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Do you watch what you eat?

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Just caught a very interesting episode of The Life Scientific on BBC Radio 4 by a straight talking scientist. Thought I'd post it here as many of you may not have heard the broadcast because a] you're at work, b] you're not in the UK or c] you don't understand the concept of/not grown up enough for Radio 4


Here's the blurb and you can catch it again on the BBC Radio iPlayer


Graham MacGregor on tackling the demons in our diet

The food we eat is the greatest cause of death and illness worldwide. The main culprits - salt, sugar and fat - are now so embedded in our diet, in the form of processed foods, that most of us consume far too much.

Yet Professor Graham MacGregor doesn't believe it's up to us to reverse this situation. It's up to the food industry, he says, who manufacture the processed foods, to take the 'rubbish' out.

Now Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Wolfson Institute of Preventative Medicine, Graham MacGregor has spent much of his career campaigning tirelessly to persuade the food industry to do just that - to reduce these demons in our diet - firstly salt, and now sugar.

And he's had remarkable success. As a nation we now eat thirty thousand tonnes less salt each year than we did fifteen years ago, saving the NHS a staggering £1.5 billion per year.

Blood pressure lies at the heart of this huge saving and, as Graham explains to Jim al-Khalili, blood pressure is not a natural consequence of ageing. High blood pressure is simply a consequence of too much salt.


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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I am very conscious of what I eat these days. After losing all that weight a few years ago I pretty much stuck to counting calories and avoiding junk food. Got away from it a bit over the winter and was eating a bit more garbage but went back to healthy eating again about 3 months ago and dropped another 34lbs plus my BP is back to what is considered the optimal range. Eating right is not just a diet, it's a lifestyle, I learned that some years ago. So these days I count calories, watch my sodium and sugar intake and avoid the stuff that is just empty calories or high in things that does me no good.


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Mostly what Steve said. 


I also cook my food from scratch. I don't buy process stuff because there is no way of knowing the quality of the ingredient and what really goes in it. 


I think it's been a good choice for me. However it is time consuming and often dual income families don't have the time to do it



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3 minutes ago, cyberninja2601 said:

I think it's been a good choice for me. However it is time consuming and often dual income families don't have the time to do it


When my wife and I were in the best shape of our lives we would use our sunday nights to meal prep. In 2 hours we could make 3 to 4 different meals that make up about 5 servings and cover us for the week.


On health and fitness in general:

There are only a few things health and fitness wise that bother me; detoxing, and fad diets. If you want to lose weight there is no other method than caloric deficit and it can be done in a health and sustainable manner. Detox drinks are total bullshit, you have organs for that so no drinking your cayenne pepper and maple syrup once a day will not do what your shaman tells you it will. 

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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I pretty much gave up bread after Xmas. So no lunchtime sandwich, also avoided any other work day snacks other than nuts and fruit. Get through the day on protein (sliced beef). My usual amount of exercise ( 4 or 5 times at the gym per week on a good week).

Dropped a stone and a half in about 3 months , was pretty easy. Have plateaued a bit now and need to push to lose another half stone but just coming off bread and avoiding crap has been great

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I'm at the start of my healthy eating phase.  Eating crap and drinking coke whilst playing computer games is now out.  It's always been the snacks that are the killer.  My wife is tiny and eats next to fuck all, so usually end up eating what she leaves :(. Been eating fruit all week, and dropped bread for the most part, and bought a (metric) fuck ton of rice to replace the chips.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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Baabcat l've heard some people that give up bread thinking it is not good for them, but there's no need to give it up if you don't want to do so. Just look for the healthier breads that are out there. I eat a lot of bread myself even during my big weight loss. There is one made by a company called Healthy Life which is only 35 calories per slice and high in fiber (5g per slice). It's slightly higher priced than some but can be found for about $2 a loaf at most places so not too bad a price.


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Still eating fruit. Had some garbage over the weekend. Weekdays are back to no snacking. 96.9 kilos today which is better.

Via the FG App


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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On 27/04/2017 at 10:12 PM, Commander_Undies said:

I like to look at what I eat. So yes, I watch what I eat, while i'm eating it. ;) 




For me, I find it hard to stick to healthy eating. I love eating fruit of late, a punnet of raspberries or/and strawberries - anything sweet. However, I have a lot more chocolate than most and i'm pretty skinny which is lucky. I must have some sort of high metabolism as I don't do much fitness of late. I think i'd rather eat what I wanted as good food can make you feel really good and then do some fitness to offset the bad stuff its left inside of you. Although I love a beer and alcohol I must admit I don't drink I great deal at home, just never seem to be able to feel like i should drink more than 2. We pretty much never have fizzy pop in the house, only for gin and lemonade B)

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