Plumbers Crack 4,083 Posted April 12, 2019 Share Posted April 12, 2019 11.00 at night...sure made me jump as I didn't see it coming! Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greboth 2,723 Posted April 12, 2019 Author Share Posted April 12, 2019 Just what you need at 11pm - a shot of adrenaline Except for that creeper how are you finding it so far? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plumbers Crack 4,083 Posted April 12, 2019 Share Posted April 12, 2019 Bit frustrating that I can't get the sleeping bag to work in the mining world so far,,probably me that. Apart from that not too bad so far Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greboth 2,723 Posted April 12, 2019 Author Share Posted April 12, 2019 Oh you did ask and I forgot to answer, It isn’t you, you can’t sleep in the mining world. I’ll be hopping on in a few minutes to do some building so I’ll be a discord if you’re on too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greboth 2,723 Posted April 15, 2019 Author Share Posted April 15, 2019 So didn’t really get any time to play the weekend due to being out Saturday and having to deal an engineer Sunday due to a broken boiler Still, I managed to upgrade my extreme reactor (the non exploding kind) to just over 4 times the size so it now produces about 75K Rf/t. I’m currently only using 10-15k RF/t so I’ve set my reactor to turn off when its buffer is over 80% full to save fuel. I also built a 450 million RF capacitor bank to act a buffer. Though I’m going to need the power as I’m building a big mob farm that by a bit of googling will draw 50k+ RF/t when flat out. I also started working on making some of the solar panels. They’re powerful but so damn expensive to make! I think I’ve already gone through several thousand glass so got to wait to smelt some more sand before I can upgrade them further. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plumbers Crack 4,083 Posted April 15, 2019 Share Posted April 15, 2019 When you talk MC Greeb, I feel like the manager of one of my local Ipswich pub sides..... Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plumbers Crack 4,083 Posted April 15, 2019 Share Posted April 15, 2019 Oh Guru...I have found destabilised redstone ore which, if you mine it with a pick, turns to liquid and disappears. My questions are... 1. How do you mine it/store it? 2. Is it worth mining? 3. Will it hurt you if it touches you? {I jumped out of the way) Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plumbers Crack 4,083 Posted April 15, 2019 Share Posted April 15, 2019 Also, if you need to go manual, can I heartily recommend Obsidian pick axes...they seem to last forever!! Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greboth 2,723 Posted April 15, 2019 Author Share Posted April 15, 2019 After talking to you on Friday, I had a look at my stats and I’ve played this mod pack for over 7 days! Admittedly some of that is afk’ing but still, I should have some idea what I’m talking about. As for destabilized redstone, it won’t hurt you to stand in it though you can drown in it.......not that I’ve almost done that.....honest! It is worth mining too as it should drop clathrate (or something like that) which if you liquidate it in a magma crucible and then you can use the liquid in a fluid tranposer to covert items. I don’t think I’ve actually made a pure obsidian pick though, only ever used it as a modifier. It is durable but from memory not that fast? Something worth point out with Tinkers tools, you can swap bits out rather than make new tools. So say you want to swap your obsidian pick head for a cobalt one. Put your obsidian pick with a cobalt head in a tool builder and you can swap the pick head while keeping your xp/levels/modifiers. Same applies to bindings and tool rods too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plumbers Crack 4,083 Posted April 15, 2019 Share Posted April 15, 2019 3 hours ago, Greboth said: ,,,,,It is worth mining too as it should drop clathrate (or something like that) which if you liquidate it in a magma crucible and then you can use the liquid in a fluid tranposer to covert items. WT..has that Triple Shot Monster drink gone straight to the linguistic lobe of your brain? How do I catch it if it disappears on landing? Small, easy words please Greeb as I'm a fairly simple person! 😘 Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greboth 2,723 Posted April 15, 2019 Author Share Posted April 15, 2019 46 minutes ago, Plumbers Crack said: WT..has that Triple Shot Monster drink gone straight to the linguistic lobe of your brain? How do I catch it if it disappears on landing? Small, easy words please Greeb as I'm a fairly simple person! 