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Posts posted by deterioration

  1. Firefly was my introduction to Christina Hendricks. Loved, loved that episode she was in.

    I wanted the cameraman to pan down and zoom in when she was nekkid in Mal's room. There has to be pervs in space! :)


    Rented "The Judge" last night with Robert Downy Jr and Robert Duvall.

    Not a happy movie but it was a great film.



    The Theory of Everything. It was well done. The scene with Steven driving his chair wildly around the house and saying "EXTERMINATE" is awesome! :lol:

  2. Also, think its time to watch Serenity again...after the Firefly series of course.


    My girl and I just finished watching the show and movie the other day. May sound dumb but I'd never seen any of it. I really enjoyed all of it. It did totally ruin Adam Baldwin in Chuck for me though as he plays practically the same character. His chain of command line is my favorite :lol:. +1 for it being dumb they canceled it. Very well crafted, entertaining and thought provoking.


    Another fun thing, the Jaynestown episode had hardcoded subs  :ph34r: so when the song hit we got to swinging our arms, stomping our feet and singing along follow the bouncing ball style. :)

  3. ^ looks cool. Those prices are nuts considering your bag was probably landed at max like $20 from China. Working at a joint that imports bags I'm not sure how they justify a markup like that. Camera bags are similar and expensive like that too. I consulted Bees about the price of the bag with embroidery, he agreed with what I was thinking and said if you want to order 90 of them hit him up :lol:


    When you finish the Willis missions I had issue with earlier, not to spoil too much but, you're dropped somewhere that you'll have to escape from. When done in the cut scene you end up in a blizzard and encounter the shape of what looks to be a Yeti walking past. A little foreshadowing. I'm curious with the Yeti thing if you are limited to what guns you can use because it wouldn't be fair with the signature Buzzsaw (MG42).



    I beat the game not too long ago and received an congratulatory e-mail :lol: Same thing happen on console?

  5. I'm excited about reading this: James O’Barr Confirms Jack Huston and Jessica Brown Findlay for The Crow


    I really like Jack Huston; psyched for this now. Way better fit and look for Eric than Bradley Cooper IMO. Interested to know who they are going to pick up for Top Dollar and the gang, also if the Skull Cowboy will make it in this one. :)



    Edit: Found this today. If you've never read the OG comics or graphic novel and want to. https://thecrowcomics.wordpress.com/

  6. hhmm, I need to see that!


    I didn't mind the dog alien, the xenomorphs always took on the characteristics of the species that hosted their eggs, so I thought it was a really good plotpoint to drive that point home.


    IDK, I really didn't mind 3 at all to be honest.


    I personally love 3 and am trying to understand the gripes in this thread. Each movie builds on the story and introduces us to new information about the aliens. Alien introduced us to the face hugger and synthetic humans/ Aliens that they terraform, the Colonial Marines, their weapons and the Alien Queen/ 3 that they are capable of impregnating other organisms/ Resurrection they can swim, they will sacrifice one another to escape, they have a type of telepathy etc… It’s a simple enough approach to keep we wanting to know more and wanting more movies. The money grab opinion isn’t one I’ve ever considered.


    Again 3 having a nonhuman alien is so exciting to me. I thought on what I posted earlier in this thread about the lack of different aliens and if it was silly to suggest considering they are in space or on hostile planets all of the time. Where would the animals come from?, do they clone them? and on… but the movies have shown us cats, dogs, hamsters, and I think from 3-SED cows. It’s unfortunate in 3 that we don’t learn if the Aliens are picky in terms of who they choose as a host. Would they choose a person with a genetic deformity? Would it have an effect on the alien? I want to know!


    If I have 500 what if questions after a movie normally I really like it :lol:

  7. My eldest daughter is currently in Melbourne, not specifically for this just good timing on her part, but has told me she can hear the noise of the cars practising from her friends apartment window.  :) Can't wait for Silverstone!

    Very cool!


    I know the results but haven't fully watched qually or the race. I couldn't sleep Saturday morning so I was able to catch 1/2 of qualifying on MSNBC at 2 in the AM. Not in HD with their crap coverage and presenters. Sucks when you have to rely on people to share and they don't. Sky/BBC coverage is not able to be explained in terms of percentages better.


    Lewis at 34 seconds ahead of Seb in P2. It's the first race but damn!

  8. I've been revisiting the Alien movies to sharpen my being able to discuss them and the new movie so last night I watched about 1/2 of Alien 3 Special Edition before bed. If you haven't seen the special edition you really should. There are a ton of differences. For 1 its not a dog alien. :o




  9. Very exciting!



    One thing she's a young woman why the hell is she always dressed like an old spinster?


    Isn't see a puppet for the machine? Go here, wear this, say this, do this. I think I remember reading about how the Queen didn't like her hairdo and "suggested" she change it. I think her, at times, ugly clothes options represent the shackles of her station. Then again I'm a Yank, what the fuck do I know :lol:

  10. Thanks for punishing the fans while you go about it BBC. I'd punch a producer right now to get it back on, and lets face it the Top Gear producers deserve to be abused with digs and punches. J-Clark fights for the fans. Free my nigga Jeremy!!! He aint do it! smh :lol:

  11. Yeah, thanks for the link Doc!



    O shit! I had an old LEGO building program and after a quick search it looks like there's an updated one!

    LEGO Digital Designer: http://ldd.lego.com/en-us/



    It's free... Just installed it!





    :wub: LEGO but never completed a huge set. I'm with you Cap they are a lot of $. I like the Ferrari F430 set up there. Ferrari sets are hard to find and/or, again, nuts money!



  12. Wow, sorry Phil. Wishing him well.




    I was wondering, on the video rendering that you want to use it for, do the rendering program(s) you use utilize video card support? Thinking of programs like Xilisoft Video Converter that have a Nvidia Cuda option which speeds up the process by also using your GPU. And I have 16GB of RAM, its nice, if you're doing renders maybe you should consider going with 32GB. Not sure about pricing there and now but my 16GB was only $100. If you can score 32GB for under $200 and it aids speed, the time you'll save might be worth the extra money. Plus you'll be able to render and watch porn at the same time. RAM it :lol:

  13. Play video games, no commercials. Problem solved.

    Excellent idea but SHHHHHHHH! Don't give EA any ideas! Next they'll be putting pay to win/pay to progress microtransaction advert breaks between levels. Those will work day 1 but the game(s) wont. :lol:



    I watch a few US programmes and you can tell some have really horrible commercial breaks in between from the get-go all the way through. It's really noticable when the edited ones hit our TV's here because after a few minutes it says 'coming next' and then continues immediately whilst repeating what happened moments before because in the US; there would have been a break sandwiched in the middle.  


    The run time averages are pretty consistent throughout A-'merican TV. A 30 minute show is normally 20-24 minutes and an hour show is normally 40-45 minutes. The rest is commercials. The way they cram them in does mess the flow up at times.


    You definitely spoil yourself and start noticing the annoying patterns by watching TV with no commercials. Some shows, like Elementary, cut to black before a commercial break. The show is great at using this technique to eat up show time. It's very noticeable when they change the lengths of the blackouts.


    Heres the supporting story for what I was typing about earlier: Fast forward: Networks speed up TV shows to play more ads

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