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J&B got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Diablo 2: Resurrected
From what I understand is it is still D2 and all its glory. Though it will have the option to toggle on and off the new 3D overlay, along with some quality of life changes.
I also heard they will be bringing it to the Xbox and PlayStation, which will be interesting to see.
D2 is by far the best game in the series so far and as much as I love D3 it has been a big let down. As annoying as it was I wish they had kept it in it vanilla state.
Here is hoping that D4 lives up to the hype I have built up for it, as a lot of the core mechanics are coming from D2.
Will definitely pick this remaster up regardless for the nostalgia at least.
J&B got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Diablo 2: Resurrected
From what I understand is it is still D2 and all its glory. Though it will have the option to toggle on and off the new 3D overlay, along with some quality of life changes.
I also heard they will be bringing it to the Xbox and PlayStation, which will be interesting to see.
D2 is by far the best game in the series so far and as much as I love D3 it has been a big let down. As annoying as it was I wish they had kept it in it vanilla state.
Here is hoping that D4 lives up to the hype I have built up for it, as a lot of the core mechanics are coming from D2.
Will definitely pick this remaster up regardless for the nostalgia at least.
J&B got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in Diablo 2: Resurrected
From what I understand is it is still D2 and all its glory. Though it will have the option to toggle on and off the new 3D overlay, along with some quality of life changes.
I also heard they will be bringing it to the Xbox and PlayStation, which will be interesting to see.
D2 is by far the best game in the series so far and as much as I love D3 it has been a big let down. As annoying as it was I wish they had kept it in it vanilla state.
Here is hoping that D4 lives up to the hype I have built up for it, as a lot of the core mechanics are coming from D2.
Will definitely pick this remaster up regardless for the nostalgia at least.
J&B got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Community Calendar: PUBG FRIDAY!!!
Event Title: PUBG FRIDAY!!!
Event Author: J&B
Calendar: Community Calendar
Event Date: 09/18/2020 08:00 PM
Alright lads?
As PUBG is currently free from the ps store, thought it might be a nice change for an FG Friday.
We can fully customise a private match so it would just be us in the game. So this means it can either be free for all, teams or I think there is other game mode options.
It would also be an early birthday bash for old Nutty.
So sign up and let’s have a laugh!!!
N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
J&B got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Map and potential spawn points.
@GazzaGarratt I believe that is correct.
I have read that there can be anyway from 6 to 12 people in a match. So it’s best just to be on the ball for the first clue, as you never know if you’re being hunted.
J&B got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Map and potential spawn points.
Thought this might help some, if you decide to run any matches regarding player spawn points.
But if you just remember that someone could spawn to the left or right of you at the start of a match, you should be ok.
Myself and Aaron have been caught out before which ended in a good fire fight. We have also taken advantage of this and caught a couple of Duos off guard as well.
Happy hunting.
J&B got a reaction from Nutcuttlit in Map and potential spawn points.
Thought this might help some, if you decide to run any matches regarding player spawn points.
But if you just remember that someone could spawn to the left or right of you at the start of a match, you should be ok.
Myself and Aaron have been caught out before which ended in a good fire fight. We have also taken advantage of this and caught a couple of Duos off guard as well.
Happy hunting.
J&B got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Final Fantasy XIV - initial thoughts
I still play, though I’m only level 30 white mage (healer).
one of the good things I learnt is one character can all the jobs, you just have to visit the other job guild of o learn them. Then you just equip the weapon and you switch to level it up.
This is the same for crafting I believe, but I haven’t dipped my toe in that pond yet.
J&B got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Patch notes!!!
Hope this shows, but gives a good breakdown and thoughts on 1.4.
J&B got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in The Hunt - Patch Update 1.3
I never got any replies to my messages back though. 😭
J&B got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in New Quiz Available! FG Gaming Pub Quiz No.5 - Game Faces
I just completed this quiz.
My Score 66/100 My Time 153 seconds
J&B got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Forever Gaming's 'Feel Good' Fund
@GazzaGarratt Good work buddy!