😘 Hahaha no, it didn't contain anymore caffeine than I'm used to - stronger yes but it's a smaller can When you mine destabilized redstone, you get the flow of liquid redstone that should disappear but you should also get a destabilized clathrate too (kinda looks like dark red flint). It gets pushed away by the flowing redstone but you should be able to find it. I think you get at least one destablized clathrate per destabilized redstone ore mined (or more if you have fortune / luck on your pick). If you then put the destablized clathrate in a magma crucible you get destablized redstone out of it You can then put this destablized redstone in to a fluid transposer to convert things. For example, put a snowball in a fluid transposer with destablized redstone and you get blizz powder There are loads of recipes though, sandstone + liquid ender pearls gives you endstone, regular brick + lava gives you nether brick etc. etc. Plumbers Crack 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greboth 2,723 Posted April 15, 2019 Author Share Posted April 15, 2019 A little tour of my world so far My little village with the important buildings marked. I don't show my tree farm off anywhere else but of course it automatically plants saplings, cuts down tree and puts the wood in to my storage system My actual home It's a bit of a mess inside with machines everywhere, I keep meaning to re-organise them but meh they work as they are so I haven't[/url] And in the basement, with all my refined storage with each disk drive full of 64k item disks meaning I can store just over 1.5 million items. You can also see my ender storage chest hooked in to so everything going in to it get pulled in to my storage system. It's why you see ender storage chests all over the place, as all the machines dump in to them so their outputs go in to my storage system Looking the other way in my basement, you can see my 450 million RF capacitor bank - It'll do for now until I can build bigger energy storage On the subject of power, under my power gen building is my extreme reactor (the non exploding kind). You can see the refined storage cables coming in from the right so it automatically fuels itself and dumps the wase back in to my storage system. Underneath this is my powered enderman and wither skeleton spawner to keep my nicely in stock of ender pearls and with skeleton skulls. My Tinkers forge obviously with a refined storage grid to hand so I can access whatever materials I need Inside my bulk storage room, each drawer can store ~106k items of what you see on the front (this is on top of the 1.5 million items of the refined storage ) I have so much stuff now though, I think I need to build a second bulk storage house but we'll see My portal house, nothing special just a place to put my nether portal and mining world portal The fountain in the middle of my village, mostly I built this as I need to generate some grid power for extra utilities so decided to turn the water mills in to something pretty The first of my ore processing houses. This is for all the ores that need smelting (iron, copper, lead, silver, gold etc.) Each one goes through a pulverizer before going in to a furnace so each block or ore gives me 2 ingots. The second ore processing, this is for the ores that don't need smelting (redstone, coal, diamond, emerald etc.) so these just run through a pulverizer so again each block of ore gives me 2 of everything Outside of my 'village' is my automatic miners, theres a resource miner and ore miner (black things at the bottom) 2 quantum quaries (green floating things) to continualy mine blocks. At the back is my woot mob farm which spawns and kills whatever mob you put in it - currently the WIther boss as I want to build up a decent amount of nether stars. And finally, for a little comedy value the size of the hole mined in the mining world Now I have the auto miners set up though I don't need to do any actual mining so this hole won't be getting any bigger. Still standing in the middle of it you can just about see each end so I think it's big enough already GazzaGarratt 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plumbers Crack 4,083 Posted April 15, 2019 Share Posted April 15, 2019 What are you planning to build with all these resources and energy....something big? Greboth 1 Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispymorgan 1,067 Posted April 15, 2019 Share Posted April 15, 2019 when the fuck did you start needing a degree to play minecraft? Greboth, Plumbers Crack and GazzaGarratt 3 20 hours ago, crispymorgan said: I shall also buy a monkeybike...