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  1. Yes you do! Friday nights games were such a laugh! Looking forward to more of the same tonight! Big ZLATAN will be there to smash a few in again 😂
  2. If we had enough people on for some clubs then I’d be happy to play a few games 👌🏻
  3. I just can’t imagine me ever playing PES again. As bad as FIFA is, it’s still miles ahead of PES. It’s sad though considering how happy EA are just to take peoples money and put out terrible gameplay. Suppose I’m the mug that’s supporting it so I’m part of the problem 😂 I wouldn’t mind some fun cod lobbies though since that’s something we all agree on!
  4. Do you prefer your new job then? What is it you are doing now? I bought a BMW 320d Msport. Its an upgrade from my last car by a fair bit so more than happy with it 😁 photo doesn’t really do it justice but aye, there it is 😂
  5. Actually been doing good mate, got myself decent work, a lovely girlfriend, a good dog and a fancy car so probably a little better in life than I was the last time I was here 😁 how have you been? Warzone and Fifa are pretty much all I’ve been playing tbh. Can’t get enough of Warzone! Don’t mind playing whatever though if there’s a lot of people on for a laugh 😁
  6. I’m surviving mate. Working hard and doing well. Life is good atm so can’t complain! How have you been? cheers for the warm welcome back fellas!
  7. Well some of you will remember me from way back in the day. Feels like a lifetime ago we all used to party up and cause havoc. I’m Sean (Glen11) and was a member back on the old Mw2Forum and then converted over to here with the other guys. It’s been a long time since I’ve posted so I’m glad my phone remembered my login or I would have been screwed 😂 I don’t know how active I’ll be but I’ll drop in from time to time. Turns out when you grow up you can’t just sit and play Cod all day... sucks! 😂 I’ve been playing a lot of Warzone lately so looking forward to getting some games in with you all if anyone fancies it 👌🏻 Feel free to say hello. Where’s all the old members at? 😁
  8. Neymar is unreal! Great dribbling as to be expected and he makes a lot of chances. Im having a wee bit trouble finishing sometimes though but I think thats more down to me. Have to get used to how the shooting is a bit more just. Thiago Silva is one of those players I dont really notice on the pitch but I'm conceding very few goals and feel solid at the back so must be decent.
  9. Teams Im using atm 4-3-3 (3) Schurrle - Remy - Willian Tiote - Cabella - Ramsay Clichy - Mangala - Koscielny - Debuchy Begovic Neymar - Benzema - Cuadrado Ramires - Rodriguez - Guarin Filipe Luis - Thiago Silva - Chiellini - De Sciglio Sirigu My second team cost about 640k and is amazing!!
  10. I packed Neuer and David Silva so my squads are looking ok now decent start to the year!
  11. I have a cheap BPL team and a cheap Serie A team set for tomorrow. Going to update them as I go 1 player at a time instead of wasting all my money on packs this year. Bought the coin boosts from the catalogue on PS3 so hopefully they will carry over? Thats about 30k after 30 games plus league coins and match coins. Shouldnt take too long to improve. Looking forward to trying Mertens! He looks incredible
  12. Yeah I checked and couldnt get any. Was going to invest in James Rodriguez the other day as he was ~50k so I could sell him after the full release. Missed out as I was 3k short and now he sells for around 80k already... Damn it
  13. Are fifa points available on the uk early access now?
  14. Double post, am I right in thinking any players I get on PS3 will be available on the PS4 too?
  15. I cant use the web app for packs, lets me sign in but the app page is zoomed in so I cant see the button to open the pack. If I zoom out It changes the page to the companion app ad... Any idea why? Chrome problem maybe?
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