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1st Prestige Challenge


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I actually used this before... Lol

Sent it out to a friend that was being a pussy. So I just searched vagina made of sand and BOOM.

See that's where me and Cal would have went wrong, we would just search "sandy vagina"! I imagine those choice of words would get different results :lol:
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Ok so 5 games in and i've now got enough squad points for the riot shield and throwing knife. But I can't stress how difficult the game is without a gun!

It's because you ain't BAU5 enough.

Can you put a Camo on the knife again? If not I demand a full refund!

I'm glad you can get the shield at the start this time, wasn't it like 40 something on Bops2?

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It's because you ain't BAU5 enough.

Can you put a Camo on the knife again? If not I demand a full refund!

I'm glad you can get the shield at the start this time, wasn't it like 40 something on Bops2?

Aint checked the camo options for stuff yet. Just getting my head around some of the other bits. I'll have more time later on to look through stuff. Hopefully hooking up the PVR to record the 1st game
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One night into the challenge and it's going to be a bitch! Level 14ish I think at the moment. I'm finding game modes like domination are the best source of extra xp for PTFO.

Couldn't properly figure out how to melee cancel, so had to use the titanium frame attatchment for the shield. Bashing is alot easier in this than BO2, but still going to take a bit of getting used to. Throwing knife was way off to begin with, but now i'm starting to zero in my aim and have quite a few kills with it.

It's going to be a long road ahead, but i'm going to play about with some perk loadouts which should help me a bit more.

I recorded a few games last night and have put it together in a little vid which i'll upload later

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What's your current loadout for the shield?

Shield with titanium frame

2x concussions

1x throwing knife

Extra tac grenade



Tac mask

Dead silence

I think that's it. It's becoming pretty hard to get an ideal setup on the perk loadout

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