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greboth 2,723 Posted April 16, 2019 Author Share Posted April 16, 2019 9 hours ago, Plumbers Crack said: What are you planning to build with all these resources and energy....something big? I’m building towards the draconic evolution armour and tools. Which alone takes stacks of materials and billions of RF (yes, with a ‘B’). For example, just to make 4 awakened blocks which is only part of the recipe takes 350 million RF. Nevermind all the RF that goes in to itber draconic crafting or all the power required getting the nether stars, draconic ingots or that goes in to making high powered solar panels, reactors, generators etc. Then once you’ve made the armour and tools, it takes 500+ million RF to charge them all. So you see why I built a powerful but exploding reactor before I think I’ll take things slower and safer this time though. I don’t want to rebuild a third time! 9 hours ago, crispymorgan said: when the fuck did you start needing a degree to play minecraft? Yeah modded is a little more complicated than vanilla. It’s why I like it, it is more involved and interesting this way. GazzaGarratt 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plumbers Crack 4,083 Posted April 16, 2019 Share Posted April 16, 2019 2 hours ago, Greboth said: I’m building towards the draconic evolution armour and tools. Which alone takes stacks of materials and billions of RF (yes, with a ‘B’). For example, just to make 4 awakened blocks which is only part of the recipe takes 350 million RF. Nevermind all the RF that goes in to itber draconic crafting or all the power required getting the nether stars, draconic ingots or that goes in to making high powered solar panels, reactors, generators etc. Then once you’ve made the armour and tools, it takes 500+ million RF to charge them all. So you see why I built a powerful but exploding reactor before I think I’ll take things slower and safer this time though. I don’t want to rebuild a third time! Do I presume the end game boss is suitably scaled up or is this a "sledgehammer and walnut" exercise? 😂 Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greboth 2,723 Posted April 16, 2019 Author Share Posted April 16, 2019 Oh god yes! It’s the Chaos Guardian, it’s a bit like the normal dragon but stupidly more powerful. Even with fully upgraded and powered draconic armour, fully powered tools, golden apples and all the regen you can make - you’ll probably die still The Chaos guardian is so stupidly overpowered it can even kill you in creative mode! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greboth 2,723 Posted April 17, 2019 Author Share Posted April 17, 2019 So gone is the capacitor bank in my basement and replaced with an auto crafting system. All my refined storage is in my house so I thought I’d keep it all together. This is the first time I’ve played with the auto crafters and I wish I had earlier! It is so nice to be able to click and say you want x number of something and not need to have to think about the crafting you have to do make it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greboth 2,723 Posted April 29, 2019 Author Share Posted April 29, 2019 A little update on my world As mentioned above, gone is the capacitor bank in my basement and replacemed with a lot more refined storage. I can now store up to 8.5 million items as the 9 disk drives are all full with 64k disks. I've also started building auto crafters which I've handily labelled so I can remember what they all are. Though I think I need to build some more as auto crafting certain items, specifically those that need the furnace or solderer, take too long. So I'm thinking I might set up a few furnaces and solderers to speed up the crafting. I've increased my power generation too with 5 dragon egg generators to produce grid power so I can run my 10 nether star generators to produce RF Obviously my nether star generators are tied in to my storage system so they automatically refill themselves with nether stars. I've also started replacing the tops of my village houses with solar panels. These are quite a high tier to produce ~130k RF/t but oh my god do they take a lot of crafting!!! (thank you auto crafters). It is a silly amount of resources too, I think to make just 2 of this tier you need something like 4.5k glass! Also in the background you can see my sugar cane farm - I need more sugar cane to make speed upgrades for my auto crafters so naturally I made an automatic farm [/url] And finally, I added 2 more quantum quarries mostly just for the symetery though tbh. I also started adding a structure around these, I was going with the idea that this some sort of ancient tech left behind so was planning on making it quite a ruined build in the end. I've also added a draconic evolution energy core (these don't explode thank god) which is storing all my excess RF and it stores ALOT!!! Like a absolutely mind bending stupid amount or 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 RF to be precise - yes that is 9.2 quintillion RF I could have build a lower tier but meh why do that, go big or go home! Though so far I've only filled