.
    Why you ask? To make the game seem better to get them to buy it? There you go! Just another Activision strategy for money imo.
    Cod Player On Cold War: The game is glitchy, has bugs and aim assist doesn't feel right.
    Activision: The store works Fine, Thank You for your Purchase and keep playing! (Spend Spend Spend) 😂
  20. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Well done Tommy! A nice little win before Christmas. 👍
  21. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Well done Tommy! A nice little win before Christmas. 👍
  22. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to BO7H B4RRELS in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    What?!  No way!  Thanks, man!  I've been itching for a racing game!  I'm pumped.  Thanks.  
  23. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from G_dub52 in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Lucky win Dan! It is the dankest prize imo. Personalised and looks comfy AF, definitely jealous. If George won the hoodie as well it's definitely a rigged system!
    I wonder what kind of system Lee has in place for the winners. I would love to think it was a bit of toast strapped to a cat's back butterside up and dropped from a height.
  24. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Dan94 in Cold War - Season One   
    I find pines mall to be deceiving, it looks rather big. But I don't find it a chore to get round the map. It's also great for longshot challenges and superb for the enemy behind cover ones. Mainly because of all the walls. It's not my favourite map, but definitely better and smaller than Azhir Caves and Picadilly.
    Raid is a classic and looks and plays like the old BO2 which is great.
    I bought the battlepass, but it didn't cost me a penny. I bought the original battlepass on season 1 MW 12 months ago. Because I played through 6 seasons of MW, I accumulated 2000 cod points as you earn about 1400cp per season. The points were transferred over to cold war. The passes only cost 1000cp. Activision only make more money if your buying more points.
    Although I don't enjoy strict SBMM everygame, all those YouTubers who scream #BoycottBattlepass etc are just looking for traction and views.
    Not everyone is willing to agree or buy it, but in my case it was free. I would be a bigger idiot if I didn't spend my hard earned points.
    I'm sorry you feel this way in General about the game. It's far from perfect, but they have done more for CW than infinity ward did for MW. Some things are still broken on MW. 
  25. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from techno in Cold War - Season One   
    Yeah there is always a lot of fluff to pad out the pass, definitely a few good emblems or calling cards usually some shitty stickers. The blueprints are always dogshit indeed agreed. The free weapons are nice. But I do agree the aim assist is wonky at times, no doubts about that. I won't say I never rage a bit at all, but it's just a game and the rage is short-lived. Not that a bloodthirsty is hard, but I swear the amount of times I've died on a 4 streak to some bullshit. Things like that get me annoyed because I like to finish challenges and gold guns. I'm stuck using whatever for ages and I keep mixing my guns and attachments until I get that perfect build. 
    On MW you can gold a gun in 500-700 kills easy. On CW we are talking 1000+ a gun. It's the slow leveling and unlocked challenges you would of done naturally before that time.
    Wasn't a fan of 100 mounted AR kills a gun on MW, attracts campy boring play.
    On CW you have to actively take on headglitching bastards for the "Science" camo. That's frustrating knowing you have to challenge sweats with M16's/Augs perched on the worst headglitches known to man.
    Gone are those good old days like MW2/MW3, BO1/BO2 when the game didn't feel as sweaty. Things were fun and you were desperate to hop on and binge for a few hours.
    After a bad run of games on CW you feel like a beat dog and have to find motivation to play and hope the next time will be better.
    The game is still new and can surely only get better. Miami is ass, Cartel with the bushes wind me up. If Cartel was smaller and less bushy it would be an alright map. 
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