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Everything posted by Shocketh

  1. Warrior, 100% Didddums. Frost DKs are absolute garbage, I promise. Ret pallies are literally the worse PvP spec. Warriors are amazing, on the verge of being OP. Unholy is strong, but they just flop in the current meta.
  2. I mean, we just chillin' at like 82 everyday. The perks of living in Cali
  3. Not as strong of a supports as Annie, Leona, and Thresh though.
  4. I might be able to get some clips on WoW if you want, killing those extra annoying players with the Skype call if you'd be interested?
  5. i'm not excusing his behavior? like really, i can see where he's coming from because i too was made fun of my whole childhood. his was just amplified. us as a nation shaped him to how he is today.. but whatever. i'm done.
  6. Not being able to act like a kid when he was a kid leads to this type of behaivor. And go be bashed by millions of people, it'll get to you too.
  7. I mean, it's him being a rebel and shit. If you were called a "fag" and been told you were a girl and sounded like one, by millions and had the money to do so, most likely you would too. But then again, there's different ways to go about it.
  8. Nah, what it means is your can use it for 8 more seconds after a kill. Currently, you can use it for 12s after a kill, now it's 20s.
  9. Yea, I left out like Ori and Gragas
  10. Right now they most played in higher elo/competitve is Top: Shvy/Mundo/Renekton Mid:Ziggs/Kass/Nid Jung:Olaf/Elise/Lee ADC:Lucian/Cait/Sivir/Jinx Sup:Annie/Thresh/Leona
  11. Idk how i feel about that site. The tiers are really whack. The "god" mid laners, I lol'd. Swains isn't competitive, nor is Kayle or Talon..
  12. More competitive too. After the nerf to Sivir's spellshield she fell off. I think I'm actually gonna try and go hard in this game, so I gotta play the best champs :3
  13. Sivir is okay, you don't see her in competitive anymore really, tbh. Her spellshield got nerfed. Cait is 100x better right now, tbh.
  14. Yea, they're the best ADCs in the game atm, none other come close I also got the Officer Caitlyn skin ^^
  15. Bought Jinx, Caitlyn, and Lucian. Gonna main ADC and start duoing with a IRL friend. I wanna push higher elos and shit, should be fun.
  16. I dunno, I watched a livestream for someone attempting to break it, and he did. www.twitch.tv/rlenk , but for it to be offical, you need a gusiness rep to come out, and you pay for it I'm pretty sure.
  17. There are better Jungler's though. Mundo + Shyv ganks aren't nearly as effective as say Leesin/Elise/Olaf. If you look at the new LCS qualifier splits or w/e, elise is either picked or banned 96% of the time, Leesin 80%, and Olaf 70%. Mundo and Shvy, atleast in higher Elos, are shutdown so easily n the jungle, and they really need items to succeed.
  18. Sunfire cape into Spirit Visage and build whatever the fuck you want xD he's so broken. Him and Shvyana top are literally so dumb.
  19. Mundo isn't just great, he's OP :3
  20. don't die :3 when you lose your stacks, cho become absolutely worthless.
  21. Just play passive and throw your root to snare and use your ult effectively. After you learn to do those things correctly, rest of the game comes easy on morg.
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