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Season 5 Placements


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We started very late last night and its been good so far.


I'm currently 3-1-1 (W-L-D). It felt pretty solid last night and I can feel we're all progressing together. Great Piggy damage by Didds, Mr. dependable Mercy from Rich and ultra try-harding Hanzo/Bastion by Crispy.


Late into the night we picked up a random guy who seemed pretty cool which got us the final win.


Let's hope it feels partially worth it this time round with Placements.

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Really glad we jumped over last night, we were on it. Everyone played their ass off which is surprising since we played hours of GTA before hand.


Really looking forward to finishing the placement matches off, I really hope they've fixed that bullshit.



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I think I placed just under 2200 last night after 6-3-1.


I really think they have to fix this otherwise it feels a little pointless to have placements.


I'd rather they started everyone at 2000 and go from there.

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Placed 2477 after 6-3-1


They should start based on previous season high.  It will all come out in the wash. 


Currently 2621 11-5-1.  Hell, I might even get a diamond this season.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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Who else is left to do placements? I'd suggest let us know and we group up with at 2-3 of us so we all have the best chance of staying around the same score or at least within 1000 of each other.

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Martin and I found some randoms and had some awesome games as a 6 stack. However, placement yet again comes in to shaft somebody. Mart ended up around 1000 below where I am. It's utterly retarded that it does this.

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I won 6 drew 1 lost 4 and ended up on 1491 point, which unfortunately means I'm out of range from you all. It's a shame really as I hate playing competitive with randoms but also understand that yous won't want to just play quick play 😢.

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