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So Monday I had to look after my young son for the day while my wife did her return to work day (hence having to get back early) and I thought as it's his first day without his mom properly I would just go out with him and see where we end up. Decided to go to Merry Hill which is our local shopping centre and ended up in HMV at one point.


So the reason for this post is that HMV is not anything like I remember, when I last went in (it was in a different location for a start) but it was just cd based, the store was a bit of a mess and seemed to be struggling to find it's place in the world today.


The HMV I visited Monday was a far cry from that, music had been pushed to the back of the store and probably only took up about 20% (30% if you include gadgets to play them on) of the floor space, the rest now seems to be much more pop culture focused and to be honest I really liked it! They also had some little arcade machines (not cheap by any means), Japanese style plus teddies, funko pops, model figurines of various films / tv shows etc.


Just wondered if anyone had been in one similar, is this a trial run or just a new direction for the company?




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It's not too much different here.  We have a small section in a corner for accessories like headphones, section for Anime, big section of BluRays / Boxsets, a section for CD's but much smaller now and a fairly decent range of vinyl along with the various merch you can buy dotted all around the store, also a wall lined with expensive t-shirts..  I might pop in every so often to check out if anything is decent but still not willing to shop there at those prices.

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Sounds like more of a decent place to shop around Christmas for ideas for different people. I kind of like they have evolved in some way away from pretty much just music, however I really do miss browsing new music like that as it would help me look through genres I enjoyed and find similar types of CDs and playlists that would be worthwhile buying.


I don't really listen to much new music because of the new digital rental services like Spotify and Apple Music. I keep a lookout for the Coventry store when we get chance to go into the city centre soon.

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