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Ghosts First Impressions


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Also figured out why some people have Stalker early while I have to wait until lvl 50 to get it! When you first go online  to Create your soldier, you get a choice between 5 different classes. I unlocked Marksman or some crap. Anyways, depending on the perks you see on the classes you can choose, you unlock them in different orders. Not sure what class unlocks what when. But I'm sure someone will figure it out.

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You can unlock them even if you are not that level...just use the squad points.


I just unlocked a level 48 perk, at level 13.


Hmmm... Will have to try that again later then!

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Just finished playing for about 2.5hours, and wow! I really enjoy this game thus far. It ran very smooth with minimal lag. The dog can fuck off. Other than that, very good.


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Also figured out why some people have Stalker early while I have to wait until lvl 50 to get it! When you first go online to Create your soldier, you get a choice between 5 different classes. I unlocked Marksman or some crap. Anyways, depending on the perks you see on the classes you can choose, you unlock them in different orders. Not sure what class unlocks what when. But I'm sure someone will figure it out.

You can also buy it with squad points. It was my first purchase. Think it was 9 squad points
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Guest Inception.

Actually now I think about it, could you imagine SnD on these maps? Far too big for it IMO

No no no no. Search and Destroy is at its most glorious point on large maps.



It really doesn't matter how long the game is out for.

Err, yes it does. Many, many, many people said on the first day of its release that Modern Warfare 3 was the "best Call of Duty game yet"...I need not say more.

A Call of Duty's greatness is measured in many aspects. For those who think Ghosts is the greatest Call of Duty so far, I would like for you to tell me why you think that.


EDIT: This being said, the game is rather awesome.

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The connection is brilliant! I only had issues with the first game i played but since then its been amazing


The dog can suck my nutsack but only because i find it really difficult to hear them until they are tearing my throat out.



Stay away from TDM for the time being, far too many people just sitting behind stuff, with a dog, staring at a doorway.



Oh and buy a suppressor asap if you are running solo because everyone goes straight for your little dot


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Why I think ghosts is the greatest cod ever - it has the best connection (that's the biggest reason). I personally like that the time is kill is fast, I felt so danm silly eating 10 bullets then turning around and killing someone in bo2/bo1. The maps so far are great...a few shit ones but there will always be. Best hit detection (this is kinda because of the good connection).


I've played all the cods from cod 4 on up during their first weeks of release, none have impressed me as much as this one has. (mw2 comes close)

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My impressions:


I'm enjoying every minute of it.

I'm a CoD hate-boy and have been for a while. To have this fresh breath of air while playing a CoD game on release day is wonderful. Yes I still die from behind every fucking time but that's ok when I'm not lagging everywhere. I had 3 host migrations in the full session of 5 hours or so. All of them were successful. I hopped on for 3 games this morning with Matt and Josh on their host and the hit detection was still spot on.


That's all I have time to write right now but everything else is positive as fuck.


Side note: Knee sliding for dogtags is somehow much cooler than dolphin diving for them.


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My impressions:


I'm enjoying every minute of it.

I'm a CoD hate-boy and have been for a while. To have this fresh breath of air while playing a CoD game on release day is wonderful. Yes I still die from behind every fucking time but that's ok when I'm not lagging everywhere. I had 3 host migrations in the full session of 5 hours or so. All of them were successful. I hopped on for 3 games this morning with Matt and Josh on their host and the hit detection was still spot on.


That's all I have time to write right now but everything else is positive as fuck.


Side note: Knee sliding for dogtags is somehow much cooler than dolphin diving for them.



Knee sliding while shooting someones face off is pretty damn awesome too!

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Side note: Knee sliding for dogtags is somehow much cooler than dolphin diving for them.


I was a bit sceptical about the knee sliding to begin with but its strangely addictive. I love managing to get away from gunfire by sliding round the corner or catching out an enemy whose chasing after me by sliding back round the corner guns blazing :D


The halo jumping/bunny hopping seems to have calmed down a lot as well :)


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I started the game playing squads as it suggested and eventually created my squad and went through all the maps, most of them seem OK but there seems to be a lot of multi level maps, the gameplay seemed ok as well, i them moved on to the campaign for a while and quite enjoyed it. I then had a few games of Extinction and i still have to make my mind up about that, i found it hard work, Then came the multiplayer, jumped in on core domination and after about four games realized why i play hardcore, the gameplay was very good but core is not my favourite, i then moved into hardcore search and rescue and i started to enjoy the game a bit more (at least i started killing people) and my only problem in that game is the wait for the game to end if your tag is not picked up. i then went to Hardcore KC and i started to really enjoy it better i had quite a few decent positive games and the connection seemed fine just had a couple of blips but nothing serious. Ranking up seems a lot harder than before and it seems the squad points don't add up very quickly so it's improving as you go on. I've solely been using the Honeybadger SMG and it seems a beast in hardcore close up and at long range, loads of perks to chose from (when you've got the points to unlock them) the 8 point system works well, i removed my secondary to give me extra points for perks. haven't worked out what my best strike package is yet until i can unlock what i need, I can't really pass judgement on the first day but to me it's looking like a positive feel to it. managed to get to rank 6. i haven't worked out yet how to get squad points a lot quicker. 


