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Everything posted by MrBiron

  1. I think it looks really good. I'll get it as no doubt you lot will be. Fuck playing objective modes solo though as everybody will just be going for Nukes like in MW2. Apparently sniping is hard so no QSing bullshit. Via the FG App
  2. Killstreaks are fine for TDM type game modes but for objective game modes all they do is encourage players to ignore the objective and go for straight kills. So there will be no chance of me playing something like DOM when I'm playing solo.
  3. I know that. I was just stating that the first operation was actually pretty good for the consumer. But then they got greedy like they always do.
  4. That's actually not true. If you got a win a day then you could complete it. But that would still take a win a day for 50 days. Activision have just gotten greedier with each new Operation. At first you could earn every weapon from playing and now they're locked in "surprise mechanics". Plus there's all the other cosmetic shit that costs and absolute fortune to buy. £20+ for a single item? Fuck right off with that shit! The way they're handled BO4 really makes me wonder just how badly they'll fuck up the new MW.
  5. I'm waiting to see some proper MP footage. I have no interest in that 2v2 bollocks. Via the FG App
  6. This game is currently on sale for £13.99. So go buy it! Via the FG App
  7. I forgot about that "review" 🤣
  8. £19.99. It isn't always a small loop. You can get quite far in and then die. Luckily any unlocks are permanent. Best thing is to watch some videos on YouTube showing how the game works. Or I could just let anybody that's interested watch me playing it. Via the FG App
  9. Yeah it's an indie game. Every 15 mins? It's like being punched in the balls constantly. It's the sort of game where one mistake can get you killed instantly. But I love it. Via the FG App
  10. Any of you lot play it? It's absolutely bloody brilliant but also bastard hard at same time. I'm slightly addicted to it. I've just beat it on the third highest difficulty. Nearly gave me an aneurysm. Via the FG App
  11. ​‘Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled’ Reviews Round-Up - LADbible WWW.LADBIBLE.COM It's been 20 years but there's a new 'Crash Team Racing', is it enough to take on Mario Kart? Here's what the critics think. Via the FG App
  12. £30 from Simply Games or £35 on PSN. Via the FG App
  13. Seems to be getting decent reviews. Might be a game to add to the FG games roster if enough people get it.
  14. MS announced this at E3. Combines Gold + Games for £10.99 a month. I've jumped in and got it and because I had Gold til next year I now don't have to pay again until April next year. Pretty decent really.
  15. All this "8K" bullshit is getting annoying. As mentioned above, I'd be quite happy with native 4K/60FPS games.
  16. I really don't know why the insist on showing campaign first knowing full well that the vast majority of players get COD for the MP.
  17. $1500 for a weapon? Sounds perfectly reasonable [emoji849] Via the FG App
  18. That weapon sounds awesome! Do you get in a supply drop?
  19. *right side...😉
  20. I'll be going at some point. It's 10 mins up the road from me. Via the FG App
  21. Apparently there won't be a mini map. This is fine with me as I'm used to not having one from playing Hardcore. But it will either encourage more camping or discourage it as people won't be able to sit in a corner staring at the mini map all game.
  22. MrBiron

    Rage 2

    I've enjoyed what I've played so far. It really is like an open world Doom. Combat is nice and fast and the weapons have some serious punch to them.
  23. I hope this is a return to form for COD. I do like the series but it's gone way downhill since BO3 (the last decent COD). Chances are Activison will fuck it up. They always do. They always go full retard. No mention of the F2P bit that is supposedly coming.
  24. I've gone from "couldn't give a fuck" because of Blops 4, to "you have my attention". Apparently the game looks stunning because of the new engine. Campaign is supposed to be realistic and really quite brutal. It honestly depends on what they do with MP. All maps are going to be free. If all the in game purchases are cosmetic only then I'm fine with that. Via the FG App
  25. They should have built on BO3. That's the best MP for years. IMO obviously.
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