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Greboth last won the day on September 12 2024

Greboth had the most liked content!



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    In front of my TV

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  1. Among Us (Let's Vote Macca Out 👀)

    Random but we haven't played Among us in a while and genuinely thought it would be a hoot if we played it again! 


    Saturday night, chilled one, start with Among Us and then.... who knows, could go to Wreckfest or GTA Races.


    Whoes down? 

  2. FG Fridays - Wreckfest! until

    Wreckfest is BACK 👊


    Probably the best racing game to utterly destroy your fellow FGer up on, lets get a few hours on this for Friday evening. Game allows for cross-gen play with PS4 and PS5 in case you haven't got this game already.


    Get your name down below so we know to get your invites out on the night 👊

  3. MW 2uesday Night Shenanigans!!!

    Let's get on and have a good few games, if we get enough on we can have some private games and dids can possibly get some revenge on tom for that knife throw 🤣🤣🤣

  4. FG Fridays - FG GTA Races!

    FG GTA Races are BACK 👊


    FG Fridays are a thing because of GTA, so lets tell everyone and get the game updated way ahead of Friday so we can go and play some Nascar, Sumo, Target, Bikes and whatever else we can find!


    Get your name down so we now to get your invites out on the night 👊

  5. FG Friday - Modern Warfare 2 until

    Get your name down for this week's FG Friday! I was thinking we could play some Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Multiplayer? It's always a night of fun and laughter.


    Event is from 20:30 GMT till late. Hope to see you there!

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