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Competitive Season 3 - In summary


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Watching a video on youtube the other day made me think about this - How did your season 3 go? Did you manage to get to where you wanted? Play the characters you wanted? etc.

For me, I think it went quite well.  I think have played more this season the others combined.  I placed a little low which hampered me a little but had some nice win streaks on the way.  I would like to have made it in to platinum this season.  I think being honest I am only a high gold / low plat player and even though I hit a new career high this season it was only ~10 points higher and still gold.  I don't think my placement matches helped either as I got placed low gold, so hopefully with season 4 coming up, some good placement matches will see me at least high gold.  Thus making it a little easier to get in to platinum.

To end on a more positive note, I played a much wider variety of characters this season.  I started off mostly solo queue playing DVa but by the end my most played was Reinhardt.  In previous seasons I only played Reinhardt as he is a must play for payloads but I have become a lot more comfortable with him.  I still feel quite inconsistent with him though so that will be something to work on next season.



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Nice thread buddy. I placed just above 2600 and didn't expect that at all. Great feeling when I got to Platinum and we had some amazing streaks.....and equally some pretty crazy tanking sessions.

Loved playing D.Va. Somehow she's ended up as the go to for everything however I started out on Tracer and using her infrquently doesn't help imo.

I started to get used to Mei near the end but surprisingly enjoyed Zarya. I think I may play her a little more into next season.

Hope they fix the placement matches calculation but worryingly we've not seen anything to say it's changing.

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I got a mid 2000 placement, then tanked pretty hard (2200).  From there I stayed at or around 2500 until recently where a good run pushed me to over 2800.  In the end it was too much to get the diamond.  I'd say I was a strong Plat level, looking to scrape into the diamond bracket.

Started off Playing Hanzo, and still enjoy using him when playing against certain characters.  Bastion again useful for unexpected gameplay and upsetting the enemy.  But its my soldier 76 that has come one leaps and bounds where I consistently get good stats for him.  I'll be focusing more on Ana next giving me options, but I'm not going to spread myself too thin, being good at 4 characters is better than being average at 8.

The key for general improvement now is tactics and structure.  We're all guilty of running off and not complimenting our team mates skills.  Having one person in overall control helps, and they can call out a request for focus fire.  If a mercy is stopping us, then lets destroy her.  I think we need a more regular Zenyatta, he is so useful for neutralising Pharah.



20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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I ended up at 2297 which was my all time high. I still have a lot to learn at this game as some of you fellas are awesome and really understand the plays/tactics, but I think I'm getting there. I'm getting more comfortable with lucio and he's a decent pick on a lot of the maps, but I need to learn a couple of others better. Really enjoyed playing this with you guys, it's such a good feeling when you win a tough game 😊💪

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I've been exclusively playing Mei  in the off season.  Apart from trolling rich with the ice wall (much fun) I've been having a blast,  from delaying the enemy to wrecking genji (God how I love to freeze Genji).  Got a good number of POGs too.  Serious contender for next season, and opens up Soldier for regular play too. 


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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I think it is more our tactics that let us down rather than team comp.  However always good to be able to play a selection of characters.  I need to get some practice in with DPS characters as I have been playing tanks too much recently.

A Reinhardt is an insta-pick for payload maps but I think going forward I might start using tracer again on the capture the point maps.  Nothing more fun than jumping around in an enemies back line picking off healers and tying up 2 or 3 players as they try to kill you :D



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2 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

A good tracer can make a team fall to pieces.  I've been against a few teams with that little cockney weasel shit bag wrecking us. ;)

I suppose it is only fair that I annoy the opposing team as much as I annoy you lot :D

It has been a while since I played Tracer properly though so will have to have a few quick play games with her before the season starts.


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