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Let's Talk About Energy Collectors and Condensors

Plumbers Crack

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Okay, I've started this to take it out of the server thread but also to try and talk through my thoughts on them...


Energy Collectors

This to me is a glitzy MC solar panel/rechargeable battery/fuel enhancer. I don't have too much of a problem with this as it's almost "real world". If it's empty, connected to an Energy condensor and fully charged I presume there's no demand on the server and it just sits there - is that correct?


Energy Condensors 


Now here I'm two minds. I know this is a game, but in real life, this degree of duplication is not available


Granted, you have to have obtained at least one of the target objects in game to get it to do it's work. Want 250 Obsidian blocks in a hurry, drop an emerald to pay and it's the work of seconds. That's kinda like trading so I'm okay with that. Mined and stored 8,000+ stone blocks? Throw them in the box and get a diamond...you've ground them out so I'm okay with that. Put six torches on the wall and swop the light from that for something material like a diamond (yeah, mia culpa) that, on relection, is maybe not so good...you could just not bother trying for the Fortune pickaxe!


What are your thoughts?


Oh, and I think I'll scrap the second collector/condensor that Bart didn't spot in the other room! :lol:


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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I'd never heard of these until Greboth showed me.  I was very impressed by what they could do.  But as you say, it does slightly impact the game that you don't feel the urge to mine anymore, which I guess is part of the game.  But it does mean making a rail system is going to be that much easier.  That said, I've always played on vanilla servers, even teleporting feels like a cheat.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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5 minutes ago, crispymorgan said:

That said, I've always played on vanilla servers, even teleporting feels like a cheat.

Slightly derailing for a second, this is the first time I've ever played this game (hence my "Minecraft Problem" as you put it :lol:) and I can't imagine it without teleporting/warping...give me more warp points!!! :lol::lol::lol:


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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I think it depends on when you start using the collectors/condensors - I mined and made myself diamond armour and tools and made the repair totem (repair token?) so they wouldn't break.  I also mined the diamonds/obsidian/iron etc. needed for the first power flower I built and I carried on mining after that to help build the others until I am where I am now with a Mk3 flower.  However, while I can make a lot of stuff now, I am actually no further along than I was before starting along the path of making the collectors/condenser.  Obviously if you duplicate the first diamond you find to make everything then yeah, it does detract somewhat from the game.


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Hmmm, reading what you said Dave you're right that cutting corners is alot of natural human behaviour but some things like this do feel like like ultra cheesing. Equally these things like impact the server massively and I don't want us to test the water with trying to duplicate stuff until things fall over and crash. Especially if other people are playing and enjoying the game more naturally - I don't want to ruin their experiences by hogging resources (regardless if I mean to or not).


Personally I'd rather get rid of these things but I think its linked to the mods we have.


My preference for anything cheesy is that we have one each so you can use it when you're online and then use the straightforward method of asking via threads/posts if you do need more stuff quicker, then ask the FG family. Everyone here said it would be great to grow the community - well for me the best way is to post and help each other out. Just like Crispy did recently with Greboth's tunnel/wall. Do you all agree one for each person?


Sticking this extra P.S. here cos i cant be arsed to post elsewhwere - we gotta remember, we haven't got a multi-million pound server, so if we do what we were doing on the last one created I think we could have a great MC world. I for one certainly wanna help with peoples houses and projects!

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I went down the same road as Greboth (apart from the leather for the books! :lol:) with the diamond armour etc but used the collector for the fuel cells. I think one of each (E Coll/E Cond)sounds fine by me and I would also add possibly not hammering it while others are on line? A lot of the time I'm on by myself due to waking up bright and alert at 5 a.m. and I'm the only one on so that scenario shouldn't cause a problem. If there's a bunch of people on then take it easy and communicate


Lee...your comment about asking the rest of the FG community...it's actually the complete opposite. If you have time to organise materials then post up and ask the community. If you want to build stuff quick and you have the a fully charged Mk1 Energy collector linked to an Energy Condensor you can generate thousands of basic 1 EMC building blocks or even 156 64 EMC Obsidian blocks (toughest of all) literally in seconds....from light. Upgrade to a Mk3 and that increases 6 fold!! You wanted an Obsidian house Crispy, that's a method but it might be a little dark and gloomy all that black!


Put me down for contributing to others builds as well


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Maybe its more about posting either way Dave. So we're both right :D


If you need help with something or some materials, post.

If you can offer up some materials and help, post.


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It is a mix of both in reality, yes the condensors can make normal things really fast.  For regular building materials like stone, wood, dirt etc. you're looking at, even with one uncharged mk3 collector, 40 blocks per second.  To give some perspective, that's a regular wooden double chest full in about a minute and a half.  However, these condenser/collectors only work by having at least one of the item in the first place.  Want lots of dirt well go dig some, leather? go kill a cow, iron? go mine some etc. For the more common things, I think people have them anyway but for anything more unusual we could ask to borrow it so we can duplicate it.


As for helping out, whatever final form the collectors/condensors take people are welcome to use mine if they don't have their own.


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