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RIP Roger Lloyd-Pack


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Some choice one liners from the BBC website


Discussing the name of Del and Raquel's unborn child:

Trigger: "If it's a girl they're calling her Sigourney after an actress, and if it's a boy they're naming him Rodney after Dave."


In the Nag's Head pub:

Mike: "I've had certificates for my beer."

Trigger: "Yeah, I've had a few days off work with it as well."



The road-sweeper discussing his trusty broom:

Trigger: "And that's what I've done. Maintained it for 20 years. This old broom's had 17 new heads and 14 new handles in its time."

Sid: "How the hell can it be the same bloody broom then?"

Trigger: "There's the picture. What more proof do you need?"


At a school reunion:

Del Boy: "We had Denzil in goal, we had Monkey Harris at left-back, we had... camaraderie."

Trigger: "Was that the Italian boy?"



About his father:

Trigger: "He died a couple of years before I was born."


Arriving at the council tip to find it closed:

Del Boy: "You said it was open 24 hours a day."

Trigger: "Yeah, but not at night."

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