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Everything posted by Venom

  1. I’ve never seen someone launch themselves of the platform with the relic 3 consecutive times do it seems you must just be allergic to it.
  2. Would like to add that everyone on that team successfully avoided detain at some point apart from dad of course. Detained was our main problem so hopefully it won’t be moving forward.
  3. Each of the oracles make a unique pitch when they sound. So just recreate that pitch. This is obviously the intended method and I don’t see why others aren’t using it.
  4. Got me Karl la and kempy
  5. Also @Tehbluebear needs core 4
  6. If anyone wants any goals to do with raids. For example, a completion, a seal, a weapon. Let me know in this post so we can keep track of who wants what. FG Raid Goals - Google Sheets DOCS.GOOGLE.COM Sheet1 X,Ajay,TehBluebear ,GazzaGarrat,Jordie,Kempy DSC,Completion Red...
  7. Venom

    DSC Raid

    I’ll be online if you need any help then.
  8. Venom

    DSC raid

    We can do void this run but of all trades is next week and the core four is the week after
  9. Venom

    Deep Stone Crypt

    We’re going to be late can we push back to nine
  10. Venom

    Last Wish

    I’m in
  11. until

    I can do any night this week if needed
  12. The thing on Friday has been confirmed to be part 2 of the puzzle hunt thing not a reveal yet.
  13. I’ve been running these raids over and over again recently so if you ever need another player I’m in.
  14. until

    Is it ok if we push the raid back till 5 45 or 6 dad has to go pick my sister up?
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