it with around 3.5 trillion RF so basically it's empty as that isn't enough to register on the dial Though it does take a lot to build one of these, 786 draconium blocks (or 7,704 draconium ingots) and 378 awakened draconium (to make 4 awakened draconium blocks it takes 350million RF, 60 draconium ingots, 6 dragon hearts, 6 diamonds and 24 gold) which I think gives an indication to why I've been collecting so many items and building some serious power generation. With all this power I also made a full set of Draconic Evolution armour and tools and fully upgraded it all. So now between my armour and tools, I'm walking round with a charge of just over 2 billion RF. I want to make a back up set of armour just in case I die but then it's time to go fight the Chaos Guardian Though this will be the last update on my village ( ) as I've decided to move out of it. I like the basic set up of it but I already have planned to add at least 4 more buildings to the village to house stuff and that is before I start getting in some of the mods I've not played with which I'd guess will require even more buildings. So basically I've decided to build a new base/structures which will be better suited to house everything (as well as looking awesome naturally!). Rather than a village (as the buildings are too small) I'm going for more a city vibe with much bigger buildings to put all my stuff in. I just need to work on coming up with a pillar design and a floor design that I like then I'll be able to show off the first buildings of my new base. Plumbers Crack 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greboth 2,723 Posted April 30, 2019 Author Share Posted April 30, 2019 Welcome to the start of my new build Currently I only have my capital building, this is mostly just for looks but will be the centre point of this whole build. There is still some more work to be done to it in the details and I want to try to make a statue on the plinth that you can see on the ground floor. Also I can show off my new building for my energy core Rather than lose all the power I made a second core and transferred it so it still has plenty of power. The tower has been built big enough to fit my woot farm (or 2) and my environmental tech resource and ore miner in the bottom. I don't know if I will though as I quite like the clean look of the tower so might put the woot farm and miners in another building. Also tempted to fill in the empty parts of the spiral with glass but still undecided on that currently. Plumbers Crack and phil bottle 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plumbers Crack 4,083 Posted April 30, 2019 Share Posted April 30, 2019 Are you going to build these in survival mode? Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greboth 2,723 Posted May 1, 2019 Author Share Posted May 1, 2019 9 hours ago, Plumbers Crack said: Are you going to build these in survival mode? These are already built in survival I placed a flat layer of dirt over a huge chunk of ocean so that I can build on it. I have an idea about a few design choices and water so it made more sense to build my own island. It’s just a big rectangle for now but I will shape the island more as I build more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plumbers Crack 4,083 Posted May 1, 2019 Share Posted May 1, 2019 54 minutes ago, Greboth said: These are already built in survival I placed a flat layer of dirt over a huge chunk of ocean so that I can build on it. I have an idea about a few design choices and water so it made more sense to build my own island. It’s just a big rectangle for now but I will shape the island more as I build more. Aahhh, I see! From the picture it looks like creative mode One question ...why do you have a block of dirt beside every torch? Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greboth 2,723 Posted May 1, 2019 Author Share Posted May 1, 2019 2 hours ago, Plumbers Crack said: Aahhh, I see! From the picture it looks like creative mode One question ...why do you have a block of dirt beside every torch? Yeah, I guess what caused the confusion. I did originally flatten some land but with the idea of some water stuff an island made more sense. Though it does mean I have a huge area south if my village that us completely flat dirt - oops. The blocks next to the torches are just to spread grass When I built the platform it was just dirt but I wanted it to be grass. My flat island cuts through a couple small islands so grass was spreading but slowly. So I just thought I’d give it a helping hand by placing grass blocks around so it could spread while I was building. The torches were just a handy marker of spacing to run and place the grass blocks by. Plumbers Crack 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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