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First impressions for me revolve totally around connection. I honestly can't believe on launch day that I experienced zero issues with lag. That solves at least 50% if not more of the issues I had with cod.

Maps are nice and big, rather than the cluster fuck IW maps we're used to! (Dome!) They will work pretty nicely on 9v9 on next gen I reckon. But on the whole best stock map set i've seen in a good while.

The only negative thing I would say is the TTK is just too quick for all weapons at the moment. But hopefully that's something that can be easily patched after a bit of dataminig and customer feedback.

After all the talk of COD being a dying brand the dedicated servers have played a blinder and made the multiplayer something really special

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My first impressions:


Connection has been very good. I've had a couple of iffy moments and a couple of dropped games but for the majority of the time it's been good. Black Ops 2 has connection issues almost every game for me. Has removing theater done the trick?


The maps are big. Some maps it's difficult to find some people, especially in TDM where people just don't move. However, they seem pretty well designed and they look good. MW3 was all about SMGs where I think these maps cater more for other types of weapons too.


The guns themselves seem nice. Only used a few, really liking the Vector and I love the L115 sniper. It's no different, to me, to quick scoping in other CODs. What they've given is though is a fantastic scope to look through, really impressed by it.


The gamemodes are good as well. Some will LOVE Cranked. I enjoyed it but found the spawns got really messed up. I didn't feel like I was ever safe when I spawned. I spawned and instantly there was someone on top of me. A few times I took one step and I was dead. Not the biggest fan of Blitz as you can only get a maximum 8 points per round. I don't like rounds finishing like that in objective game modes.

The customisation is superb. The customise solider works great I feel and create a class is even better than Black Ops2 pick 10 system. It lets you be even more detailed with how you want your characters.


The character system, where you have 10 characters to rank up, instead of one character to rank up 10 times is one of the best ideas IW came out with. It's simple but incredibly ingenious. I'm going to rank two at once. If I'm in a party then I'll use the guy who started with CQC style perks, if I'm on, I'll rank up the guy who has Off The Grid unlocked straight away.


The squad points work well. As long as you can pay for it, you can buy it. If you want to use your favourite sniper straight away, go for it. I love this as opposed to waiting until level 50 to get the sniper I want. I feel I have more control, I'm not limited as it's me making the decisions of what I want, when I want (to an extent obviously).


The field orders is a great little innovation. Some are easy, some take a little camping. But it's an added bit of fun, something different.


MUTE ALL. Seriously, what a great feature. In game, choose who you want to mute. Mute anyone bar friends and that's it, you'll never hear the enemy again. I love this feature.


My only slight, and they are slight, annoyances is personal, I'm struggling to see people at times. I'm constantly running past people and not seeing them and they're right beside me in the killcam. I'm also struggling to see people in certain areas on maps. This might be my fault and nothing to do with the game but something I've noticed.

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  • Snipers are awesome
  • Connection is awesome
  • Controls are smooth and tight (that's what she said)
  • Squad Point system is good



  •  Hard to find enemies - too many flanking routes
  • Hard to see enemies - the colors of the characters have too much verisimilitude to the colors of the map.
  • I always seem to end up getting killed from behind because there are just too many ways for enemies to approach you from.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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I quite like Ghosts; it feels like an old-skool Call of Duty but in some instances, they've taken one step forward and two back.  I am disappointed that theater mode has been omitted and me playing on PC; it makes identifying and reporting hackers that little bit more tricky. I am also sad to see the combat record disappear;- although Infinity Ward go through the Barracks to display stats, on Ghosts it is incredibly watered-down. No in-depth challenges and confusing menus really drag down the presentation for me.


The worst thing I have noticed is the spawns;- I either spawn right next to an enemy in the firefight or so far away from the action; I am running around like a headless chicken trying to desperately get back into the mix. Hope they can fix this and I'm sure improvements will be made as the maps are sizable and detailed. 


On the positives; I love the guns and the customisation options.  The maps are very good also but some are a bit messy and look rough around the edges. I like the fact we have various scales from small to large instead of the small to medium as we've seen in the last couple of games.  The new modes are really enjoyable - a nice twist on some existing gametypes but add enough to warrant a new playlist. 


It's still a bit early for me to say whether this is the best in the franchise so far but some elements I really like but other aspects of the game being watered down is disappointing.  Having a blast with it though!

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Ghost doesnt want me to party up with Euan, I can never join his party invite, always need someone else to invite me Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


Well if it's any comfort, I haven't been able to connect to Sean since the first time we played together... Which is BO1. Have to have someone else host every time :P

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