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Everything posted by Mikepjbell

  1. Calendar event up
  2. until
    Hi All, This is an open meeting on either PS4 chat or discord. Details to be released closer to the time. Mike.
  3. Event Title: App Dev. Discussion (Open to all) Event Author: Mikepjbell Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 01/10/2018 08:00 PM to 01/10/2018 09:00 PM Hi All, This is an open meeting on either PS4 chat or discord. Details to be released closer to the time. Mike. App Dev. Discussion (Open to all) N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  4. Hi All I wanted to let this topic sit over the weekend and see what kind of reaction we get. It seems like it's worth investigating further from those who have replied so let's put together a calendar event to go through some more detail. I'll open it up to the whole clan and try and control the chit chat somehow!
  5. Put me down too
  6. It'd be good to see how many current players we have who'd be interested. May need 2 teams
  7. Welcome to the forum mate
  8. Welcome to our club of social miss-fits! Enjoy your stay and looking forward to playing some games with you
  9. Sounds great, I'll put you down for the discussion!
  10. As you all know we've recently been scratching our heads in order to find a way to boost communication on the forum, whilst also keeping features that we love in apps like WhatsApp. I think we all understand that accessing a forum and creating a new post or replying to a post isn't quite as convenient as sending a quick instant message in WhatsApp, so we need to find a way of amalgamating that convenience along with our lovely little forum, which let's face it, for a clan forum is bloody good. @Misneach_, @GazzaGarratt and I have been discussing this in fairly loose detail and we've come to the conclusion that it would be prudent to run this by you all before we go into any real detail. What we've found is that the only app currently available either on the Play Store or the App Store is our current app, which is a hybrid of tapatalk (a premium solution) which gives general usage of the current forum. From what we can see (and please if you have suggestions let us know) is that there isn't anything out there which gives all of the functionality we need. What we (think) we need is an App which gives the same as TapaTalk, but also integrate events, clubs, live chat and various other features we'd like in order to easily run the clan effectively from smartphones. Now, here comes the potentially interesting bit. If there isn't anything out there, then there's a gap in the App market. We could potentially both fulfill our technical needs of an App which works for us, but also (and this is a loose potential at the moment), create a marketable App which we could sell. Now, without doing a feasibility study, business case, etc on this it's difficult to really put that into anything meaningful. This is where you all come in. What are your thoughts? We'd like to get people involved in this. We're a pretty mixed and intelligent bunch of project managers, technical people, and... Americans, so there's definitely scope there for us to collaborate and put our heads together to put a solution together. But this is very much dependent on a thorough feasibility study/business case in order to ensure we're not completely wasting our time. What I would propose for a timeline: - Have a quick open discussion with key players in the clan to talk about why we want to do the app, what we'd like. It's an opportunity to shut the idea down or push forward with the same. <1hr - Run a complete feasibility study outlining costs, current competition and potential issues which are foreseeable. Also to align on ideas and decide on a plan to move forward with. - Put together a project timeline and delegate tasks. - The rest is dependent on the above being successful and involves development, marketing, research, funding etc etc. Anyway, let's get some discussion going on this. There seems at least on the face of it to be a potential small business opportunity here. Mike, Lee and Matt.
  11. Right OW champion get a time pencilled in to chat about it
  12. Bin them both they're not needed. We can exchange wank bank material on WhatsApp.
  13. Yeah as I said Winston seems to be my reserve. I've done well with Winston recently just jumping in a messing around with the opposing team and jumping back out. I don't think Winston's bubble is enough to sustain a proper defence though, it's destroyed pretty quickly and not really designed for that. Winston's more of a disruption character for the other team, similar to Genji.
  14. Yeah Stretch you're right about the skill level required. It's going to take me a long time to get him right, and he works best on a map with lots of structures to bounce between. If I'm in an open space I'm as good as dead, so I think with that comes map learning and learning where the health drops are. I've been watching a heck of a lot of advances Genji tutorials on how to bounce in from the enemy back-line, and also to work from my own teams back-line to jump in only when you know you've got a definite kill, so on and so forth. It's just going to take me time and slow adjustment of my view (Y?) axis sensitivity to get it right.
  15. Could put a calendar event together to play and discuss tactics
  16. I guess it's maybe worth organising a few friendlies and see how we get On? There's quite a few of us who play so getting a team together and building some league tactics should be doable
  17. Oh fuck I just realised I'm green.
  18. To be edited.
  19. This migjt already be covered but are we in any, or are we considering joining?
  20. Rather than posting a new topic I'll post in here. I'm now getting on top of what I believe will be my mains. In preferential order: 1: Genji 2: Winston 3: Pharah 4: Bastion I want to get very good at Genji and Winston as I don't think (correct me if I'm wrong) they're overly utilised in the clan. Let me know your thoughts!
  21. Everyone play rocket league or you're not my friend.
  22. I think we need to utilise the club's much better. The club owners who are the champions (me included) need to really push their game and grown their mini community within the clan. That person needs to be responsible for their club, who's in the club and who's involved, and indeed booking calendar events and tournaments etc. @GazzaGarratt do you want me to start organising this including the champions etc? I know this is something you've been working on recently.
  23. If done in creative mode it's definitely achievable. If prefer to do it on ps4 though...
  24. I'd like to join in on overwatch on ps4 😉
  25. I'll make sure I add to the funds before Xmas, when's the deadline?
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