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Everything posted by IRaMPaGe

  1. Imagine hearing this in 1954, absolutely mind blowing for it's time.
  2. I agree with @GazzaGarratt it's hard to pick, the insane amount of games to choose from. I agree Tomb Raider was great as well. Metal Gear Solid was something else at the time. Honourable mentions to Tenchu and the original Grand Theft Auto as well. Goldeneye, Medal of honour and Age of Empires 2, like J4MES and Phil mentioned also. Now I know this is slightly further ahead, but on the year 2000 alone we had. Tony Hawks 2, Hitman 1 and the first Splinter Cell! Splinter cells graphics blew everything out of the water at the time. I remember it so well. It was incredible.
  3. I think back then there were more members interested in COD it was fine. At the moment we are best to fly the [FG] flag, all for one and mainly for numbers and presence. Also I was Xbox all those years ago, we had our own faction. Destruction Inc [DI]
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