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    G_dub52 reacted to GazzaGarratt in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Well done to Rich @tronic44 who won the Destiny 2 Beyond Light game on December 1!
  2. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to GazzaGarratt in The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!   
    Well done to @JBR-Kiwi  that has won December 2nd's prize which is The Hunt: Showdown!!
  3. Haha
    G_dub52 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Introduction   
    a super quiet ninja goal scoring glove 🤪
  4. Like
    G_dub52 got a reaction from Dan94 in FIFA 21 FG Pro Clubs   
    Also I know Tony suggested it but I did'nt get to join in the end but did you play a cup? or maybe thats something we could look at too abit more? 
    Could do with stocking the FG trophy cabinet 🤙
  5. Love
    G_dub52 reacted to GazzaGarratt in FIFA 21 FG Pro Clubs   
    Hell yes dude! Looks like a good one again!
    I'll just take this moment though to say this has been a revelation of late. I'm not sure how we ended up where we are but we've all seemed to have such a good laugh, and along with this ended up in Division 3!?! I mean, I would've been happy around Div 8 just having some good chuckles about how awesome a cruching tackle is or someones amazing header thats hit the corner flag but we're also playing amazing alongside all the good laughs. Credit to everyone for jumping in and also switching around different positions. Its typified why FG is the way it is. I'm starting to believe we can buck the trend of these sweaty bastards on FIFA and make it into Division 1 playing the way we do and having the more laughs than any other club.
    I'm hopeful to find some time to get some recordings of some great laughs of us all along the way too.
    Let's keep this going and whenever you all fancy more games on a future night, stick something up and keep it rolling. GGFGFC all @Dan94  @jordie1892  @LordBaguette  @Macca89  @Lurch  @G_dub52  @TonyAE86  @Findmartin  @ChaosGladiator  @Glen11  @MikeyMoir
    See you tonight at Monday Night Football folks!
  6. Like
    G_dub52 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Introduction   
    Welcome in James 👍 see you on the pitch!
  7. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to JM-725 in Introduction   
    Hi, I'm James but people call me Lurch (I'm 6'4 and don't talk much). I enjoy playing Fifa, Rocket League and Call of Duty. Nice to meet you all! 
  8. Like
    G_dub52 got a reaction from Docwagon in Outdoor cooking   
    That looks insane! Good work! Glad it worked out well, All of a sudden ive gone really hungry haha 
  9. Like
    G_dub52 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in New Quiz Available!FG Gaming Pub Quiz No.4 - RPGs   
    I just completed this quiz.

    My Score 66/100 My Time 117 seconds  
  10. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to Docwagon in Outdoor cooking   
    Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the US, although I will be working so we'll delay the traditional meal until Friday.  The turkey is brining now, this will be my first attempt to smoke a whole turkey.  It's gonna be awesome or it's going to be shit.  Here's hoping...
  11. Love
    G_dub52 reacted to Middle Class Caveman in Outdoor cooking   
    I’m going to be cooking the gammon on the smoker again this year for Xmas 👌
  12. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to LordBaguette in FIFA 21 FG Pro Clubs   
    i scored more than 1 .. and had several assists
  13. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to GazzaGarratt in FIFA 21 FG Pro Clubs   
    Apologies, missed the s off the end...but you had way more 'assist assists' than assists. You can blame @Dan94  and @jordie1892  for that 🤣
  14. Like
    G_dub52 got a reaction from Middle Class Caveman in Outdoor cooking   
    @Stretch616 Just thinking we have also thrown some sausages in foil into a fire pit before in Scotland and that didnt work too bad either from memory? although I was smashed tbf 🤣
  15. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to Stretch616 in Outdoor cooking   
    One of our favourites when camping is home made pizzas. Which is one of the simplest things ever. Just a wrap bit of tomato puree, mozzarella and pepperoni. Bang that in a really hot frying pan for a few minutes and you have a great calzone type pizza for a fraction of the cost. Done this many a time with @G_dub52  and it's always gone down well
  16. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to JM-725 in FIFA 21 FG Pro Clubs   
    Fantastic run of games, even against some difficult opponents! 
  17. Love
    G_dub52 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in FIFA 21 FG Pro Clubs   
    Perfect, I think the "training games" the night before really paid off and Yeezy and Rodders continued the form and then some! Awesome to see everything click and I can't wait for the next session!
  18. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to Middle Class Caveman in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    Thanks dude, it is so much harder now I’m a dad in terms of energy levels and poor sleep but you just have to align your expectations with reality and get done what you can. Especially at my age too
  19. Love
    G_dub52 got a reaction from Middle Class Caveman in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    Nailing it dude! awesome to see the dedication! keep it going man 👍
  20. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to Middle Class Caveman in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 23rd November 2020
    SESSION: Week 2 Day 1
    CALORIES: 2900kcsls
    Main compounds:
    Deadlifts 3x3@160kg
    Sumo Box Squats 3x6@105kg
    I swear that god is out to stop me getting strong. Today was a pig of a day at work, which has made getting food in hard, drinking water hard etc. The session went ok, the deadlifts felt heavier than they should but that’s what happens when you’re up at 6am and train at 7pm after a full on day at work.
