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'Deport Justin Bieber' White House Petition


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I can't stand him either but unfortunately, the fact this made it to 100,000 signatures, just shows everyone where the people's focus and concern is; and I can think of plenty of things where their attention should be directed.


lol @cyberninja -  he said "Canada will send him right back"

Keep calm and question nothing.

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I can't stand him either but unfortunately, the fact this made it to 100,000 signatures, just shows everyone where the people's focus and concern is; and I can think of plenty of things where their attention should be directed.


Exactly. That is just a testiment to how far society has fallen these days. People today are more concerned in what goes on  with Bieber, or the Kardashians, or any of these other famous people than being concerned with things that actually mean something anymore.


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We just started a petition in Canada, you guys took him in you should have to keep him. :)

I think both sides can come to an agreement; heres our counter offer. Judgment of Solomon. CA keeps 1/2 and the USA keeps the other. Friends, neighbors, peace and love. :)



I mean, it's him being a rebel and shit. If you were called a "fag" and been told you were a girl and sounded like one, by millions and had the money to do so, most likely you would too. But then again, there's different ways to go about it.

O, whoa is me. I have to resort to criminal activity, damage others property and put peoples lives at risk because money can't buy respect. He's not a girl he's a cunt.


Reminds me of Frankie Muniz in a two ways:

1.) His reaction to being bashed and how to play the game of life.




2.) How instead of racing on the public roads, under age, 0.14 drunk (almost 2 beers), with no license, fighting with Law Enforcement he took up racing on track. :o


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Ps who the hell is Frankie Muniz? Looks like a complete cockbag

You're lost in analogy land.


Not being able to act like a kid when he was a kid leads to this type of behaivor. And go be bashed by millions of people, it'll get to you too.



No kids are allowed to act like kids. They have parents/guardians/teachers that discipline and guide them. If I ever need an excuse to make myself feel better about being a scumbag I'll hit you up.


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You're lost in analogy land.




No kids are allowed to act like kids. They have parents/guardians/teachers that discipline and guide them. If I ever need an excuse to make myself feel better about being a scumbag I'll hit you up.

i'm not excusing his behavior? like really, i can see where he's coming from because i too was made fun of my whole childhood. his was just amplified. us as a nation shaped him to how he is today.. but whatever. i'm done.

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Celebrity culture today no doubt is a tough, demanding, exhausting, intrusive and perhaps depressing experience which can ultimately affect someone dramatically. Some celebs can adjust to the lifestyle and daily pressures and others can go off the rails. It's been happening for decades and in this modern age; it clearly can affect people in more severe ways in which the public lap it up in the gossip and media domain.


Bieber's antics of late can mimic that of the ordinary person; if your average Joe Bloggs did this; nobody but the neighbours would care. Whether Justin's problems are down to the celebrity climate or him just being an arrogant and immature prick is something that we cannot divulge at this time. Famous people his age within the celeb domain can conduct themselves in a proper manner and as a role model for many people; you'd expect better from Bieber. Perhaps he cannot help it due to the lifestyle pressures and wanting a bad-boy image or perhaps he's just a little shitbag that should be taught a lesson in the big boy bad world.


He has fans, he has haters; welcome to 2014 where the internet is your best friend and worst enemy. 

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The problem with Justin Beiber is just what I said earlier (chlid star syndrome). It's another case of the blame falling mostly on the parents IMO. When a child gains fame at such an early age as he did then he has niether the maturity nor the wisdom/experience of life to be able to handle the burdens that fame and great wealth bring with it. When you are just a kid you do not have the tools to handle fame and fortune. It is then the parents job to help guide him in the right direction and help him still be able to experience an enjoyable childhood before he becomes an adult.


His parents did not do that though. His mom seems like a whack job and his dad seems like a total loser. Worse yet his dad was actually in the car stopping traffic so he could race, as well as provided him with some of the drugs. To me his parents are not only not doing their job as parents, but even worse yet, they seem to only be in the picture to use Justin as a cash cow. It's really sad when you stop and look at what is really going on. I have never cared for Justin  but truth be told I actually feel sorry for the kid because he really has a very slim chance if someone responsible does not step in and do something. If someone does not step in and talk some sense into his head and make him realize money does not mean you are above the law then he is headed either for death or prison. Not a very good outlook if things do not change for him.


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