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Ok it's not the best thread title but I'm tired and I've been asleep for 3 hours. New game. You've been asked to make the next COD, Frankencod. The game is entirely made up of any parts of any previous COD from Modern Warfare to Ghosts.

You have to decide on perks to choose from, the perk system, score system, killstreaks, maps, guns and anything else you want to include


If this is a shit idea then I don't care because I'm tired and I can't be a genius all the time.

Rule change, you can include ideas from other games.


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I think its a good idea, but I'd love the option to input ideas from other games as well.  I think that is part of the problem with COD is that all the best ideas have been used up.


I would love to see a game where we are all Predators hunting each other with all their cool ass weapons.



Back on topic though. The Harrier Killstreak was the best ever.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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I like it Euan. Best post you ever made. :)

Score streaks like BO2

Only non leathel kill streaks

No thermal/tracker/target finder sights

Destruction like Battlefield.

Guns selection like Battlefield

Customiseze classes in game once again like Battlefield

Map veriety like MW2

No perks

No bull shit knifes. Battlefield type knife system.

I'm sure I can think of more.

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No douchebags.  Here is my solution to get rid of them, lol


  • Only Support Killstreaks is a great idea.
  • No, "no skill" anything. Meaning everything must have some kind of counter, even if its a skill avoiding said tactic. Example - the ability to go prone to avoid bouncing betties. Another example - crouch walking to make no noise and counter Amplify.
  • No rewarding bad players. Rewards are for doing well, not doing poorly.
  • Weapons that get better the longer you use them. Maybe the recoil gets better, or you get faster at reloading with them. I am thinking RPG elements here. 

This last part could totally do away with Perks. If you want the perks, you level up your character to get better at what you want. Sort of like Skyrim.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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Definitely some reward for playing the objective, not sure how it would work with only support streaks.

I like the idea of changeable weather/day to night.

No quick scoping ;).... Only bolt action snipers.

proper stat tracking.

No ghost/assassin maybe even no UAV/sat com for the purpose of balance.

Some seriously different map sizes, styles to hopefully make gun choice more meaningful.

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Ok it's not the best thread title but I'm tired and I've been asleep for 3 hours. New game. You've been asked to make the next COD, Frankencod. The game is entirely made up of any parts of any previous COD from Modern Warfare to Ghosts.

If this is a shit idea then I don't care because I'm tired and I can't be a genius all the time.


This isn't a shit idea, it's exactly what IW did for Ghosts. For my CoD:

Pick10 create a class from BO2

Challenges from BO2

Game modes from BO2 but including SnR and Team Defender from MW3 (can drop Hardpoint)

Killstreaks from MW3

Maps from MW2

Connection from Ghosts

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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What are the rules of Warzone?

Dedicated servers are a must.

SnD with alternating rounds.

No dead silence, this is war, you make noise. Or crouch.

Recoil on guns.

Warzone, was basically one match which incorporated several different game modes which would change the dynamic of the match completely making it very intense at times, great game mode to play. By far my favourite game mode when playing KZ3.

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I don't think even the most perfect potential COD could generate my interest back in the franchise. A good game for me would surround:


- Black Ops inspired maps with differing sizes and terrain

- Pick 10 from Black Ops 2

- Scorestreaks that emphasize objective play as opposed to kills

- A wealth or scorestreaks either in strike packages or from a wall where you can choose between support and assault

- Proper scenery destruction and not lampposts falling over and doors blowing off hinges

- Score limit modes as opposed to time-limit based games 

- Search and Destroy with alternating rounds as Euan mentioned

- Better presentation in terms of visuals, the HUD and the menu

- A decent and memorable campaign and not one-dimensional characters in a piss-poor story that lasts 4 hours

- A detailed theater mode with direct upload to YouTube available

- A combat record to the tune of Black Ops 2 and not some shitty barracks bollocks

- Gimme fucking Headquarters again you wankstains

- No French people

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Maps from MW2 and 3. No killstreaks, no health regen, more weapon choices, objective game modes only and no perks. I like the idea of leveling up your guy to get better at stuff... Faster reload, less recoil and such.

