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    tronic44 reacted to Jason in GTA V Crew (PS3) - Hierarchy Update Pg. 3   
    I gave it a quick look before I went to work. Never got past the creation screen.
    The create a character leaves something to be desired. I'm ugly enough in real life, don't need to look like a escaped mental patient online as well. Lol
  2. Like
    tronic44 reacted to JsinOwl in What are your expectations for Ghost   
    I'm in the CoD can fuck off camp, I'll have no trouble keeping busy until Destiny comes out.
  3. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Chookes in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    My wife has hacked Dave's account.
  4. Like
    tronic44 reacted to uberwarrior in What are your expectations for Ghost   
    Glad you agree, now go back to greasing your butt cheeks in readiness for Rich!
  5. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Chookes in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    The first girl he completely freaked out to the point where it geniuely looked like she was going to scream for help was Kirsty.
  6. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Just Cal in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    I found the unedited version

  7. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Just Cal in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    Tam's random photo partners           
  8. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Chookes in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    I can't see any of them at work . Will use mod powers to remove any bad photos of me when I get home. Enjoy them while they're there.
    Only joking Diddums.
  9. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from deterioration in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    btw some of them are blurry cuz i'm drunk
  10. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from Chookes in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
  11. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from Chookes in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
  12. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Chookes in What are your expectations for Ghost   
    I do not like this.
  13. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from Just Cal in What are your expectations for Ghost   
    Love you too Euan 
  14. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from Just Cal in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    They're on their way, soz at work, not sure if i'll be able to get the videos up till later.
    Also i should point out that on Friday i gave up with taking pictures on apparently thought it best to take 2sec videos instead 
  15. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Chookes in What are your expectations for Ghost   
    You definitely come under "the cunts that play it" category.
  16. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    Didn't have time to make any yesterday, too busy having sex
  17. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from TigerBurge in Destiny box art revealed   
    I will be doing exactly the same Matt! Really looking forward to this!
  18. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from Just Cal in GTA V   
    Got my first quick scope over the weekend, bau5!
  19. Like
    tronic44 reacted to crippled_viper in Destiny box art revealed   
    I want. But need to get PS4 first. This will be the first game I get for the PS4 when the time comes.
  20. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from Just Cal in What are your expectations for Ghost   
    Lag and plenty of it!
    I'm not sure when i'll get this game, other games are calling out to me more.
  21. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from Just Cal in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    lol they're amazing shakes aren't they? How was college yesterday? I'm shattered today but with one coffee down me i'm allllll right!
    I've got loads of pictures and videos going up soon but not sure if i can upload to youtube at work :/
    Also i've rendered out our first part....if you get me? I'll stick it all together and render it out later, i figure i'll do it in parts rather than one whole thing lol
  22. Like
    tronic44 reacted to spectre in Community channel artwork   
    everything looks real good man. I' could try to come up with some kind of intro if you want me to.
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