As this site will be hopefully growing considerably over the next few months i thought it would be nice, at some point in the future, to give a little back (not saying that people don't give back but you get me) What better way to give back, than by playing computer games!
A while back we talked about getting a few of us together and running a 24hour live stream in aid of Special Effect, unfortunately this never went ahead, due to many reasons. As this site grows i'd love for us to get together, with new users, and make it an event that we host each year.
I don't see this as something that will happen straight away but more something we can plan to do in the future. I know the site is going through change and it's not the best time for this but i just wanted to get an idea for how many people would be up for getting involved?
I'll leave a couple of links for charities that we could look into
We don't have to stick to charities that are based around computer games, we can raise money for many different charities with our gaming.
(Not sure if this is the best section to put this in but please move if not)