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Everything posted by Shocketh

  1. Well, I can't figure out how to post pictures. It keeps telling me I can't do that.
  2. I didn't order the 5s, but I bought the 5 and it showed up the next day.
  3. I didn't actually get to play it, but I watched my friend play it through in one sitting. It was literally like watching a movie the entire time, you get emotionally attached to characters, and by the end are like "If you don't do this, I'm gonna fucking scream."
  4. It's just Vayne is the best carry, and super annoying to play against, even after she was nerfed..
  5. Yeah, especially when you go all in and get out with like 12 hp, happens more times then not.
  6. Oh man, that's all I play now :3
  7. This thread mayne. It makes me tear up. Sorry for your loss bro, I couldn't imagine losing my cat. He's an outdoor indoor cat, and everytime I don't see him for awhile, it gets me scared, "Where did he go?" "Is he alright?" but everytime he comes back. I can't imagine losing him. But I do know what's it's like to lose a close family member, and it just gets better with time. You'll be fine (:
  8. that's true, but if you just stay passive and try to last hit, you shouldn't be taking much poke. and the doran's ring helps with mana regen so you can spam your poke more.
  9. For AP Mid though, you can also commonly start with a Doran's ring and rush a Rabadons. That's what I do, as well as a lot of other players. Then you do your build according to what the enemy team comp is.
  10. Mirror's edge is such a fun game!
  11. I'd be down, but I rarely hop on League nowadays :3 maybe like once or twice a week
  12. I need to use the ignore button. I just absolutely cannot stand Diddums..
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