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Destiny 2 - Class Abilities


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I've been looking at a few videos that show the new class abilities and it does look like the go to class is the Warlock. Its like the Defender Titan has been switched to Warlocks with their 'rift' ability. Whilst I get they won't be having any self-res anymore, these rifts make them pretty invaluable if you ask me.


We're always going to need extra damage for high end bosses so I might start with a Warlock next time.


Striker Titan looks more situational based rather than essential. Hunter's class perk made up of dodging looks set to be annoying as hell in PvP because of the automatic reload that comes with it.



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I started with a Warlock and though I have had all 3 since House of Wolves I still prefer my Warlock so I think I will stick with him.  It is a shame to loose self res, it can be a crutch and an auto pick for raids but it was fun knowing you can be less careful and run in to situations and, if it all goes tits up, just res and carry on.


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Arcstrider gameplay. Looks like the hunter has lost their throwing knife for a regular punch. Great news.


Now we just need Warlocks to lose their ridiculous punch from 1 mile away, death instant, punch ;)


The dodge for hunters soubds underrated. I can see how it would play a key role in the new mode and trials.

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Been looking at various sources and found a few more bits of info.



It's going because it was deemed boring to see so many fireteams waiting for their super to fill up and then cheese whatever activity it was with this. I kinda like the idea of it going. It'll hurt more when we all wipe multiple times but it always felt a little weird getting pulled through because of a self-res after everyone has wiped.


Titan barriers

All Titan classes will have barriers Luke Smith has said. Again, similar to self-res it was deemed unfair on groups having to have a defender for a bubble or forcing a titan player to not be able to use other abilities. I'm with it to a point, but I loved playing the Defender. It was really my only character.


Support Class

They have confirmed they're looking into it has another class to compliment the others. They have done extremely well to stay clear of the usual MMO styles of tank, healer, dps characters but there is a potential place for support in this due to how many teams require a lynchpin on the team that is playing support and looking out for danger.

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