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Ghosts DLC 28th Jan


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I agree with Tommy and Playertd about the smaller maps.  At first, I didn't like the scale in the maps of MW3 and BO2 as they seemed to focused purely on gunplay but actually the larger maps I am finding a bit of a chore now.  I usually opt for Cranked now which relies on a rotation of small to medium maps so a DLC with these types of maps will enable me to experience them all in this mode.  If the DLC consists of 4 larger maps and 1 small one; that means I will only get to essentially play one map in Cranked which wouldn't tempt me financially.  I don't really want to see another Siege or Chasm.


Don't get me wrong; I liked Array, Rundown, Hanger 18, Kowloon and many large maps previously in the franchise as they were well designed but I think I'd find them a bit exhausting to play now.  Also the larger maps of late such as Turbine, Siege, Aftermath, Carrier, Drone and Chasm, have been poorly designed whereas the smaller maps on offer like Slums, Standoff, Underground, have been pretty enjoyable.

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