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Ghosts First Impressions


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I couldn't join parties, my little 'join party' option was greyed out and has a padlock next to it. What's that about?

Anyway first match out I got Dogs. Well one dog, just sat and barked at me, till it got shot!

Solid connection, all the maps felt a bit samey to me

Went 24-6 in my last game for tonight so doing ok

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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I'm not sure about Blitz. I don't like gamemodes that have a count instead of a full round, like CTF in Black Ops 2. When you're playing in a party it goes past too quickly.


Get worse.



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There's a map that makes me feel really sick, the broken sky scaper. Wonky floors everywhere. Stopped playing Blitz, it's a good idea, some will love it.

So you're not a fan of uneven things? How do you cope with your forehead? ;)


In all honesty i laughed my ass off when i thought of that ^  :lol:



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Guest Inception.

Well, hold on here. I do not think it can be considered the best Call of Duty game to date; there is no Search and Destroy. Besides, it has only been out for one day and everyone always says it's the best Call of Duty. That being said, it looks nice. The maps are far larger than that of *cough* MW3 *cough* which is what I love: large maps. The campaign is so far pretty cool (I've only played about 40 minutes though). 

I'll update this more once I play more.

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Well, hold on here. I do not think it can be considered the best Call of Duty game to date; there is no Search and Destroy. Besides, it has only been out for one day and everyone always says it's the best Call of Duty. That being said, it looks nice. The maps are far larger than that of *cough* MW3 *cough* which is what I love: large maps. The campaign is so far pretty cool (I've only played about 40 minutes though). 

I'll update this more once I play more.

Hmm I may have been one of the people who said that but what I meant was Its best release iv played. Blops1 was the first cod I ever got on release and they haven't been amazing to begin with. I also don't like the lack of SnD, I normally start playing it a few months in once I know maps and call outs.

Actually now I think about it, could you imagine SnD on these maps? Far too big for it IMO



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Inception., on 05 Nov 2013 - 1:32 PM, said:

Well, hold on here. I do not think it can be considered the best Call of Duty game to date; there is no Search and Destroy. Besides, it has only been out for one day and everyone always says it's the best Call of Duty. That being said, it looks nice. The maps are far larger than that of *cough* MW3 *cough* which is what I love: large maps. The campaign is so far pretty cool (I've only played about 40 minutes though). 

I'll update this more once I play more.

It really doesn't matter how long the game is out for...right away I knew mw3, bo1 and Bo2 were not going to be great cod's...because of all their issues. This game doesn't have those problems - so it's the best IMO.


Yeah it's missing a few game modes, S&D got replaced with S&R...so it's not entirely gone.

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Domination on certain maps is not for me in this game. I imagine Blitz, with a well coordinated party of 6 could become a massacre.

Gonna give it another go later, but atm my PS3 froze up. First issue I've had all day.

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