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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. Well Mike, then you need to read it again. But I`m not gonna complain anymore in here so maybe the problem will go away.
  2. If it`s every post I make then there is a problem. And I feel I have a reputation for being bitchy and moan about everything. But it`s not many threads that have any action these days (that gets my attention) and I need to vent sometimes. And if we can`t vent in the complaint thread then it has no purpouse. This discussion is almost identical like one we (in general) had on FPSHQ and it makes me not wanting to visit this site.
  3. I'll stop posting as I obviously piss people off.
  4. Thing I don`t understand is why people complain about people complaining in a complaint thread..
  5. I can`t admit that this is a good game when I don`t agree. And it`s not just the douchebags playing it allthough that`s probably the biggest gripe. I don`t like the maps. This game has the fewest maps that I actually like and it`s only two or three. It `s not (just) that the maps are too big, I don`t think they`re THAT big (but too big for Cranked imo) but it`s the design that kills it for me. Too many places for campers i.e I have to check ALOT of corners and other shit but just end up getting shot in the back. It`s hard to see enemies on many maps and when people are camping on the ground or headglitch with thermal snipers, rifles etc you are fucked. Spawns. They said they fixed it. Don`t seem like they did. Rewarding objective play. Fail. Create a character. Meh. What do I care if my character is wearing a cap, beret or helmet etc. It`s probably more, but think this is the major ones.
  6. I`m pretty sure Euan meant is as a joke too, after all he`s Scottish and moan all the time.
  7. WHAAAT!!??!!! COME ON MAN!! That was a strange apology. You should just be glad I don`t post that much anymore, and especially right after playing. Damn, this thread would be alot longer then But as Jonny`s saying; This is the complaint thread so it`s easy to just ignore this thread. And we are just posting what you guys are screaming in the mics while playing anyway That said, I am playing MW3 more than Ghosts just that MW3 has been bad lately, with iffy connections and hackers that are invisible. And as soon as my PS4 arrives I`ll be playing NBA 2K14, and maaaybe BF4. Still on the fence on that one.
  8. I don`t play games just to play with people. If I don`t like the game I just end up bitching instead of talking (Except COD. That`s like heroin. Want to quit but can`t ) Well, 64 man servers I guess is a little more than on BF3 We`ll see.
  9. So nothing positive about it. Got it.Cal: I played bf3 and sold it. Dont think I will enjoy bf4. Too big for me.
  10. What is the main difference(s) from the PS3 to PS4 on Ghosts? As it is know I don`t think I`m gonna bother get it for the PS4 when I get my hands on my new console.
  11. I think it`s the COD with the least players online I have seen. I have never seen over 300K players online, and I know MW3 had well over 500K players long after the spring. Can`t remember that well about BO2 but I think it had over 400K players for a long time. Yeah I know many people have moved over to PS4, but I have never seen more than 30K people online there the few times I have been on that console. (Bear in mind that I said a few times only ) I wish I knew how to play it!
  12. Hmm.. Guess my memory is fading because I was pretty sure I had palyed it on Siege as well.. Anywho.. I still feel the maps doesn`t fit Cranked.
  13. Is it that limited? I think I have played it on Stonehaven even..
  14. KC is pretty much just as bad as TDM as there isn`t much point in taking tags other that to win the game. Which doesn`t seem to interest that many people anymore.
  15. Oh, it`s too many even in Cranked. And I don`t feel that gamemode works very well on these maps. S&R seems to me best in a party and Hunted doesn`t appeal to me. DOM is pointless unless in a party.
  16. What console are you on?I would bet campers are everywhere anyways though.
  17. Totally agree. I think I only enjoy to some extent 2-3 maps. And don`t forget campers. Have never seen that many campers on a COD before.
  18. Just what the game needs, another sniper-rifle. That said, it might be fake as that is more likely a Marksman rifle Not to mention a map where it`s probably near impossible to see enemies, especially campers in the grass etc. And most likely 3 million places where campers can lie prone ads most of the game.
  19. I read somewhere that didnt help. Does it? Its littered with them anyways. I think im done with cod. At least on ps3. My bloodpressure cant take it.
  20. God I am sick of I.E.D's!!!! And people camping in houses with their dog!
  21. That is why its a joke. It has no purpouse. Probably why it was only 2000 in the playlist.
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