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I enjoyed the thread in the last place, thought I'd start it up again as I already have a couple of questions someone may know the answer too.


Anyone know why OpTic aren't going to MLG PAX? The 8 teams are (August 30th - September 2nd):


  • EnVyUs
  • complexity
  • Impact
  • Kaliber
  • FaZe
  • UNiTE
  • Bad History
  • SoaR

I know Impact isn't Impact anymore, they were Epsilon and now they're something else, Jackasses maybe. Anyone know who they picked up as a fourth? Parasite's at Unite, they have a decent line up.

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Not really following up on Competitive CoD sorry.

Mini rant about League Play (That does relate to competitive, right?)

League Play is just in place so kids can think they're gods when they have their shiny gold medals. now you've got "masters" who just DDoS so they can brag about themselves being "Pro Comp Players" when they really are garbage at the game.

I have however adopted some of the tactics the real Comp players have used after watching them play during that Ghosts stream and all of these Master League Pros get their asses kicked every time.

Still it is interesting to watch how Comp. players play the game.

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Anyone know why OpTic aren't going to MLG Pax



From what I understand, various members (Scump & Merk) were away for a while visiting homes and a brothers wedding, which meant that the tourney that would have enabled them to get a place, was not worth participating in with a pickup 3rd and 4th. Ive watched some of their livestreams recently and it seemed like they were playing more Minecraft then actually practicing COD which has irritated some of the fans, who felt they weren't trying to get better any more. In response BigTymer put out this video to clear things up:



The whole MLG/GB new pro points system has really messed things up for a lot of teams now which is causing quite a bit of anger in the community


Yeah the team known as Impact are now known as FoD.Impact with a team of Killa, John, Mirx and still looking for a suitable 4th



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Yeah him and his gf just got recently engaged and I think he was missing her just a bit too much. Be interesting where he goes next and whether he decides to keep competing or scale back on the amount he plays.



I think whoever OpTic picks up next and how well they do together, will determine whether Scump goes. I was watching the stream the other day and he had an argument with Nadeshot because they said they were going to practice but then Nadeshot decided to play Minecraft


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I don't get it, I don't get how quickly they switch teams.


JKap was playing with EnvyUs at PAX, was this decision made beforehand? Why would JKap want to leave Envy after Karma just joined? I personally think JKap is a better BO2 player than MerK, might not be the same for Ghosts but we'll see. Definitely not weaker anyway.


So a little bit of PAX which was uploaded by Official MLG Cod on YouTube. Some really strong teams now. Really like the new FaZe lineup and I like Team Kaliber. Unite gaming are quite strong too. Impact picked up Blindfire for PAX (not sure if he's permanent).

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It does seem a bit weird but I think the switch between nV and OpTic is probably easier then a switch to another team simply because they are both under the Eon management. Jkap was really frustrated not that long ago because of how nV were doing at tournaments. The addition of Karma was supposed to be the catalyst for them to absolutely destroy the other teams, but instead it almost seems like they went backwards. They scrim well but when it comes to actually translating that to success at LAN nV fell short.


Merk has been a little flat recently, when he has been involved in scrims which may be due to personal issues but I guess we shall never know. Like you said I do believe Jkap is better then Merk at BO2 so OpTics roster is looking good. Still not convinced with Nadeshot tho but we shall see.



FaZe looked very impressive at Pax, and Unite seem to be gelling well with the addition of Parasite. Will be interesting to see how it all plays out at the next Lan tournament when everyone comes together (MLG or Gfinity??). Blfire was just a temp I think I saw on twitter


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Man that video must have been rough for Merk. I feel sorry for the guy after pretty much being there from the start of the OpTic competitve as how the majority of the people know them.


Good luck to him I guess, and hopefully he stays in the competitive scene. Merk nV possibly?


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In MerK's case, not sure. May have been his three team-mates, may have been their leader HECZ, or it may have been all of them. He admits to having some problems but something must have been way wrong for them to drop him. It couldn't have been anything to do with skill because they would have dropped BigTymer or Nadeshot first before MerK.


Waiting for the first explanation video from the other members, that'll be interesting.


UNiTE win PAX, beating Complexity 4-1 (I think) in the final. I watched the final but it went off on me when at 3-1 up and winning 5-2 in SnD. I thought they were fantastic. There was a Raid Hardpoint game when they were down by 50 (approx 200-150) and won it 218 by 214, immense. PAX wasn't a great event, really liked the format.


For anyone interested, again, MLG Official COD have uploaded the majority of the games from PAX on to YouTube. They're definitely worth a watch.

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Apparently BigTymer is going to be putting out a video today containing a lot of the answers that people are demanding from OpTic. I know Merk hasn't been staying at the house anywhere as near as much as the other members, what with various family things and other personal things so maybe that's part of the reason. Maybe they didn't feel that he wasn't as dedicated? If so I don't get why they didn't have a talk with him before hand? Either way I look forward to seeing this videos from the rest of the team.


I think Hecz just lets them make their own decisions about the team whilst he handles the management side of things. There was a video put out a while back where he talks about what he does.


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Jeesus that was a long arse video but It certainly cleared quite a few things up, especially the things we don't see behind the scenes.  However it is clearly obvious that a lot of people clearly didn't watch/listen to the whole video before coming out with some absolutely ridiculous comments. That's one thing that pisses me off with Youtube sometimes.


Anyways, I feel for Merk especially if he was suffering as much as they say. I don't think it was depression, although if things had not changed from either party then it could have easily developed into something worse. Ive watched a number of his livestreams and follow him on twitter and there was a definite change in his behaviour. Homesickness and missing your girlfriend amongst things really messes you up, and the fact that they tried to talk to him, encouraged him to go home and clear his head a bit shows they tried to help him. Its difficult to get someone to acknowledge that there is a problem and then to deal with it is a whole another set of problems. 


A huge popular brand like Optic is always going to attract controversy especially over their team decisions. If they didn't explain their decision then they would have attracted hate for not explaining themselves and their actions, but because they did release a video they are now attracting hate because the spoke about the issues Merk had and how they tried to help him with them.


Catch 22 decision


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Saw that video yesterday, it's a shame cuz they're all obviously good friends and by the sounds of it they tried to help but for them this is a job and it's how the make their money. They need to be a unit, who knows he might even be back.


I think they did right bring out the video and like you say no matter what you do people will always find a way to moan or bitch about something, that's the youtube way.



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That's the thing. If he is happy then Im happy for him. He obviously wasn't in a good place and needed to get out in order to recover.


On another note its was confirmed yesterday that Merk has joined NV (as a lot of people guessed). nV's roster is now Rambo, Proofy, Karma and Merk :)


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It was a like for like swap, I'm not sure whose better off, they're both fantastic players. Maybe a change up will do both teams the world of good.


I really like MerK as well, seems really down to earth. Already admitted making mistakes with his video just after he was dropped, good luck to him in the future. Think I'll have a bigger interest in EnvyUs going forward ^_^ .

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