    What doesn’t break you, builds you. We go again. Here’s a video of me doing calf raises...
  21. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to Middle Class Caveman in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    BODYWEIGHT: 105kg (forgot to weigh myself last Sunday sorry!)
    A great start to this 10 week program. Hit all my numbers, kept my calories some what consistent. I’m going to sneak in an extra little session today to do some pump work (arms, shoulders and core) as these are my areas of development.
    1. Drink 2.5litres of water a day
    3. Consistently eat more than 3000kcals a day
  22. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to Middle Class Caveman in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 20th November 2020
    SESSION: Week 1 Day 3
    CALORIES: 2890kcals
    Main compounds:
    Squats 3x4@130kg
    Floor press 3x8@60kg
    The end of the week is always hard for me but today’s session was really good. My squats moved really well and I had no knee pain (the constant barrier I face until I can get surgery). It was lovely getting a visit in the gym from Maddie just before she went to bed.
    Floor press was great and I could have put quite a bit more on but I really wanted to focus on exploding off the floor to fire up those triceps. Did some lovely accessories after all that too and got a nice pump. Now for some lovely rib eye steak and an episode of the mandalorian!

  23. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to GazzaGarratt in My New Generation Console   
    The giddyness within me when it finally came kicked in. I hadn't noticed i'd asked Hayley about 25 times if she had seen when the delivery would happen! It finally arrived half way through Zoom video calls in the day, but I managed to get it setup through them so when i clocked off, I could start having a bash through it.
    First and biggest selling point? The controller. Hands down the first bit of kit to come out of this next gen era of gaming which is absolutely meets that category. You have to download the Astro Playroom that comes with the PS5 to fully experience what this controller can do. Its ridiculous. I felt like a 12 year old again getting Hayley to come over everytime it shown me something new. "H! H! Quickly, get here! How awesome is this?!!". I'm completely with @Stretch616 , the Haptic Feedback in the triggers is the dealbreaker. How new games (when they get here) can take advantage of how they program that will be frickin awesome. Its like there is a click in there at one point and then nothing the next. Incredible design and can see why they're worth their money.
    Other positive points include loading times - even with PS4 backward compatible games. I've never seen Destiny 2 load so quickly and thats only gonna get better when they release the PS5 upgraded version. It would be good to see how GTA Loading does on this. Then theres the Share Screen play. Playing on FG Friday where we all just playing random games in the chat, Stretch could play Overwatch and watch us play FIFA with FGFC in the corner of his screen with no lag and virtually no delay either. This will so help when one of your teammates is stuck and you want to show them quickly where to go or what action to do from your screen.
    Negatives are still there. Games. Where are they?! I likened it to the Xbox 360 launch when they only had 13 of them delivered to Toys R Us in my area and I managed to secure one of them but I could only play FIFA Road to World Cup which was exactly that but with no World Cup tournament in it! Even the existing games like Destiny and FIFA are being upgraded in early December. Clearly they wanted to get the console out for Christmas to grab some cashflow early doors. The chat/message/party system is still a mess for me and it invites a little ignorance into gamers if you ask me. If you need a party private for your own reasons it was easy, but now you can't even nudge someone to join the existing party they're in without nudging the other 60 people in the group cos everyone sees the message as there is no way to 'invite' to an existing chat. I can't even say pop in and say hi to others playing games if we don't use existing groups we've set up cos you have to be in it to speak. Big thumbs down from me.
    The UI i'm undecided on. Its just getting used to it I think which will have its niggles. Overall I still like it, the haven't overhauled that bit i'm glad about because their sleek design was hands down been better than Xbox for years. I think it has some snazzy subtle features that we'll all love when we work them out.
    Oh, and the setup for my existing Hard Drive was easy peasy so I can play my PS4 games straight off the bat. I'm not liking the internal storgae size at all for PS5 games but new games seem to be smaller in size so I hope it'll be a while until we have to work out what next additional storage to buy thats compatible with PS5 games. Frustrating but not dealbreaking seeing new sizes of games. @Diddums is also right that a £250 headset can't work without an adapter due to no optical output. Weird design decision, but maybe helps them plug their own 3D Pulse Headset perhaps more so?
    I've picked up Valhalla, Cold War and WRC9 so will finally give some PS5 games a go shortly in their true form over the coming weeks. I'm just super glad we can all chat with no issues across PS4 and PS5. Well worth the money.....Just.
  24. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to Stretch616 in My New Generation Console   
    To be honest, I was going to do this thread myself but ended up playing on the damn thing a lot later into the night than I should have!!!
