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BF4 Instantly better than Cod Ghosts ?


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Its just so much more fun. Being able to blow up a building or fly a plane, helicopter or drive a tank / jeep . And the physics are much better . Customisation of weapons is brilliant. 64 soldiers & 2 commanders .

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I'm glad I stuck with BF4 in the end and it's amazing to see how far it has come from the original release horror show and the glaring issues that plagued it for months after. Finally DICE has turned the screw and has not only recognised a string of game-breaking issues, but has fixed them making this game not only playable but very enjoyable.  Their relationship will the community has been impeccable in the last few weeks despite receiving much hate worldwide. Good job to them!


I think for a lot of next gen gamers; the sheer upscale of the console version is just a snippet of what is possible in the future. It's games like Battlefield 4 that really demonstrate the sheer depth and power which makes Call of Duty look very bland and dated now. Ghosts is essentially a 360/PS3 game at heart, forward-ported and despite BF4 also appearing on the old systems; at least this game was made for the next gen and back-peddled to give fans an opportunity to play before upgrading.  The difference is immense. An epic leap forward.   


With interest and morale in COD at a all-time low; BF4 is definitely an amazing alternative and streets ahead in so many different areas. 

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Is battlefield more popular than ghosts worldwide now? Or is this just a trend on our forums...I'm genuinely curious.


Either way if/when I get a ps4 I'll probably buy bf4.

I think the transition for console gamers going from 24 players to 64 along with the upped graphical quality has been the key factors. It seems many have warmed to the sheer scale of the game along with the quality. Call of Duty is such a last gen game now and the contrast between both FPS games is massive.  Even when it was was released on PC; Ghosts didn't look much different from MW2 and the 6v6 format is just embarrassing particularly on the larger maps. 


Players currently online:




(source; bf4stats.com)


PC has been very consistent along with the old gen consoles but 76k for the PS4 is staggering and it's only a matter of time until this eclipses COD.  How many does Ghosts get on the PS4 usually? On PC, Ghosts averages probably 10k and peaks around 30k. 

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There are 300,000 online for the 360 right now....no idea what it is on other platforms though. I know it is a matter of time until CoD is outdated and forgotten but I dunno if it has happened yet.

I had Black Ops 2 on the 360 and there was always a steady 120-350k online. I think the Playstation 3 probably gets similar traffic too. Unless they beef up the COD concept into the next gen; I think those figures will drastically diminish. I dunno how many play Ghosts on the PS4 and Xbox One but BF4 having nearly 80k so soon is fairly massive and with games like Destiny and The Division along with Titanfall on the horizon; there will be plenty of choice for players in the MP sector compared to the 360/PS3 era when you really only had COD, FIFA and an ultimately scaled-down Battlefield series.  

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