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PS4 Capture Card


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Has anyone figured out how this works yet? I know how to upload and trim but I don't know what it's saving. I had my best game of SnD (14-3) and there was one round I wanted to upload. I went to Upload Video Clip and the last 14 minutes available to me was half an hour ago. I then went in to another game and it records my 50 seconds from getting in to that lobby. So half an hour of gameplay isn't there at all.


When my game finished, I left the lobby and clicked Share. Is there anything else I was meant to do?

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It's worse than theater. No idea why it goes to Facebook. It's not great. I went on a PSN thread and one guy (like me) was really confused by it and was getting slaughtered for being a troll. I read all 6 pages, I'm still confused as fuck. I don't think you can come off your games app or it resets the timer (or something).


My head hurts.

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This feature is still definitely broken. I played a game of SnD on Siege where I got a Missile Strike from a Care Package and got 5 kills with it, and then a knife kill for the easiest ace ever. I hit the Share button and there's an 11 minute video from 45 minutes ago. Fuck this. PS4 forums are full of smug c*nts as well, not even acknowleding that some people are having issues.

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That's sucks dude! The quality of the team kill looked fairly good for something that they've done themselves but i don't like the fact it uploads to Facebook! Why do they have to be involved in everything?!?


I'm with you on the smug cunt ting as well, it was like that on the ps3 forum when shit went wrong and all you got were people asking normal, non trolling questions and they were getting called idiots when it was obvious that this person genuinely wanted help.



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The quality is OK. What you can do is make the video public (I have a secondary Facebook for these videos) and you can use a program to rip them from Facebook and you can reupload them to YouTube. I've had 3 or 4 montage worth clips that I've lost so far, which sucks.


I'm going to test a theory next time I'm on. Every clip I've lost always seems to be the first time in that session that I hit the Share button. If I try again later that night, it seems to record my last game/clip. So as soon as I go on next time, I'll record one clip and hopefully subsequent records will be there. I'll update if this works or helps. Probably not playing again until just before Christmas though.

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That's an insane amount of hassle, i was hoping you could just stick a USB in your console and chuck clips/games on there. 


Does it share the entire game?


This is so stupid, i see why they've done it because it allowed anyone without a PVR to record, as well as not having theatre which was obviously causing issues. but damn it's long winded to get a gameplay up!



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This may sound daft but can PS4 support off-the-shelf capture cards or is every recording direct through the PS4's share button? 


Not having theater is a major blow in Ghosts. 


It's just typical that the 'share' feature isn't functioning properly just like when you had an epic game on Black Ops or MW3 and you'd be host migrated or the match would stupidly not appear in your fileshare! 


Is this problem occurring on all games or is it just Ghosts?

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On the PS4, the HDMI output is encrypted using HDCP (High-bandwith digital content protection), apparently this will change at some point soon and there'll be an update which will switch off the HDCP so that capture devices with HDMI will work.


I hope this happens!! I'll have to buy a new capture device but i don't want to have to upload shiz to facebook every time!



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