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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. Morning all!
  2. Thanks, we are
  3. Morning people! Taking the kids to the beach today. The is shining and it finally feels like summer!
  4. Don't even know how much I've spent on Warframe. Mostly plats, but some gear as well.
  5. No you weren't Love ya 2
  6. I was pulling your leg Lee
  7. You broke my heart there man
  8. Morning all! I fuckin hate that song
  9. Cuz you guys were busy on Overwatch No problem man, I was gonna play Wolfenstein but wanted one game on BO and got stuck
  10. I'm on now.
  11. Is this still on? If so I might make it if the missus don't get to bitchy about it
  12. Morning Dave!
  13. Dumb fucks. «the light is on but there's no one home» is fitting for these people. I only feel sorry for the unborn child.
  14. Until Dawn isn't that bad actually. And Hayden Panettiere is in the game
  15. Systems down at work due to the kryptolock hack that happened several places in Europe yesterday. Back to pen and paper. Other than that, sun is shining and one hour left before I get off
  16. I hope to be on but won't make any promises. Early work week, which means up at silly o' clock.
  17. Morning all!
  18. Morning Lee, morning Dave! Fuck the rest of ya!
  19. Morning people. Work today. Missus away tonight, so gaming all nite
  20. Happy friday indeed
  21. Sign me up scotty!
  22. Morning crazy people!
  23. Still can't believe that we actually found games, especially in Search and with a full party!
  24. Rich, you're too late. Fuck off! Fun games tonight! Gun game was awesome and the last SnD wasn't bad either. Me almost beating Euan had nothing to do with that obviously.
  25. I'lll try and make it.
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