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More glitches? :/


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Also this is just a snippet, just noticed this guy has about 20+ videos of various glitches. Some probably patched already. But if you scroll his back catalogue. He has everything from; Unlimited field specialist, Teleportation, Glitch spots, Out of map,Wielding 3 different guns.


Game is beyond broken!

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The good news Kenny @IRaMPaGe is that I haven't seen any of these in game so far. Don't believe others have either which is nice to know people can't be bothered replicating glitches widespread.

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Yeah definitely, some people who love the franchise would never cheat or whatever.


Can imagine some might, but it just saddens me yet another negative thing about MW.


It just goes back to the "half finished" product, and us as consumers doing a lot of the testing for the Devs to fix.


I mean sure not everything is going to be perfect at launch, but as the days go on more problems/Issues/Glitches are found.


The COD Community are unraveling this game like kittens to a Persian tapestry.


On a few occasions I've went to boot the game up. And it's come up with "Maintenance underway" and I've been put in a queue for a few mins just to get to the main multiplayer menu!

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It's really weird because on the face of it, this game looks great and should be an outstanding title but there is so many design and execution issues, it is quite staggering. Broken challenges and missions after 9 patches I just can't get over and they've known about this since day one.


I haven't been on the receiving end of many glitches but the fact they are out there MW2 style is just embarrassing really. The minimap decable, footsteps and other annoyances just tot up and the as said above, the way they are handling things in terms of speed and their relationship with the community is borderline shocking. 


There has also been several hints that they've been using the Message of the Day feature to troll the community and leaving private developer reasons in patch notes that are published is crazy incompetence.


I've enjoyed the game for the most part and have reached rank 110 so far but I'm feeling less and less motivated to play because of the issues in the game and the friction in the community it has created. There is clearly staff at the studio who are letting this game and the players down and if we're not careful, everyone will end up losing which includes us, the devs and Activision.


I think they have two weeks to really iron out a 1.1 patch which includes all bug fixes, plugging exploits and finding a perfect medium for footsteps and the minimap in which Activision can then start selling the Premium Element else this game will go the same way as BO4, Infinite Warfare, Advanced Warfare and Ghosts.


Sledgehammer are the only studio this gen to turn an entire game around with some exceptional hard work after a major overhaul of the studio and the same thing is needed here badly. 



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