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Everything posted by tronic44

  1. They had the EGL London over the weekend, did anyone catch that? I know there were going to be a few youtubers playing as well. I was interested to see how FearCrads, Qwikerthanu, BennyCentral and Insomulus did against pros.
  2. Every time you post, i think Euan's posted I saw this advert the other day and fucking cried my eyes out laughing, it's bloody brilliant!
  3. Awww my nipples were moist for this game The advert made it look so good as well!!
  4. Aww no one wanted to play btw this will only make sense to a few
  5. It's the shitting down the chimney that does it for me, fucking excellent!! He didn't even know the dude! Also you Scottish guys know that beds are also used for having sex in, not just sleeping. You don't always have to be in a toilet
  6. mother fuckers making adverts about me! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTmZBQA5Tog
  7. I'm liking the clip thread! I've got a 9min random clip tage of us i'll hopefully be uploading it later
  8. Probably one of the only comments iv ever wanted to dislike
  9. Obviously anyone who wants to join in and be part of different episodes can but thought it would be a nice start to what hopefully will be a good game.
  10. I was going to do an rtc or as it'll be named stc (skip to commander) and see how quickly i could do it. Thought it would be a decent amount of videos for the channel too. Would anyone be interested in watching this? If not i might do a challenge.
  11. Also when do we get our money? I haven't been on in ages :/
  12. If we can't money share then how do we share money from robbing shops?
  13. tronic44


    Welcome dude! Loving the randomness of this thread, looking forward to more of the same
  14. It is hard Sean, solid to the point of pulsation.
  15. Dude my house mate showed me this yesterday, just by looking at the first one i know i don't need to see the rest. But that one with the minge gunge, is straight up gully. Who in their right fucking mind is going to eat that??
  16. Nope, you just get everywhere by running Florida's amazing! Loved it!
  17. Hackney
  18. Right now that that's over, i don't think i'm going to be able to get on much this week because of work, if i do then it won't be until midnight
  19. I think you've got it spot on dude, it's all about communication. If you're joining a massive session where people are racing or going off and shooting randoms then you should be prepared to die from just about everyone. We'll draw a line through this now, so...... When joining up with other people, say to them that you want to build up money and don't want to be killed. Then the other people should respect their wishes and kill everyone but them. Also no saying you don't want to be killed only to go up to someone and kill them. You you do have issues with people killing you when you don't want to, speak to them privately about it. If you can't come to an agreement after that, then don't game with each other. It shouldn't be as hard as all that but it is (for some reason), so forget it all and now lets go and have some fun and remember we're all friends here, a game definitely shouldn't be coming between us!
  20. That's exactly what i meant when i said i'd read the title wrong lmao Glad it wasn't just me
  21. That's a sex right nipple, what does the left one look like?
  22. Yeah the same happened to me but I just signed out and back in again. The same thing happened not long after blops2 was released so it's obviously something to do with something.
  23. Nooooo!! Ma sexy man! Don't go cuz people's jiggily bits are in a twist! People have been taking this game far to seriously, chill out people, it is just a game. I lost 40k the other week from people killing me and couldn't care less. If you go to a random lobby, the chances are you'll be attacked by randoms. It's part of the game. In the last video I posted me and Cal were getting chased by the police down some mountain roads, how did it end? Private_Parts mowed us down in a heli, everyone who's getting angered should watch this video and listen to mine and Cals response at the end cuz that's how we should be acting. Soz can't post it cuz on my phone, I should have more videos going up today. Screw it if people aren't having fun, I'm having a fucking blast!
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