You guys didn’t have to send anything my way, but it is greatly appreciated.
Will update you once the gift has arrived, though why do I suspect a bag of dicks?? 😏
J&B got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Game suggestions!
Division 2 is all I can think off right now that would fit this apart from Destiny?
Or Dayz as that isn’t player number restricted...
But for me personally, it’s the easy of pick up and play. Which the Hunt suits just fine right now.
Where as the likes of the Division 2 and Destiny you need to keep on top of to stay competitive.
just my quick thoughts anyway.
J&B got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in World War Z (PS4)
Here I am!
Couldn’t agree more.
The game is a great pick up and go for the casual player or a challenge if you want to test your own skills.
I still need to complete the campaign myself, but it has been a lot of fun so far with a great story. It will also be great with all for of us on higher difficulties as well 🤣.
J&B got a reaction from tronic44 in World War Z (PS4)
Here I am!
Couldn’t agree more.
The game is a great pick up and go for the casual player or a challenge if you want to test your own skills.
I still need to complete the campaign myself, but it has been a lot of fun so far with a great story. It will also be great with all for of us on higher difficulties as well 🤣.
J&B got a reaction from Diddums in WOORLD OF WARCRAFT CLASSIC: DEADMINES
@Diddums sorry about that 😂.
J&B got a reaction from phil bottle in WOORLD OF WARCRAFT CLASSIC: DEADMINES
@Diddums sorry about that 😂.
J&B got a reaction from Impulse in Hey everyone :)
Hey Tom, welcome to the group and hopefully you enjoy your time here. Great bunch of gents to have a laugh with.
Started my first online gaming with legend of mir ( Pheonix server ) and Dark Eden also 😱. Good old dial up with the two step lag 🤣
There is a small group of us currently playing wow and I believe there is a post about it. So feel free to join in if you like.
J&B got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Hey everyone :)
Hey Tom, welcome to the group and hopefully you enjoy your time here. Great bunch of gents to have a laugh with.
Started my first online gaming with legend of mir ( Pheonix server ) and Dark Eden also 😱. Good old dial up with the two step lag 🤣
There is a small group of us currently playing wow and I believe there is a post about it. So feel free to join in if you like.
J&B reacted to ChaosGladiator in DayZ for PS4 - May 29th
We need more people on this! Aaron, Marc and I are well established on a server at the moment, but we need more firepower! (Or meatshields)
I can promise you running, looting, running, gunfights, zombies, more running, building, oh and did I mention running? We'll get you geared and help you survive, and we can all have plenty of adventures together in the harsh, unwelcoming land of Chernarus!
J&B got a reaction from tronic44 in Fresh start: WoW Classic 2.0
I do not mind on the server or faction. Pve would probably be better for me as it’s a bit more casual friendly.
As for class I’ll have a think and update you or wait to see what others pick to fill a role.
J&B got a reaction from tronic44 in Finally online and ready to button mash.
Hello all,
I finally been able to step out of the middle ages and back into the 21st century! ( that's right the new home has been connected to the web)
I've managed to get the old rust bucket running and fingers crossed it will continue to do so with no problems.
My Characters name is Melkos and is in the guide on the server Flame Lash who is currently a level 4 garden ornament..... (Warlock)
Looking forward to seeing you chaps online for a good laugh.
PS any spare bags if you can send them over until I can get myself sorted ❤️
See you all soon.
J&B got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Finally online and ready to button mash.
Hello all,
I finally been able to step out of the middle ages and back into the 21st century! ( that's right the new home has been connected to the web)
I've managed to get the old rust bucket running and fingers crossed it will continue to do so with no problems.
My Characters name is Melkos and is in the guide on the server Flame Lash who is currently a level 4 garden ornament..... (Warlock)
Looking forward to seeing you chaps online for a good laugh.
PS any spare bags if you can send them over until I can get myself sorted ❤️
See you all soon.
J&B got a reaction from Diddums in Which faction?
I’m not bothered what faction, so will just follow the group.