    So, I have a PS5 and I can confirm, its fucking BIG!!!! I thought I had plenty of room for it in my tv cabinet, wrong!! I had do make some quick furniture rearrangement which pleased the mrs no end!!
    The controller is a significant step forward in feel and weight, much like the difference from PS3 to PS4. If I'm honest, it feels like a pro controller straight out of the box. The feedback system is just out of this world!! It's not just a rumble pack and away you go. Every inch of the controller feels alive with the gameplay and just makes everything that much more immersive. However, the adaptive triggers were the thing that really blew me away. The fact that the specific part of the gameplay will dictate the pressure and feedback required on a button press is just mind blowing. Honestly, this is a game changer in terms of non-obtrusive next gen hardware.
    UI is simple, if not a little bare for my likings. But familiar at least. No real complaints on it other than that stupid party chat system is still in place. I was able to share my Mortal Kombat gameplay with @GazzaGarratt whilst he grinded away on Destiny. Neither of us noticed and performance drop in doing this.
    The SSD is a massive quality of life upgrade. Load times are a thing of the past and general interaction between one game and another becomes a breeze. I wasnt playing anything too intensive on loading last night but with that said I dont really recall ever having to wait for anything, which can only be a good thing.
    With all the positives above, here comes the negative. Games. I'm confused as to how many ACTUAL true next gen games are out at the moment but it cant be more than a handful. I know theres a remaster of that and a collector's version of the other. But true showcase AAA titles just aren't there at release and that is the only way you're going to get £70 out of me for a game. Happy to maybe look around the £40 mark for a remaster but it feels like a bit of a piss take at the moment.
    The PS Collection helps to redeem the situation somewhat with a great catalogue of games that can hopefully guide the system through this sparse release window. Bloodborne last night looked absolutely fantastic and I'm loving playing it at the higher frame rate so I'm looking forward to seeing what other games are like.
    All in all I'm happy with it. My PS4 was on it's way out so it made sense to upgrade. YMMV but I'm totally understanding of people that wont invest for a while yet. PS4 was all about the players, PS5 is all about the patience it seems
  25. Like
    G_dub52 reacted to Diddums in My New Generation Console   
    Well, where to start?

    The controller sucks, the menu sucks, the party system sucks, the lack of optical out sucks, the amount of launch titles suck, it's far too big, and the people I play with suck. 
    Am I missing anything?
    Ok for realsies then:
    The controller feels a bit chunky and very Xboxy but this is probably just a case of getting used to it. The menu system is a bit odd at first but like the controller, I'm sure it'll become second nature soon enough. God knows how much I'd be whinging if they didn't change it, I'd be all "new content everybody" on their asses so they're never gonna win regardless. The party system can get in the sea, what the fuck Sony were thinking with that is anyone's guess. There's only one USB port on the front of the console, the other is USB-C which may or many not be the future, I guess Sony was also stuck between a diddums and a hard place here because we're sort of in this weird twilight era of transition between those bullshit USB plugs that only ever go in on the third try, in the same orientation as the first, and USB-C, so they need to cater to everyone and that's a bitch. We'll make it work I'm sure. There's a USB on the back which is nice, so when I eventually have to plug in an external drive because Sony's removed the ability to use any drive you want I won't have any cables hanging out the front which I don't need. I suspect these external drives will be quadruple the price of the exact same drive without the Sony logo because Sony tax but I'll whinge about that one when we get to it. 
    The lack of an optical out has irritated me no end and seems like such a stupid oversight. This means I can no longer adjust the balance between the chat or game sound which is a massive loss for me as it effectively kills the most used feature on my £250 headset. Thanks Sony. Ah but there's a solution y'see, buy an HDMI to Optical out adapter for £50 (fifty fucking quid! can buy the whole of Yorkshire a cup of tea for that!) and even then we don't know if the console will simply output all the sound over it or split it like the PS4 did and I've no intention of spunking £50 to find out it doesn't work. Maybe there'll be a workaround, we'll see. 
    The silence of the console is fantastic but then those fans and fins are all squeaky new and dust free so we'll see how that evolves over time. The snappiness and responsiveness of the system as a whole is amazing. It reminds me of the first time I installed an SSD, the zippyness of it all is excellent. Also doing a software update in a matter of a couple of minutes rather than hours was fantastic and this seems to be reflected in the download speeds too which are considerably faster than the PS4. 
    The Playstation Collection or whatever it's called, you know, that last-minute shit we're gonna get pwned by xbox's game pass so make something quick! thing is great and has some good games on it too. I hope this is just the beginning and not just a ploy to sucker people in. 
    The playroom game is fantastic and a proper homage to the legacy of Playstation, if you haven't played it, get cracking. 
    Overall I'm happy, certainly worth the money and most of the little niggles are things that I will get used to over time, however the optical port problem is inexcusable and will need a solution. 
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