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Jussie Smollett


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Knew this story was bullshit - there is no such thing as a black white supremacists😎


What a way to ruin your career - create a farcical situation in a warped attempt at sympathy and causing racial friction and then get your already flimsy story torn apart by the media and police. 


What an embarrassing human being. Don't people have any dignity left or a shred common sense in them these days?  

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Honestly this guy is a fucking piece of shit.  Fuck everything about him.  All because he wasn't happy about what he was being paid too.


And I believe that the people who jumped to arms like that cunt Ellen Page who fucking lost it on TV, well......fuck all you morons.  Social media wanted this to be the next Rodney King, and well all of you SJWs have proven you're even bigger pieces of shit than Jussie.  What the fuck kind of name is Jussie anyway.  Punchable face of the year 2019.

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Not worth spending the money prosecuting based on the crime


The guy is done professionally and as become a joke, What's sending him to prison and spending over $150/year gonna resolve


It;s not like he can be a repeat offender. Who the hell is going to hire him?

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8 hours ago, cyberninja2601 said:

Not worth spending the money prosecuting based on the crime


The guy is done professionally and as become a joke, What's sending him to prison and spending over $150/year gonna resolve


It;s not like he can be a repeat offender. Who the hell is going to hire him?

I hear he's being chased for the money the police and FBI spent on the investigation at least which is something at least but not prosecuting and convicting him of multiple charges sets a bad precedent and diminishes confidence in the courts.  Although his actions probably didn't warrant jail time, a hefty fine would've been appropriate IMO and a criminal record on top. Instead he's walked away pretty clean and there will probably be a film about it made and lots of book deals which he'll likely profit from. It'll be staggering if Empire still retain him but as it stands, he's 'innocent'. 

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Almost 3 years later and he’s been found guilty in 5 out of 6 charges. The evidence was so overwhelming, damning and quite frankly hilarious that it’s absolutely embarrassing he pleaded not guilty. 


Some highlights;-

- The Trump supporting white supremacists were his black friends 

- He bought the props himself

- He wrote the note himself

- There was a dress rehearsal captured on CCTV

- Several text messages talking about final plans

- Proof the ‘suspects’ were paid for their time


What an absolute knob!

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5 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

Almost 3 years later and he’s been found guilty in 5 out of 6 charges. The evidence was so overwhelming, damning and quite frankly hilarious that it’s absolutely embarrassing he pleaded not guilty. 


Some highlights;-

- The Trump supporting white supremacists were his black friends 

- He bought the props himself

- He wrote the note himself

- There was a dress rehearsal captured on CCTV

- Several text messages talking about final plans

- Proof the ‘suspects’ were paid for their time


What an absolute knob!

However his lawyer still maintains he will be found not guilty on appeal. 



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3 hours ago, techno said:

However his lawyer still maintains he will be found not guilty on appeal. 

If he goes this route then they should scrap any potential probation/fines as part of his sentence and instead look to push at least 3 years in jail concurrent on each charge. Him and his lawyer sound like a right pair of clowns and the city shouldn't have to fund more legal stuff. 

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