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Ubisoft cancels 4 games in development

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As @J4MES OX4D mentioned in a separate thread, GR: Frontline, along with a Splinter Cell VR game, and 2 unknown/unannounced games have all been cancelled by Ubisoft.  They've also delayed the release of the upcoming Avatar game.  Reasons given by a Ubisoft exec was a "cost cutting measure to emphasize even more focus on our biggest development opportunities."





Ghost Recon's foray into battle royale will not see the light of day.


*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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Maybe if they stopped making games people didn't want then they wouldn't have to cancel them🤣 It just defies belief how many bad decisions they've made and this is a company that has several development houses scattered all over the globe and a huge budget so they don't really need to cut costs - just make some decent original and appealing games without having to chase trends, nickel and dime consumers further or copy and paste stuff you've been making for years. I don't think I can tolerate another Far Cry or Assassin's Creed title. 


10 years ago Ubisoft looked to be dominating the PS4/XB1 gen with some hugely original titles like The Division, The Crew and Watch Dogs which were all commercial successes and went on to have sequels. A decade later and they are cancelling shitty outdated concepts and pinning their hopes on dominating the FPS genre with XDefiant. Skull and Bones looks like it'll be a threadbare disaster and for some reason they have been immune to making a new Splinter Cell or proper Ghost Recon game from the ground up, probably because they can't find a way to monetise it adequately. They've been very fortunate with the success and wide appeal of Seige and that's about it. 


The company is fucked and it serves them right because years ago they stuck their middle finger up to single player games and championed live services. Now they are getting it right up the bumhole. 

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Splinter Cell Remake director leaves after 11 years


David Grivel said it's time for "a new adventure."

I don't know what's going on at Ubisoft but they seem to be stalling or neglecting what fans want, cancelling all their original projects and desperately rehashing old brands. Whole company is a joke just like Blizzard have been for the past decade. Why anyone would want to work there I don't know. 

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The thing is I am not really sure that the issue is live service games, just their content is generic, it mostly follows the same templates and formula and really does not bring anything new to the table. It's a company that found a place where it was making a lot of money redoing the same thing over and over again. The thing is it is an entertainment industry and creativeness is often required, you have to adapt and develop things.


They are heading only one way at the moment, EA is much the same, relying on the same game franchises over and over again, slowly they are falling away as well when you consider how badly battlefield went and titanfall seems to have been left by the wayside. They just rely on fifa these days surely?




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Rejuvenate and update this thread:-


Another one cancelled today


Ubisoft said it halted work on Project Q, which it announced last year, in order to focus resources on "priority projects."


3 cancelled last week and this takes the total number of canned Ubisoft titles to 8 games in 6 months. XDefiniant and The Division Heartlands must be clinging on to dear life😂

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