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Everything posted by IRaMPaGe

  1. Big steps Lee! Don't give up on it.
  2. Tottenham are very hot and cold, I mean when they are on it they are great to watch. But too many games they could/should be winning. Not taking any credit away from the opposing teams. Look at city at the moment, they are on a shocking run of results. Man u managed a 3-0 win today, which is another surprise.
  3. It's some result for the Tractor boys, it has to be said. Me being a neutral, and essentially a foreigner to the English league. I feel I can congratulate your team on a rare away win against a big team. 👍
  4. Have the AK47 gold now. 2 AR's and 1 launcher so far, a lot of work still needing done. 😜
  5. 2 more lol, calm down Gary save some for the rest of us. Has @Diddums got any gold yet?
  6. Oh yeah, totally understandable. If there was a Babylon 24/7 I would probably play it a bit. But mix in other modes and maps as well.
  7. For me it's Call of Skyline or Red card. Babylon is a good map imo.
  8. Gold XM4 and Gold Cigma Launcher, that's it so far...
  9. Never played infinite warfare, but I prefer Vanguard over Ghosts. It's all just opinions, but Ghosts made me stop playing Cod completely for over 5 years. 😜
  10. Ghosts the Multiplayer, worst Cod in the franchise and by a long way.
  11. Errmmm, so far nothing. I'm working on the XM4, but only like halfway on the headshots before the other challenges unlock. I need to get direct impact kills to unlock the gold challenges for the Cigma Launcher. Hardcore sounds like the move, but the gun is so slow to aim/reload etc. It's just having the time to shoot before you die. 😢
  12. It's a date!
  13. It's a curse of Cod, thee old tactical sprint. I used to go through more PS4 pads. Eventually it will do the thing. Smart move with the warranty. It's always that left stick pah. What sensitivity do you play on? Also what's your deadzone set at bro? Less mashy mashy run into that fucking building away from the Grenade! Just saying it might help, if you bump the sens up your aim will be dogshit for a while. Also a lower deadzone.
  14. Shoutout to Greebs, Cal, Luseth. Enjoyed the little session on BO6 last night. Wasn't my best games, but had fun 😁. The game of Dom me and Greebs had on Babylon was absolutely ridiculous. Literally nothing we could do. 😂
  15. I just use the bog standard pad, but I put kontrol freaks on the thumbsticks. They are cheap, but been using them for a few years. I buy more once the rubber is worn. They just feel nicer, at a higher angle and it means I don't wear the normal thumbsticks at all on the pad.
  16. I played it for a bit on Friday night. Only got to rank 13 or something , so playtime has been limited. Movement is decent, gunplay is fine. Very good hit detection. Not seen or hearing a lot of bugs (which is unusual for a cod at launch). Weapon leveling and progression is well balanced imo. Not too stingy or generous. Old school prestige system, love it! The maps seem alright, I don't hate any of them yet. Quite a few seem small/medium, which doesn't bother me. Best play is back. Perks are fine. Don't really have a bad word to say about it. Only gripe is that stupid top3 winners circle thing at the end of matches. I think Treyarch have done a good job here. Until I play more and find annoyances etc, I think there is nothing wrong with it. The connection has been totally fine as well.
  17. I'm literally watching an 18 month kid playing piano. Wow!
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