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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. So, played some more last night and the experience didn`t get any better. Too many campers, catered to snipers imo, and I hate snipers with a passion. The maps are boring and the usual blown up places with debree everywhere. And there`s too many entrances to everything, too many places where campers can set up shop. Not to mention getting shot in the back 8/10 times. They were smart and took away the connection bar so people don`t know if they have 1 or 4 bars. I know I feel slightly behind quite often, and take too many bullets to kill someone vs people that kill me in just a few. Spawns are dogdy. Spawning in and an enemy spawns in right behind me. Seriously need Quickdraw, but doesn`t unlock until level 54 or something, wtf? Playing the game makes me rage, to the point I want to break my controller and disc. Conclusion: Not gonna buy the game and no COD in the future. I`m getting to old for this shit. Oh, and soo HATE the french!
  2. COD Ghosts, the majority of people playing COD. And the French. Nuff said.
  3. After playing an hour and a half, it feels just like any other COD. Bullets chasing me around corners, being half a sec behind/shooting someone but getting killed and the killcam showing something different. Can`t say that TTk is any faster than MW3, other than when people are shooting me. They only need 2-3 bullets of course. Maps (that I`ve played) has way to many openings so getting shot in the back constantly, even more so than on BO2. Blitz sucks. Still hate snipers. (Too easy, even I can do it ) Extinction is meh, but kinda expected that since I don`t like Zombies and the like either. Game feels quite fluid, allthough Marathon is probably the perk to use. Cranked can be a fun game, more funny when you know the maps better. Gonna play a couple hours tonight, to see if the game is worth bying. Oh, and COD etc. should be banned in France.
  4. He has a point though.Allthough not all of FG said BO2 was perfect. I know I never said it
  5. I got a message in the feed that the money has been transferred to my account. Didn't have to do any download etc. 500 001$ So have almost 800K in my account now
  6. Money has finally come! And everything at once. Already has an apartement though, so gonna spend it on ammo and a supercar
  7. OK then. Was just my opinion from watching that one video.
  8. I`ve never said it looked like shit, but I watch videos because I want to know how it looks and plays. I have said I am not gonna buy it unless it`s unbelievably good and the connections etc is perfect. (By perfect I mean playable and enjoyable) If it is awesome after some weeks after launch I might consider bying it. I don`t like quickscopers. You know that. Yes, it`s a skill and I suck at it, but I hate being killed by them and I don`t think the snipers should be used like that. It`s just a game, but I like some realism. Just my opinion, if I have the right to have one.
  9. Really don`t understand why they always needs to cater the damn quickscopers. But thanks, another vid that puts me off from bying the game
  10. I guess these games are played on LAN or something, so I bet it will be quite different when people play online.. Hope I`m wrong, but small chance And lots of places to set up the ol`camp tent.
  11. You know you`re just gonna rage after 10 minutes I`m not getting it either, unless people say it`s unbelievably good, no connection issues and perfect hit detection.
  12. Been rather dead here lately. Anywho. Scared me shitless when this bad boy fell from the sky right behind me right after I spawned in the game last week!
  13. I checked those but gonna double check tomorrow. But green connector? Dont think I have green..
  14. NCA-Paendrag


    Just bought a new headset cus the other ones kinda broke. I also thought it had lost sound in the right speaker. But when I plug in the new one (Turtle Beach P11) I still only have ssound in the left speaker. I've had sound in both earlier and I haven't any re-wiring.. What seems to be the problem?
  15. That is seriously fucked up! Someone should rip her tits off and see how she likes it! Another case: Was stupid enough to watch the beheading of a mexican women who had cheated on her husband. Got so sick to my stomach I almost puked. I felt seriously ill afterwards!
  16. I won`t be getting Ghost so probably gonna play this for months. That said, the game bore me to no end at times. Still playing it though
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