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My FrankenCOD... Put a fair bit if thought into this...


. Stormfront - Ghosts

. Cargo - BO2

. Standoff - BO2

. Hydro - BO2

. Underground - MW3

. Array - BO

. Summit - BO

. WMD - BO

. firing range - BO

. Wasteland - MW2

. Underpass - MW2

. Sub Base - MW2

. Estate - MW2

. Derail - MW2

. Vegas Junkyard - Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (not COD but I just had to have it!)

Wow that was hard, when I got to the MW2 maps I just wanted to pick them all!

Guns: just some memorable guns I would love to see again...

FAMAS - MW2 my favourite gun in any shooter ever!


F2000 - MW2





PPM901 - MW3

Aks74u - BO

Intervention - MW2

Desert Eagle - MW3

M93 Raffica - MW2

G11 - BO

Barrett .50 - MW2

G36c - MW3

Commando - BO

Chicom CQB - BO2

.BO2 Create a Class

.Perks from every cod, they all have a purpose for something and someone, so why not?

.Ghosts squad points unlock system

.BO2 style scorestreaks

.Mw3 style specialist, with set score points not kills

.Assault and support streaks

UAV or equivalent to be a higher points total than previous titles, to try and ease the UAV spam and the need for ghost/assassin type perks...

.Ghosts excellent connection

. Even more character customisation, more like RSV2, pointless for gameplay but it's just nice to create a character and unlock a lot of things...

I love the idea of nukes but I don't think I can include it because I think it's a big incentive to camp hard...


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I don't think it's the game itself that I've grown tired of, it's the community.  I don't think that is fixable.  


I don't think that we will ever go back to the glory days of CoD.  I think it has already peaked.  I think a new game could re-kindle that feeling, but I don't think it will be CoD that does it.  


You guys have all had some great ideas, but it would still be the same douche bags playing the game. 






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What has made the series stale for me apart from the in-game issues is just the 'in you face' aggressive promotion and marketing strategy that Activision have adopted along with the substantial media interest and with gamers alike. The annual release has taken its toll but the way the timeframe works in terms of playing the latest game and a few months later being swarmed with the build-up to the next title; I just feel you can't escape the franchise. The DLC packets help keep players engaged but I just find the process a bit desperate now and it doesn't seem to grab me any more. 


I loved Black Ops 2 but I followed the development so closely and the leaks that when the game arrived; I felt like I had been playing it for months already and that I'd seen it all before. The game was fresh, innovative and original for a COD but it was marketed too strongly in my opinion. 


I'd love them just to have a break and spend a little longer developing a new game. I know it would cost Activision hundreds of millions in profits but just escaping the franchise and having a cooling period could generate a gradual interest over time to reach high anticipation. The franchise will have a bit of extra time to get into the growing generation and gamers will have a bit of peace to recuperate.  

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@madjonny you did put a lot of effort in but it was ruined immediately by map...storm front :)

@Tommy, what you say is true were really taking about people sitting in corners not playing the objective so how about pointstreaks but little or no points for kills (except tdm) and more points for collecting tags capping flags and then also no recording deaths so no kdr and it needs to go back to blops 2 where you had to move to make ghost work..no rewards really for sitting in corners.

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- stop producing a Cod game every year. it is ruining the anticipation, not letting us get our moneys worth for a whole 2 years of play. unless you play 16 hours a day, you dont have a chance to finish anywhere near all the camos and challenges


- black ops scorestreak system

- inclusion of kill confirmed, and hardpoint.

- odd map from black ops 1, 2, and mw3 (hardhat and maybe dome)

- kill streaks stack like scorestreaks, but no nukes. cant decide if MOABS are a good idea. id kind of prefer the blops 2 style medals for long streaks.

- dedicated servers

- weapons have a bit more variety, more recoil, more attatchments, rather than the standard laser beam smgs that rape at close and long range.

- controversial...NO FUCKING QUICKSCOPING. fuck, it, make a gamemode where QS works or something.

- some kind of system that detects campers and makes them flash red with a giant "i am a camping douche" following them for 2 mins.







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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